62,716 research outputs found

    Multiresolution vector quantization

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    Multiresolution source codes are data compression algorithms yielding embedded source descriptions. The decoder of a multiresolution code can build a source reproduction by decoding the embedded bit stream in part or in whole. All decoding procedures start at the beginning of the binary source description and decode some fraction of that string. Decoding a small portion of the binary string gives a low-resolution reproduction; decoding more yields a higher resolution reproduction; and so on. Multiresolution vector quantizers are block multiresolution source codes. This paper introduces algorithms for designing fixed- and variable-rate multiresolution vector quantizers. Experiments on synthetic data demonstrate performance close to the theoretical performance limit. Experiments on natural images demonstrate performance improvements of up to 8 dB over tree-structured vector quantizers. Some of the lessons learned through multiresolution vector quantizer design lend insight into the design of more sophisticated multiresolution codes

    Optimal modeling for complex system design

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    The article begins with a brief introduction to the theory describing optimal data compression systems and their performance. A brief outline is then given of a representative algorithm that employs these lessons for optimal data compression system design. The implications of rate-distortion theory for practical data compression system design is then described, followed by a description of the tensions between theoretical optimality and system practicality and a discussion of common tools used in current algorithms to resolve these tensions. Next, the generalization of rate-distortion principles to the design of optimal collections of models is presented. The discussion focuses initially on data compression systems, but later widens to describe how rate-distortion theory principles generalize to model design for a wide variety of modeling applications. The article ends with a discussion of the performance benefits to be achieved using the multiple-model design algorithms

    Multi-resolution VQ: parameter meaning and choice

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    In multi-resolution source coding, a single code is used to give an embedded data description that may be decoded at a variety of rates. Recent work in practical multi-resolution coding treats the optimal design of fixed- and variable-rate tree-structured vector quantizers for multi-resolution coding. In that work the codes are optimized for a designer-specified priority schedule over the system rates, distortions, or slopes. The method relies on a collection of parameters, which may be difficult to choose. This paper explores the meaning and choice of the multi-resolution source coding parameters

    Sparse Modeling for Image and Vision Processing

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    In recent years, a large amount of multi-disciplinary research has been conducted on sparse models and their applications. In statistics and machine learning, the sparsity principle is used to perform model selection---that is, automatically selecting a simple model among a large collection of them. In signal processing, sparse coding consists of representing data with linear combinations of a few dictionary elements. Subsequently, the corresponding tools have been widely adopted by several scientific communities such as neuroscience, bioinformatics, or computer vision. The goal of this monograph is to offer a self-contained view of sparse modeling for visual recognition and image processing. More specifically, we focus on applications where the dictionary is learned and adapted to data, yielding a compact representation that has been successful in various contexts.Comment: 205 pages, to appear in Foundations and Trends in Computer Graphics and Visio

    Vector quantization

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    During the past ten years Vector Quantization (VQ) has developed from a theoretical possibility promised by Shannon's source coding theorems into a powerful and competitive technique for speech and image coding and compression at medium to low bit rates. In this survey, the basic ideas behind the design of vector quantizers are sketched and some comments made on the state-of-the-art and current research efforts

    A Novel Stochastic Decoding of LDPC Codes with Quantitative Guarantees

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    Low-density parity-check codes, a class of capacity-approaching linear codes, are particularly recognized for their efficient decoding scheme. The decoding scheme, known as the sum-product, is an iterative algorithm consisting of passing messages between variable and check nodes of the factor graph. The sum-product algorithm is fully parallelizable, owing to the fact that all messages can be update concurrently. However, since it requires extensive number of highly interconnected wires, the fully-parallel implementation of the sum-product on chips is exceedingly challenging. Stochastic decoding algorithms, which exchange binary messages, are of great interest for mitigating this challenge and have been the focus of extensive research over the past decade. They significantly reduce the required wiring and computational complexity of the message-passing algorithm. Even though stochastic decoders have been shown extremely effective in practice, the theoretical aspect and understanding of such algorithms remains limited at large. Our main objective in this paper is to address this issue. We first propose a novel algorithm referred to as the Markov based stochastic decoding. Then, we provide concrete quantitative guarantees on its performance for tree-structured as well as general factor graphs. More specifically, we provide upper-bounds on the first and second moments of the error, illustrating that the proposed algorithm is an asymptotically consistent estimate of the sum-product algorithm. We also validate our theoretical predictions with experimental results, showing we achieve comparable performance to other practical stochastic decoders.Comment: This paper has been submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory on May 24th 201

    On joint detection and decoding of linear block codes on Gaussian vector channels

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    Optimal receivers recovering signals transmitted across noisy communication channels employ a maximum-likelihood (ML) criterion to minimize the probability of error. The problem of finding the most likely transmitted symbol is often equivalent to finding the closest lattice point to a given point and is known to be NP-hard. In systems that employ error-correcting coding for data protection, the symbol space forms a sparse lattice, where the sparsity structure is determined by the code. In such systems, ML data recovery may be geometrically interpreted as a search for the closest point in the sparse lattice. In this paper, motivated by the idea of the "sphere decoding" algorithm of Fincke and Pohst, we propose an algorithm that finds the closest point in the sparse lattice to the given vector. This given vector is not arbitrary, but rather is an unknown sparse lattice point that has been perturbed by an additive noise vector whose statistical properties are known. The complexity of the proposed algorithm is thus a random variable. We study its expected value, averaged over the noise and over the lattice. For binary linear block codes, we find the expected complexity in closed form. Simulation results indicate significant performance gains over systems employing separate detection and decoding, yet are obtained at a complexity that is practically feasible over a wide range of system parameters
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