15,974 research outputs found

    Transparent Persistence with Java Data Objects

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    Flexible and performant Persistency Service is a necessary component of any HEP Software Framework. The building of a modular, non-intrusive and performant persistency component have been shown to be very difficult task. In the past, it was very often necessary to sacrifice modularity to achieve acceptable performance. This resulted in the strong dependency of the overall Frameworks on their Persistency subsystems. Recent development in software technology has made possible to build a Persistency Service which can be transparently used from other Frameworks. Such Service doesn't force a strong architectural constraints on the overall Framework Architecture, while satisfying high performance requirements. Java Data Object standard (JDO) has been already implemented for almost all major databases. It provides truly transparent persistency for any Java object (both internal and external). Objects in other languages can be handled via transparent proxies. Being only a thin layer on top of a used database, JDO doesn't introduce any significant performance degradation. Also Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) makes possible to treat persistency as an orthogonal Aspect of the Application Framework, without polluting it with persistence-specific concepts. All these techniques have been developed primarily (or only) for the Java environment. It is, however, possible to interface them transparently to Frameworks built in other languages, like for example C++. Fully functional prototypes of flexible and non-intrusive persistency modules have been build for several other packages, as for example FreeHEP AIDA and LCG Pool AttributeSet (package Indicium).Comment: Talk from the 2003 Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP03), La Jolla, Ca, USA, March 2003. PSN TUKT00

    An Object-Oriented Language-Database Integration Model: The Composition-Filters Approach

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    This paper introduces a new model, based on so-called object-composition filters, that uniformly integrates database-like features into an object-oriented language. The focus is on providing persistent dynamic data structures, data sharing, transactions, multiple views and associative access, integrated with the object-oriented paradigm. The main contribution is that the database-like features are part of this new object-oriented model, and therefore, are uniformly integrated with object-oriented features such as data abstraction, encapsulation, message passing and inheritance. This approach eliminates the problems associated with existing systems such as lack of reusability and extensibility for database operations, the violation of encapsulation, the need to define specific types such as sets, and the incapability to support multiple views. The model is illustrated through the object-oriented language Sina

    Kernel arquitecture for CAD/CAM in shipbuilding enviroments

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    The capabilities of complex software products such as CAD/CAM systems are strongly supported by basic information technologies related with data management, visualization, communication, geometry modeling and others related with the development process. These basic information technologies are involved in a continuous evolution process, but over recent years this evolution has been dramatic. The main reason for this has been that new hardware capabilities (including graphic cards) are available at very low cost, but also a contributing factor has been the evolution of the prices of basic software. To take advantage of these new features, the existing CAD/CAM systems must undergo a complete and drastic redesign. This process is complicated but strategic for the future evolution of a system. There are several examples in the market of how a bad decision has lead to a cul-de-sac (both technically and commercially). This paper describes what the authors consider are the basic architectural components of a kernel for a CAD/CAM system oriented to shipbuilding. The proposed solution is a combination of in-house developed frameworks together with commercial products that are accepted as standard components. The proportion of in-house frameworks within this combination of products is a key factor, especially when considering CAD/CAM systems oriented to shipbuilding. General-purpose CAD/CAM systems are mainly oriented to the mechanical CAD market. For this reason several basic products exist devoted to geometry modelling in this context. But these basic products are not well suited to deal with the very specific geometry modelling requirements of a CAD/CAM system oriented to shipbuilding. The complexity of the ship model, the different model requirements through its short and changing life cycle and the many different disciplines involved in the process are reasons for this inadequacy. Apart from these basic frameworks, specific shipbuilding frameworks are also required. This second layer is built over the basic technology components mentioned above. This paper describes in detail the technological frameworks which have been used to develop the latest FORAN version.Postprint (published version

    The POOL Data Storage, Cache and Conversion Mechanism

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    The POOL data storage mechanism is intended to satisfy the needs of the LHC experiments to store and analyze the data from the detector response of particle collisions at the LHC proton-proton collider. Both the data rate and the data volumes will largely differ from the past experience. The POOL data storage mechanism is intended to be able to cope with the experiment's requirements applying a flexible multi technology data persistency mechanism. The developed technology independent approach is flexible enough to adopt new technologies, take advantage of existing schema evolution mechanisms and allows users to access data in a technology independent way. The framework consists of several components, which can be individually adopted and integrated into existing experiment frameworks.Comment: Talk from the 2003 Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP03), La Jolla, Ca, USA, March 2003, 5 pages, PDF, 6 figures. PSN MOKT00

    Towards a flexible and transparent database evolution

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    Applications refactorings that imply the schema evolution are common activities in programming practices. Although modern object-oriented databases provide transparent schema evolution mechanisms, those refactorings continue to be time consuming tasks for programmers. In this paper we address this problem with a novel approach based on aspect-oriented programming and orthogonal persistence paradigms, as well as our meta-model. An overview of our framework is presented. This framework, a prototype based on that approach, provides applications with aspects of persistence and database evolution. It also provides a new pointcut/advice language that enables the modularization of the instance adaptation crosscutting concern of classes, which were subject to a schema evolution. We also present an application that relies on our framework. This application was developed without any concern regarding persistence and database evolution. However, its data is recovered in each execution, as well as objects, in previous schema versions, remain available, transparently, by means of our framework

    Database evolution on an orthogonal persistent programming system: A semi-transparent approach

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    In this paper the problem of the evolution of an object-oriented database in the context of orthogonal persistent programming systems is addressed. We have observed two characteristics in that type of systems that offer particular conditions to implement the evolution in a semi-transparent fashion. That transparency can further be enhanced with the obliviousness provided by the Aspect-Oriented Programming techniques. Was conceived a meta-model and developed a prototype to test the feasibility of our approach. The system allows programs, written to a schema, access semi-transparently to data in other versions of the schema

    The LCG POOL Project, General Overview and Project Structure

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    The POOL project has been created to implement a common persistency framework for the LHC Computing Grid (LCG) application area. POOL is tasked to store experiment data and meta data in the multi Petabyte area in a distributed and grid enabled way. First production use of new framework is expected for summer 2003. The project follows a hybrid approach combining C++ Object streaming technology such as ROOT I/O for the bulk data with a transactionally safe relational database (RDBMS) store such as MySQL. POOL is based a strict component approach - as laid down in the LCG persistency and blue print RTAG documents - providing navigational access to distributed data without exposing details of the particular storage technology. This contribution describes the project breakdown into work packages, the high level interaction between the main pool components and summarizes current status and plans.Comment: Talk from the 2003 Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP03), La Jolla, Ca, USA, March 2003, 5 pages. PSN MOKT00