203 research outputs found

    Tree adjunct grammars

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    In this paper, a tree generating system called a tree adjunct grammar is described and its formal properties are studied relating them to the tree generating systems of Brainerd (Information and Control 14 (1969), 217–231) and Rounds (Mathematical Systems Theory 4 (1970), 257–287) and to the recognizable sets and local sets discussed by Thatcher (Journal of Computer and System Sciences 1 (1967), 317–322; 4 (1970), 339–367) and Rounds. Linguistic relevance of these systems has been briefly discussed also

    Lexicalization and Grammar Development

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    In this paper we present a fully lexicalized grammar formalism as a particularly attractive framework for the specification of natural language grammars. We discuss in detail Feature-based, Lexicalized Tree Adjoining Grammars (FB-LTAGs), a representative of the class of lexicalized grammars. We illustrate the advantages of lexicalized grammars in various contexts of natural language processing, ranging from wide-coverage grammar development to parsing and machine translation. We also present a method for compact and efficient representation of lexicalized trees.Comment: ps file. English w/ German abstract. 10 page

    Scrambling in german and the non-locality of local TDGs

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    Existing analyses of German scrambling phenomena within TAG-related formalisms all use non-local variants of TAG. However, there are good reasons to prefer local grammars, in particular with respect to the use of the derivation structure for semantics. Therefore this paper proposes to use local TDGs, a TAG-variant generating tree descriptions that shows a local derivation structure. However the construction of minimal trees for the derived tree descriptions is not subject to any locality constraint. This provides just the amount of non-locality needed for an adequate analysis of scrambling. To illustrate this a local TDG for some German scrambling data is presented

    Description Theory, LTAGs and Underspecified Semantics

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    An attractive way to model the relation between an underspecified syntactic representation and its completions is to let the underspecified representation correspond to a logical description and the completions to the models of that description. This approach, which underlies the Description Theory of (Marcus et al. 1983) has been integrated in (Vijay-Shanker 1992) with a pure unification approach to Lexicalized Tree-Adjoining Grammars (Joshi et al.\ 1975, Schabes 1990). We generalize Description Theory by integrating semantic information, that is, we propose to tackle both syntactic and semantic underspecification using descriptions

    Separating Dependency from Constituency in a Tree Rewriting System

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    In this paper we present a new tree-rewriting formalism called Link-Sharing Tree Adjoining Grammar (LSTAG) which is a variant of synchronous TAGs. Using LSTAG we define an approach towards coordination where linguistic dependency is distinguished from the notion of constituency. Such an approach towards coordination that explicitly distinguishes dependencies from constituency gives a better formal understanding of its representation when compared to previous approaches that use tree-rewriting systems which conflate the two issues.Comment: 7 pages, 6 Postscript figures, uses fullname.st

    A descriptive characterization of multicomponent tree adjoining grammars

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    Multicomponent Tree Adjoining Grammars (MCTAG) is a formalism that has been shown to be useful for many natural language applications. The definition of MCTAG however is problematic since it refers to the process of the derivation itself: a simultaneity constraint must be respected concerning the way the members of the elementary tree sets are added. Looking only at the result of a derivation (i.e., the derived tree and the derivation tree), this simultaneity is no longer visible and therefore cannot be checked. I.e., this way of characterizing MCTAG does not allow to abstract away from the concrete order of derivation. Therefore, in this paper, we propose an alternative definition of MCTAG that characterizes the trees in the tree language of an MCTAG via the properties of the derivation trees the MCTAG licences.Il a été montré que les Grammaires dArbres Adjoints Ensemblistes (Multicomponent Tree Adjoining Grammars, MCTAG) sont très utiles pour des applications TAL. Pourtant, la définition des MCTAG est problématique parce quelle fait référence au procès de dérivation même : une contrainte de simultanéité est imposée concernant la façon dont on ajoute les membres dun même ensemble darbres. En regardant uniquement le résultat d’une dérivation, cest-à-dire larbre dérivé et larbre de dérivation, cette simultanéité nest plus visible. Par conséquent pour vérifier la contrainte de simultanéité, il faut toujours considérer lordre concret des pas de la dérivation. Afin déviter cela, nous proposons une caractérisation alternative de MCTAG qui permet une abstraction de lordre de dérivation : Les arbres générés par la grammaire sont caractérisés par les propriétés de leurs arbres de dérivation


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    Korean to English Translation Using Synchronous TAGs

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    It is often argued that accurate machine translation requires reference to contextual knowledge for the correct treatment of linguistic phenomena such as dropped arguments and accurate lexical selection. One of the historical arguments in favor of the interlingua approach has been that, since it revolves around a deep semantic representation, it is better able to handle the types of linguistic phenomena that are seen as requiring a knowledge-based approach. In this paper we present an alternative approach, exemplified by a prototype system for machine translation of English and Korean which is implemented in Synchronous TAGs. This approach is essentially transfer based, and uses semantic feature unification for accurate lexical selection of polysemous verbs. The same semantic features, when combined with a discourse model which stores previously mentioned entities, can also be used for the recovery of topicalized arguments. In this paper we concentrate on the translation of Korean to English.Comment: ps file. 8 page