27 research outputs found

    Tree transducers, L systems, and two-way machines

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    A relationship between parallel rewriting systems and two-way machines is investigated. Restrictions on the “copying power” of these devices endow them with rich structuring and give insight into the issues of determinism, parallelism, and copying. Among the parallel rewriting systems considered are the top-down tree transducer; the generalized syntax-directed translation scheme and the ETOL system, and among the two-way machines are the tree-walking automaton, the two-way finite-state transducer, and (generalizations of) the one-way checking stack automaton. The. relationship of these devices to macro grammars is also considered. An effort is made .to provide a systematic survey of a number of existing results

    The copying power of one-state tree transducers

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    One-state deterministic top-down tree transducers (or, tree homomorphisms) cannot handle "prime copying," i.e., their class of output (string) languages is not closed under the operation L → {(w(w)f(n) w ε L, f(n) ≥ 1}, where f is any integer function whose range contains numbers with arbitrarily large prime factors (such as a polynomial). The exact amount of nonclosure under these copying operations is established for several classes of input (tree) languages. These results are relevant to the extended definable (or, restricted parallel level) languages, to the syntax-directed translation of context-free languages, and to the tree transducer hierarchy.\ud \u

    A translational theorem for the class of EOL languages

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    If K is not a context-free language, then sh(K, a*) is not an EOL language (where sh(K1, K2) denotes the shuffle of the languages K1 and K2, and a is a symbol not in the alphabet of K). Hence the class of context-free languages is the largest full AFL inside the class of EOL languages

    Deciding Equivalence of Linear Tree-to-Word Transducers in Polynomial Time

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    We show that the equivalence of deterministic linear top-down tree-to-word transducers is decidable in polynomial time. Linear tree-to-word transducers are non-copying but not necessarily order-preserving and can be used to express XML and other document transformations. The result is based on a partial normal form that provides a basic characterization of the languages produced by linear tree-to-word transducers.Comment: short version of this paper will be published in the proceedings of the 20th Conference on Developments in Language Theory (DLT 2016), Montreal, Canad

    Theoretische Informatica

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    Deze notitie beschrijft in het kort wat theoretische informatica is en hoe dit door de groep Theoretische Invormatica van de Universiteit Twente wordt bedreven in onderwijs en onderzoek

    Automata with Nested Pebbles Capture First-Order Logic with Transitive Closure

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    String languages recognizable in (deterministic) log-space are characterized either by two-way (deterministic) multi-head automata, or following Immerman, by first-order logic with (deterministic) transitive closure. Here we elaborate this result, and match the number of heads to the arity of the transitive closure. More precisely, first-order logic with k-ary deterministic transitive closure has the same power as deterministic automata walking on their input with k heads, additionally using a finite set of nested pebbles. This result is valid for strings, ordered trees, and in general for families of graphs having a fixed automaton that can be used to traverse the nodes of each of the graphs in the family. Other examples of such families are grids, toruses, and rectangular mazes. For nondeterministic automata, the logic is restricted to positive occurrences of transitive closure. The special case of k=1 for trees, shows that single-head deterministic tree-walking automata with nested pebbles are characterized by first-order logic with unary deterministic transitive closure. This refines our earlier result that placed these automata between first-order and monadic second-order logic on trees.Comment: Paper for Logical Methods in Computer Science, 27 pages, 1 figur

    Three hierarchies of transducers

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    Composition of top-down tree transducers yields a proper hierarchy of transductions and of output languages. The same is true for ETOL systems (viewed as transducers) and for two-way generalized sequential machines

    Hierarchies of hyper-AFLs

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    For a full semi-AFL K, B(K) is defined as the family of languages generated by all K-extended basic macro grammars, while H(K) B(K) is the smallest full hyper-AFL containing K; a full basic-AFL is a full AFL K such that B(K) = K (hence every full basic-AFL is a full hyper-AFL). For any full semi-AFL K, K is a full basic-AFL if and only if B(K) is substitution closed if and only if H(K) is a full basic-AFL. If K is not a full basic-AFL, then the smallest full basic-AFL containing K is the union of an infinite hierarchy of full hyper-AFLs. If K is a full principal basic-AFL (such as INDEX, the family of indexed languages), then the largest full AFL properly contained in K is a full basic-AFL. There is a full basic-AFL lying properly in between the smallest full basic-AFL and the largest full basic-AFL in INDEX

    Tree automata and attribute grammars

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    The translational mechanism of attribute grammars using tree automata are investigated. The pushdown tree-to-string transducer with a certain synchronization facility as a model to realize transformations by attribute grammars is proposed and its basic properties using tree-walking finite state automata are studied. To demonstrate the utility of this model, it is shown that noncircular attribute grammars are equally powerful as arbitrary attribute grammars, and a method is provided to show that a certain type of transformations is impossible by attribute grammars