17 research outputs found

    Treebank-based acquisition of a Chinese lexical-functional grammar

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    Scaling wide-coverage, constraint-based grammars such as Lexical-Functional Grammars (LFG) (Kaplan and Bresnan, 1982; Bresnan, 2001) or Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammars (HPSG) (Pollard and Sag, 1994) from fragments to naturally occurring unrestricted text is knowledge-intensive, time-consuming and (often prohibitively) expensive. A number of researchers have recently presented methods to automatically acquire wide-coverage, probabilistic constraint-based grammatical resources from treebanks (Cahill et al., 2002, Cahill et al., 2003; Cahill et al., 2004; Miyao et al., 2003; Miyao et al., 2004; Hockenmaier and Steedman, 2002; Hockenmaier, 2003), addressing the knowledge acquisition bottleneck in constraint-based grammar development. Research to date has concentrated on English and German. In this paper we report on an experiment to induce wide-coverage, probabilistic LFG grammatical and lexical resources for Chinese from the Penn Chinese Treebank (CTB) (Xue et al., 2002) based on an automatic f-structure annotation algorithm. Currently 96.751% of the CTB trees receive a single, covering and connected f-structure, 0.112% do not receive an f-structure due to feature clashes, while 3.137% are associated with multiple f-structure fragments. From the f-structure-annotated CTB we extract a total of 12975 lexical entries with 20 distinct subcategorisation frame types. Of these 3436 are verbal entries with a total of 11 different frame types. We extract a number of PCFG-based LFG approximations. Currently our best automatically induced grammars achieve an f-score of 81.57% against the trees in unseen articles 301-325; 86.06% f-score (all grammatical functions) and 73.98% (preds-only) against the dependencies derived from the f-structures automatically generated for the original trees in 301-325 and 82.79% (all grammatical functions) and 67.74% (preds-only) against the dependencies derived from the manually annotated gold-standard f-structures for 50 trees randomly selected from articles 301-325

    Treebank-Based Acquisition of a Chinese Lexical-Functional Grammar

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    Scaling wide-coverage, constraint-based grammars such as Lexical-Functional Grammars (LFG) (Kaplan and Bresnan, 1982; Bresnan, 2001) or Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammars (HPSG) (Pollard and Sag, 1994) from fragments to naturally occurring unrestricted text is knowledge-intensive, time-consuming and (often prohibitively) expensive. A number of researchers have recently presented methods to automatically acquire wide-coverage, probabilistic constraint-based grammatical resources from treebanks (Cahill et al., 2002, Cahill et al., 2003; Cahill et al., 2004; Miyao et al., 2003; Miyao et al., 2004; Hockenmaier and Steedman, 2002; Hockenmaier, 2003), addressing the knowledge acquisition bottleneck in constraint-based grammar development. Research to date has concentrated on English and German. In this paper we report on an experiment to induce wide-coverage, probabilistic LFG grammatical and lexical resources for Chinese from the Penn Chinese Treebank (CTB) (Xue et al., 2002) based on an automatic f-structure annotation algorithm. Currently 96.751% of the CTB trees receive a single, covering and connected f-structure, 0.112% do not receive an fstructure due to feature clashes, while 3.137% are associated with multiple f-structure fragments. From the f-structure-annotated CTB we extract a total of 12975 lexical entries with 20 distinct subcategorisation frame types. Of these 3436 are verbal entries with a total of 11 different frame types. We extract a number of PCFG-based LFG approximations. Currently our best automatically induced grammars achieve an f-score of 81.57% against the trees in unseen articles 301-325; 86.06% f-score (all grammatical functions) and 73.98% (preds-only) against the dependencies derived from the f-structures automatically generated for the original trees in 301-325 and 82.79% (all grammatical functions) and 67.74% (preds-only) against the dependencies derived from the manually annotated gold-standard f-structures for 50 trees randomly selected from articles 301-325

    DCU 250 Arabic dependency bank: an LFG gold standard resource for the Arabic Penn treebank

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    This paper describes the construction of a dependency bank gold standard for Arabic, DCU 250 Arabic Dependency Bank (DCU 250), based on the Arabic Penn Treebank Corpus (ATB) (Bies and Maamouri, 2003; Maamouri and Bies, 2004) within the theoretical framework of Lexical Functional Grammar (LFG). For parsing and automatically extracting grammatical and lexical resources from treebanks, it is necessary to evaluate against established gold standard resources. Gold standards for various languages have been developed, but to our knowledge, such a resource has not yet been constructed for Arabic. The construction of the DCU 250 marks the first step towards the creation of an automatic LFG f-structure annotation algorithm for the ATB, and for the extraction of Arabic grammatical and lexical resources

    Automatic treebank-based acquisition of Arabic LFG dependency structures

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    A number of papers have reported on methods for the automatic acquisition of large-scale, probabilistic LFG-based grammatical resources from treebanks for English (Cahill and al., 2002), (Cahill and al., 2004), German (Cahill and al., 2003), Chinese (Burke, 2004), (Guo and al., 2007), Spanish (Oā€™Donovan, 2004), (Chrupala and van Genabith, 2006) and French (Schluter and van Genabith, 2008). Here, we extend the LFG grammar acquisition approach to Arabic and the Penn Arabic Treebank (ATB) (Maamouri and Bies, 2004), adapting and extending the methodology of (Cahill and al., 2004) originally developed for English. Arabic is challenging because of its morphological richness and syntactic complexity. Currently 98% of ATB trees (without FRAG and X) produce a covering and connected f-structure. We conduct a qualitative evaluation of our annotation against a gold standard and achieve an f-score of 95%

    Using machine-learning to assign function labels to parser output for Spanish

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    Data-driven grammatical function tag assignment has been studied for English using the Penn-II Treebank data. In this paper we address the question of whether such methods can be applied successfully to other languages and treebank resources. In addition to tag assignment accuracy and f-scores we also present results of a task-based evaluation. We use three machine-learning methods to assign Cast3LB function tags to sentences parsed with Bikelā€™s parser trained on the Cast3LB treebank. The best performing method, SVM, achieves an f-score of 86.87% on gold-standard trees and 66.67% on parser output - a statistically significant improvement of 6.74% over the baseline. In a task-based evaluation we generate LFG functional-structures from the function tag-enriched trees. On this task we achive an f-score of 75.67%, a statistically significant 3.4% improvement over the baseline

    Recovering non-local dependencies for Chinese

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    To date, work on Non-Local Dependencies (NLDs) has focused almost exclusively on English and it is an open research question how well these approaches migrate to other languages. This paper surveys non-local dependency constructions in Chinese as represented in the Penn Chinese Treebank (CTB) and provides an approach for generating proper predicate-argument-modifier structures including NLDs from surface contextfree phrase structure trees. Our approach recovers non-local dependencies at the level of Lexical-Functional Grammar f-structures, using automatically acquired subcategorisation frames and f-structure paths linking antecedents and traces in NLDs. Currently our algorithm achieves 92.2% f-score for trace insertion and 84.3% for antecedent recovery evaluating on gold-standard CTB trees, and 64.7% and 54.7%, respectively, on CTBtrained state-of-the-art parser output trees

    Treebank-based acquisition of LFG resources for Chinese

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    This paper presents a method to automatically acquire wide-coverage, robust, probabilistic Lexical-Functional Grammar resources for Chinese from the Penn Chinese Treebank (CTB). Our starting point is the earlier, proofof- concept work of (Burke et al., 2004) on automatic f-structure annotation, LFG grammar acquisition and parsing for Chinese using the CTB version 2 (CTB2). We substantially extend and improve on this earlier research as regards coverage, robustness, quality and fine-grainedness of the resulting LFG resources. We achieve this through (i) improved LFG analyses for a number of core Chinese phenomena; (ii) a new automatic f-structure annotation architecture which involves an intermediate dependency representation; (iii) scaling the approach from 4.1K trees in CTB2 to 18.8K trees in CTB version 5.1 (CTB5.1) and (iv) developing a novel treebank-based approach to recovering non-local dependencies (NLDs) for Chinese parser output. Against a new 200-sentence good standard of manually constructed f-structures, the method achieves 96.00% f-score for f-structures automatically generated for the original CTB trees and 80.01%for NLD-recovered f-structures generated for the trees output by Bikelā€™s parser

    Automatic acquisition of LFG resources for German - as good as it gets

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    We present data-driven methods for the acquisition of LFG resources from two German treebanks. We discuss problems specific to semi-free word order languages as well as problems arising fromthe data structures determined by the design of the different treebanks. We compare two ways of encoding semi-free word order, as done in the two German treebanks, and argue that the design of the TiGer treebank is more adequate for the acquisition of LFG resources. Furthermore, we describe an architecture for LFG grammar acquisition for German, based on the two German treebanks, and compare our results with a hand-crafted German LFG grammar

    Automatic Acquisition of Lexical-Functional Grammar Resources from a Japanese Dependency Corpus

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    PACLIC 21 / Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea / November 1-3, 200

    Treebank-Based Deep Grammar Acquisition for French Probabilistic Parsing Resources

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    Motivated by the expense in time and other resources to produce hand-crafted grammars, there has been increased interest in wide-coverage grammars automatically obtained from treebanks. In particular, recent years have seen a move towards acquiring deep (LFG, HPSG and CCG) resources that can represent information absent from simple CFG-type structured treebanks and which are considered to produce more language-neutral linguistic representations, such as syntactic dependency trees. As is often the case in early pioneering work in natural language processing, English has been the focus of attention in the first efforts towards acquiring treebank-based deep-grammar resources, followed by treatments of, for example, German, Japanese, Chinese and Spanish. However, to date no comparable large-scale automatically acquired deep-grammar resources have been obtained for French. The goal of the research presented in this thesis is to develop, implement, and evaluate treebank-based deep-grammar acquisition techniques for French. Along the way towards achieving this goal, this thesis presents the derivation of a new treebank for French from the Paris 7 Treebank, the Modified French Treebank, a cleaner, more coherent treebank with several transformed structures and new linguistic analyses. Statistical parsers trained on this data outperform those trained on the original Paris 7 Treebank, which has five times the amount of data. The Modified French Treebank is the data source used for the development of treebank-based automatic deep-grammar acquisition for LFG parsing resources for French, based on an f-structure annotation algorithm for this treebank. LFG CFG-based parsing architectures are then extended and tested, achieving a competitive best f-score of 86.73% for all features. The CFG-based parsing architectures are then complemented with an alternative dependency-based statistical parsing approach, obviating the CFG-based parsing step, and instead directly parsing strings into f-structures