88,289 research outputs found

    Evolving temporal association rules with genetic algorithms

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    A novel framework for mining temporal association rules by discovering itemsets with a genetic algorithm is introduced. Metaheuristics have been applied to association rule mining, we show the efficacy of extending this to another variant - temporal association rule mining. Our framework is an enhancement to existing temporal association rule mining methods as it employs a genetic algorithm to simultaneously search the rule space and temporal space. A methodology for validating the ability of the proposed framework isolates target temporal itemsets in synthetic datasets. The Iterative Rule Learning method successfully discovers these targets in datasets with varying levels of difficulty

    Knowledge data discovery and data mining in a design environment

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    Designers, in the process of satisfying design requirements, generally encounter difficulties in, firstly, understanding the problem and secondly, finding a solution [Cross 1998]. Often the process of understanding the problem and developing a feasible solution are developed simultaneously by proposing a solution to gauge the extent to which the solution satisfies the specific requirements. Support for future design activities has long been recognised to exist in the form of past design cases, however the varying degrees of similarity and dissimilarity found between previous and current design requirements and solutions has restrained the effectiveness of utilising past design solutions. The knowledge embedded within past designs provides a source of experience with the potential to be utilised in future developments provided that the ability to structure and manipulate that knowledgecan be made a reality. The importance of providing the ability to manipulate past design knowledge, allows the ranging viewpoints experienced by a designer, during a design process, to be reflected and supported. Data Mining systems are gaining acceptance in several domains but to date remain largely unrecognised in terms of the potential to support design activities. It is the focus of this paper to introduce the functionality possessed within the realm of Data Mining tools, and to evaluate the level of support that may be achieved in manipulating and utilising experiential knowledge to satisfy designers' ranging perspectives throughout a product's development

    A Fuzzy Association Rule Mining Expert-Driven (FARME-D) approach to Knowledge Acquisition

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    Fuzzy Association Rule Mining Expert-Driven (FARME-D) approach to knowledge acquisition is proposed in this paper as a viable solution to the challenges of rule-based unwieldiness and sharp boundary problem in building a fuzzy rule-based expert system. The fuzzy models were based on domain experts’ opinion about the data description. The proposed approach is committed to modelling of a compact Fuzzy Rule-Based Expert Systems. It is also aimed at providing a platform for instant update of the knowledge-base in case new knowledge is discovered. The insight to the new approach strategies and underlining assumptions, the structure of FARME-D and its practical application in medical domain was discussed. Also, the modalities for the validation of the FARME-D approach were discussed

    Class Association Rules Mining based Rough Set Method

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    This paper investigates the mining of class association rules with rough set approach. In data mining, an association occurs between two set of elements when one element set happen together with another. A class association rule set (CARs) is a subset of association rules with classes specified as their consequences. We present an efficient algorithm for mining the finest class rule set inspired form Apriori algorithm, where the support and confidence are computed based on the elementary set of lower approximation included in the property of rough set theory. Our proposed approach has been shown very effective, where the rough set approach for class association discovery is much simpler than the classic association method.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    QCBA: Postoptimization of Quantitative Attributes in Classifiers based on Association Rules

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    The need to prediscretize numeric attributes before they can be used in association rule learning is a source of inefficiencies in the resulting classifier. This paper describes several new rule tuning steps aiming to recover information lost in the discretization of numeric (quantitative) attributes, and a new rule pruning strategy, which further reduces the size of the classification models. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods on postoptimization of models generated by three state-of-the-art association rule classification algorithms: Classification based on Associations (Liu, 1998), Interpretable Decision Sets (Lakkaraju et al, 2016), and Scalable Bayesian Rule Lists (Yang, 2017). Benchmarks on 22 datasets from the UCI repository show that the postoptimized models are consistently smaller -- typically by about 50% -- and have better classification performance on most datasets