2 research outputs found

    Use of technology as a tool for learning the blind and low vision students

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    Jedan od velikih problema studenata oštećena vida tijekom studija bio je pristup obrazovnim materijalima kao što su knjige i nastavni materijali. Situacija se znatno poboljšala posljednih godina, budući da su materijali sve više dostupni u elektroničkom obliku, što studentima oštećena vida omogućuje pristup pisanom sadržaju s pomoćnim tehnologijama kao što su računalo s čitačem zaslona ili Braillev redak. Osim pristupa pisanom sadržaju studenti oštećena vida uz pomoć tehnologije mogu kreirati vlastite sadržaje i aktivnije sudjelovati u obrazovnim aktivnostima. Iako im je tehnologija od velike pomoći, nailaze na različite teškoće ili izazove za vrijeme studija. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio utvrditi koji elektronski alati olakšavaju proces učenja slijepim i slabovidnim studentima u suočavanju s izazovima koji se javljaju tijekom studija. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od deset studenata oštećena vida na Zagrebačkom Sveučilištu. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da većinu svojih zadataka slijepi i slabovidni studenti obavljaju pomoću računala s čitačem ekrana. Ispitanici korisnim smatraju upotrebu računalnih programa (Word, PDF, PowerPoint), E-učenje i internet.One of the greatest problems of visually impaired students at college is the access to the educational materials such as books or teaching materials. However, during the last few years, a tremendous improvement occured that made materials available in electronic form. Because of that, students with visual impairments could access the written information with the help of assistive technologies like screen readers or Braille display. Except the access to written information, technology enables students to create their own contents and be activly included in all of the educational activities. Inspite of all the benefits of technology, students still encounter some difficulties and challenges through the college. The aim of this study was to determine the electronic tools that ease the process of studying so that visually impaired students are able to face the challenges during the college time. Study included the sample of 10 visually impaired students on University of Zagreb. The results indicate that the majority of their tasks, blind and partially sighted students performed with the help of a computer with a screen reader. Students agree that the use of computer programs (Word, PDF, PowerPoint), e-learning and internet are useful

    Students with vision impairments in the UAE higher education system

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    Students with vision impairments are facing significant challenges accessing the physical, educational and social environments in the UAE higher education system. This thesis highlighted this main barriers, and provided useful recommendations to universities in the UAE to improve their support services to individuals with vision impairments