5 research outputs found

    Traducci贸 autom脿tica de la parla : creaci贸 i avaluaci贸 de sis motors de TAE

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    La traducci贸 autom脿tica (TA) ha millorat notablement aquests darrers anys. No obstant aix貌, la traducci贸 de la parla i el processament del llenguatge natural encara s贸n un desafiament per als sistemes de TA. Aquest treball sorgeix amb la motivaci贸 d'aportar una possible soluci贸 a la manca de naturalitat de la traducci贸 autom脿tica per veu. La hip貌tesi 茅s que es pot millorar l'oralitat de les traduccions mitjan莽ant corpus orals transcrits i optimitzacions en l'entrenament dels sistemes de TA. Per demostrar aquesta hip貌tesi, es creen amb KantanMT (despr茅s d'haver provat amb MTradum脿tica) sis motors de traducci贸 autom脿tica estad铆stica entrenats amb diferents corpus orals transcrits i escrits per despr茅s, evaluar-los.La traducci贸n autom谩tica (TA) ha mejorado notablemente en los 煤ltimos a帽os; sin embargo, la traducci贸n del habla y el procesamiento del lenguaje natural siguen siendo todo un reto para los sistemas de TA. Este trabajo surge con la motivaci贸n de aportar una posible soluci贸n a la falta de naturalidad en la traducci贸n autom谩tica del habla. Se parte de la hip贸tesis de que se puede mejorar la oralidad de las traducciones introduciendo corpus orales transcritos y optimizaciones en el entrenamiento de los sistemas de TA. Para probar esta hip贸tesis, se crean con KantanMT -tras probar MTradum脿tica- seis motores de traducci贸n autom谩tica estad铆stica entrenados con distintos corpus orales transcritos y escritos y, despu茅s, se eval煤an.Machine Translation (MT) has been greatly improved in recent years. Nevertheless, Spoken Language Translation (SLT) and natural language processing remain a major challenge for MT engines. The purpose of this work is to provide a possible solution to the lack of naturalness in SLT. The work is based on the hypothesis that it is possible to improve the orality of translations by introducing transcribed oral corpus and optimizations in the training process of MT systems. To test this hypothesis, six statistical machine translation engines, trained with different transcribed oral and written corpora, were created with KantanMT, after trying MTradum脿tica, and then evaluated

    Human evaluation and statistical analyses on machine reading comprehension, question generation and open-domain dialogue

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    Evaluation is a critical element in the development process of many natural language based systems. In this thesis, we will present critical analyses of standard evaluation methodologies applied in the following Natural Language Processing (NLP) domains: machine reading comprehension (MRC), question generation (QG), and open-domain dialogue. Generally speaking, systems from tasks like MRC are usually evaluated by comparing the similarity between hand-crafted references and system generated outputs using automatic evaluation metrics, thus these metrics are mainly borrowed from other NLP tasks that have been well-developed, such as machine translation and text summarization. Meanwhile, the evaluation of QG and dialogues is even a known open problem as such tasks do not have the corresponding references for computing the similarity, and human evaluation is indispensable when assessing the performance of the systems from these tasks. However, human evaluation is unfortunately not always valid because: i) human evaluation may cost too much and be hard to deploy when experts are involved; ii) human assessors can lack reliability in the crowd-sourcing environment. To overcome the challenges from both automatic metrics and human evaluation, we first design specific crowdsourcing human evaluation methods for these three target tasks, respectively. We then show that these human evaluation methods are reproducible, highly reliable, easy to deploy, and cost-effective. Additionally, with the data collected from our experiments, we measure the accuracy of existing automatic metrics and analyse the potential limitations and disadvantages of the direct application of these metrics. Furthermore, in allusion to the specific features of different tasks, we provide detailed statistical analyses on the collected data to discover their underlying trends, and further give suggestions about the directions to improving systems on different aspects