9 research outputs found

    On the number of transversals in random trees

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    We study transversals in random trees with n vertices asymptotically as n tends to infinity. Our investigation treats the average number of transversals of fixed size, the size of a random transversal as well as the probability that a random subset of the vertex set of a tree is a transversal for the class of simply generated trees and for Pólya trees. The last parameter was already studied by Devroye for simply generated trees. We offer an alternative proof based on generating functions and singularity analysis and extend the result to Pólya trees

    How to Defend a Network?

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    Modern economies rely heavily on their infrastructure networks. These networks face threats ranging from natural disasters to human attacks. As networks are pervasive, the investments needed to protect them are very large; this motivates the study of targeted defence. What are the ���key�� nodes to defend to maximize functionality of the network? What are the incentives of individual nodes to protect themselves in a networked environment and how do these incentives correspond to collective welfare? We provide a characterization of equilibrium attack and defence in terms of two classical concepts in graph theory ��� separators and transversals. We study the welfare costs of decentralized defence. We apply our results to the defence of the US Airport Network and the London Underground

    How do you defend a network?

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    Copyright © 2017 The Authors. Modern economies rely heavily on their infrastructure networks. These networks face threats ranging from natural disasters to human attacks. As networks are pervasive, the investments needed to protect them are very large; this motivates the study of targeted defense. What are the “key” nodes to defend to maximize functionality of the network? What are the incentives of individual nodes to protect themselves in a networked environment and how do these incentives correspond to collective welfare?. We first provide a characterization of optimal attack and defense in terms of two classical concepts in graph theory: separators and transversals. This characterization permits a systematic study of the intensity of conflict (the resources spent on attack and defense) and helps us identify a new class of networks—windmill graphs—that minimize conflict. We then study security choices by individual nodes. Our analysis identifies the externalities and shows that the welfare costs of decentralized defense in networks can be very large.Both authors thank the European Research Area Complexity Net for financial support. Marcin Dziubi ́nskiwas supported by the Strategic Resilience of Networks project realized within the Homing Plus program ofthe Foundation for Polish Science and was co-financed by the European Union from the Regional Devel-opment Fund within Operational Programme Innovative Economy (grants for innovation). Sanjeev Goyalacknowledges financial support from a Keynes Fellowship and the Cambridge INET Institute

    Transversals in trees

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    A transversal in a rooted tree is any set of nodes that meets every path from the root to a leaf. We let c(T,k) denote the number oftransversals of size k in a rooted tree T.We define a partial order on the set of all rooted trees with n nodes by saying that a tree T succeeds a tree T. if c(T,k) is at least c(T,k) for all k and strictly greater than c(T,k) for at leastone k. We prove that, for every choice of positive integers d and n, the set of all rooted trees on n nodes where each node has atmost d children has aunique minimal element with respect to this partial order and we describethis tree. In addition, we determine asymptotically the expected values of c(T,k) in special families of trees. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.SCOPUS: ar.jFLWINinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe