2 research outputs found

    In vitro growth-inhibitory activity of Calophyllum inophyllum ethanol leaf extract against diarrhoea-causing bacteria

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    Purpose: To investigate the in vitro growth-inhibitory effect of Calophyllum inophyllum, a medicinal plant traditionally used to cure gastrointestinal disorders caused by diarrhoea-causing bacteria.Methods: The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of C. inophyllum ethanol leaf extract was determined against six diarrhoea-causing bacteria, namely, Clostridium difficile infant, Clostridium perfringens, Enterococcus faecalis, Escherichia coli, Listeria monocytogenes, and Salmonella enterica. The effect of the plant extract on bacterial growth kinetics was further evaluated by slightly modified broth microdilution method.Results: The plant extract showed significant inhibitory activity against C. perfringens and L. monocytogenes (MIC = 128 μg/mL) followed by C. difficile (MIC = 512 μg/mL). Monitored growth curves also showed that the plant extract at ½ MIC inhibits bacterial growth by distinct extension of the lag phase or suppression of the whole growth rate in C. difficile and L. monocytogenes, respectively.Conclusion: These results demonstrate the significant anti-clostridial and anti-listerial activities of C. inophyllum ethanol leaf extract. Thus, the extract seems to be a promising material for the development of new antibacterial agents.Keywords: Calophyllum inophyllum, Alexandrian laurel, Intestinal infections, Antibacterial activity, Anticlostridial, Anti-listeria

    Atividade larvicida de metabólitos secundários de plantas provenientes do bioma cerrado tocantinense com efeito em culicídios

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    The Cerrado is considered an important Brazilian biome and covers a large part of the State of Tocantins with forest areas that can provide a great diversity of organic compounds to be explored. Secondary plant metabolics have photochemical importance, producing essential oils, crude oil, resins or plant compounds known as metabolic from their plant structures. The extracts used in the analyzes were collected from plants originating in the city of Gurupi in the southern region of Tocantins. The objective of this work was to select among plant species; Annona glabra L, Anacardium occidentale L., Anacardium humile St Hill, Calophyllum brasiliense Cambess, Copaifera reticulata Ducke, Pterodon emarginatus Vogel and Swinglea glutinosa Merr. the one with the best yield and the best lethal concentration LC50 and LC90 of essential oils and crude oil as well as its molecular composition using gas chromatography analysis coupled with mass spectrometry (GCMS). The oil was obtained by clevenger-type steam drag extraction, hydraulic pressing, organic solvent extraction and core drilling. For mortality tests using the extracts, 3rd instar larvae of the Aedes aegypti mosquito were used at different concentrations diluted in Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO). Data analysis was performed by linear regression that determined the LC50 and LC90 mortality values and the extraction yields. The best yields were verified using Anacardium occidentale 20.01%, Anacardium humile 19.8% using the brown with organic solvent. The oils with the greatest larvicidal potential were Anacardium humile with LC50 10.81 ppm and LC90 14.16 ppm, followed by Anacardium occidentale LC50 12.08 ppm and LC90 17.84 ppm. The elements identified in the use of CGMS were anacardic acids, cardols, cardanols, palmitic acid, oleic acid, vacenic acid and tridecanoic acid. The major elements found in Anacardium humile were 3-((4,7)- Heptadeca-4,7-dien-1-yl) phenol with 66.93% content, followed by the second 9-Octadecenoic acid with the content of 16, 11%. For Anacardium occidental, the major elements were Phenol with 58.10% followed by (Z)-5-(Pentadec-8-en-1-yl) benzene-1,3-diol 22.92%. The results show lethal activity in the use of all oils at their maximum concentration, the metabolite of Anacardium humile being the one with the best yield and lethal concentration. The results were important to identify that the yields of native species from the Cerrado region of Tocantins have productive potential for crude extract and active metabolic oils as larvicide to be explored in the control of mosquito larvae.O Cerrado é considerado um importante bioma brasileiro e cobre grande parte do estado do Tocantins com áreas florestais que podem proporcionar uma grande diversidade de compostos orgânicos a serem explorados. Os compostos secundários de plantas possuem importância fitoquímica, produzindo a partir de suas estruturas vegetais óleo essencial, óleo bruto, resinas ou compostos vegetais conhecidos como metabólicos. Os extratos utilizados nas análises foram coletados de plantas originárias da cidade de Gurupi na região sul do Tocantins. O objetivo deste trabalho foi selecionar dentre as espécies vegetais; Annona glabra L, Anacardium occidentale L., Anacardium humile St Hill, Calophyllum brasiliense Cambess, Copaifera reticulata Ducke, Pterodon emarginatus Vogel e Swinglea glutinosa Merr. aquela com o melhor rendimento e a melhor concentração letal LC50 e LC90 de óleos essenciais e óleo bruto bem como avaliar sua composição molecular utilizando a análise de cromatografia gasosa acoplada à espectrometria de massas (GCMS). Os óleos foram obtidos pela extração por arraste a vapor tipo clevenger, prensagem hidráulica, extração por solvente orgânico e perfuração no cerne. Para os bioensaios de mortalidade com utilização dos extratos foram utilizadas larvas de terceiro estádio do mosquito Aedes aegypti em diferentes concentrações diluído em Dimetilsulfoxido (DMSO). A análise dos dados foi realizada pela regressão linear que determinou os valores de mortalidade LC50 e LC90 bem como os rendimentos de extração. Os melhores rendimentos foram verificados utilizando Anacardium occidentale (20,01%), Anacardium humile (19,8%) utilizando a castanha com solvente orgânico. Os óleos com maior potencial larvicida foram Anacardium humile (LC50 10,81 ppm e LC90 14,16 ppm), seguido de Anacardium occidentale (LC50 12,08 ppm e LC90 17,84 ppm). Os elementos identificados na utilização do CGMS foram ácidos anacárdico, cardóis, cardanois, acido palmítico, ácido oleico, ácido vacênico e ácido tridecanóicio. Os elementos majoritários encontrados no Anacardium humile foram 3-((4,7) - Heptadeca-4,7-dien-1-yl) phenol com teor 66,93%, seguidos do segundo Ácido 9-Octadecenóico com o o teor de 16,11%. Para o Anacardium occidental, os elementos majoritários foram Fenol com 58,1% seguido por (Z) -5-(Pentadec-8-en-1-yl) benzene-1,3-diol 22,92%. Os resultados mostram atividade para letalidade na utilização de todos os óleos em sua concentração máxima, sendo o que apresentou o melhor rendimento e concentração letal foi o metábolito de Anacardium humile. Os resultados foram importantes para identificar melhor rendimento para as espécies nativas do cerrado tocantinense com potencial produtivo de óleos, extrato bruto e metabólicos ativos como larvicida a serem explorados no controle de larvas de mosquitos