29 research outputs found

    ICAP Taxonomy of Modes of Cognitive Engagement: A Learner-Centered Theory Focusing on Observable Engagement Behaviors

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    Historically, there have been a number of impactful education theories that used the taxonomy as a classification device, such as the Bloom taxonomy of educational objectives and Gagne taxonomy of learning outcomes. The Bloom taxonomy of educational objectives was developed in the 1950s by the U.S. Committee of College and University Examiners under the leadership of Dr. Benjamin Bloom, which categorizes educational objectives into three domains: cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. Among them, the cognitive domain (the main concern of their research) contains six major classes: knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation. They are arranged in a hierarchical order with the objectives in one class built on the behaviors found in the preceding classes. Its primary purpose is to provide classification of goals of the educational system for all teachers, administrators, professional specialists, and research workers who deal with curricular and evaluation problems (Committee of College and University Examiners, 1956). Gagne’s theory approaches learning from the viewpoint of the instruction. Under his taxonomy, the five categories of learning outcomes are verbal information, intellectual skills, cognitive strategies, motor skills, and attitudes, each of which requires necessary conditions to achieve and corresponds to specific principles of instructional events (Gagne, 1984)

    Teacher training between inclusive education and ICT

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    Technology can play an important facilitating role in the school inclusion process by supporting the students in the classroom and increasing the level of understanding. This paper aims to explore the reasons for this still wide gap and the motivations for not using ICT in the classroom by conducting research with a sample of 115 teachers in training (TFA), using a Mixed Methods approach to investigate the resistance and motivations for this phenomenon


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    Pendidikan saat ini harus mampu membangun kemauan dan mengembangkan kreativitas peserta didik dalam proses pembelajaran. Salah satu upaya untuk mencapainya adalah meningkatkan keterlibatan siswa ketika pembelajaran berlangsung. Namun, selama masa transisi dari pembelajaran jarak jauh ke pembelajaran tatap muka keterlibatan siswa cenderung menurun khususnya di Kabupaten Purwakarta. Maka dari itu, diperlukan upaya guru untuk memfasilitasi siswa agar terlibat khususnya secara emosional. Gamified flipped classroom menjadi solusi praktis untuk memfasilitasi keterlibatan siswa secara emosional karena sifatnya yang menyenangkan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan keterlibatan emosional ketika menggunakan gamified flipped classroom dan untuk mengetahui apakah gamified flipped classroom akan memberikan dampak keterlibatan emosional lebih baik dibandingkan dengan flipped classroom saja. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuasi eksperimen dengan desain post-test only control group design. Sampel pada penelitian ini yaitu kelas X pada program keahlian Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak di salah satu sekolah menengah kejuruan di Purwakarta yang berjumlah 43 orang. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa non tes. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian terdapat perbedaan keterlibatan emosional yang signifikan antara kelas kontrol dan kelas eksperimen dengan nilai signifikansi sebesar 0,003, artinya kelas eksperimen yang diberi perlakuan gamified flipped classroom memiliki tingkat keterlibatan emosional yang lebih baik dibandingkan kelas kontrol yang hanya diberi perlakuan berupa flipped classroom saja. Sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa gamified flipped classroom adalah metode yang baik untuk meningkatkan keterlibatan emosional siswa

    “Development and validation of the ICAP Technology Scale to measure how teachers integrate technology into learning activities”

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    Previous research investigating the use of technology in school has focused mainly on the frequency of use of digital tools during lessons rather than investigating how technology is integrated with respect to different kinds of learning activities. Since the impact of technology use on learning depends on how it is used and on what activities supported by technology are implemented in lessons, a measurement instrument assessing how technology is integrated into learning activities is necessary to investigate its impact on teaching and learning processes. According to the interactive, constructive, active, and passive (ICAP) framework, which distinguishes four different learning activities based on the level of students' cognitive engagement, we developed the 12-item ICAP Technology Scale (ICAP-TS) that accounts for all four dimensions of technology integration in lessons. We used confirmatory factor analysis to validate the four-factor structure of the ICAP-TS with a sample of 1059 upper-secondary school teachers from Switzerland. We also examined reliability using classical test theory and Rasch model analysis to assess the scale's psychometric characteristics. We then analyzed the associations between the ICAP-TS and a general use frequency measure of 12 educational technologies to test the criterion validity. The results confirmed the four-factor structure of the ICAP-TS and revealed good instrument accuracy. The most difficult items to endorse are those describing the integration of technology into interactive learning activities. Furthermore, all 12 items significantly correlated with the frequency of use of 12 educational technologies. We recommend the ICAP-TS as a short and reliable measurement scale for assessing how technology is integrated into lessons, considering different learning activities based on the ICAP theoretical model

    Apprentissage actif par projet : Le modèle C-D-R

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    Le projet d’apprentissage basé sur la séquence Contextualisation – Décontextualisation – Recontextualisation est une méthode d’apprentissage actif qui vise plusieurs types d’objectifs : apprendre le travail en projet, acquérir les compétences qui y sont associées et acquérir simultanément des compétences dans plusieurs disciplines ainsi que des compétences transversales. Ce type de projet s’articule autour d’une suite d’allers-retours entre des situations et des questions qui émergent dans le projet, leur traitement dans les enseignements des disciplines concernées et le retour vers l’application de ces traitements dans le cadre du projet. Cela améliore la cohérence du programme et induit une intégration porteuse de sens des disciplines et du projet. Ce type de projet nécessite une coordination forte entre enseignants ainsi qu’une initiation et un accompagnement de tous les acteurs

    Technology-related teaching skills and attitudes: Validation of a scenario-based self-assessment instrument for teachers

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    Instruments that assess teachers' skills and attitudes on the basis of a broad range of specific standards and demands for teaching with digital technologies are lacking to date. Based on the K19 framework, we validated the scenario-based instrument IN.K19 that simultaneously assesses technology-related teaching skills and attitudes via self-assessment. In our study with N = 90 teachers and student teachers with teaching experience, we demonstrate that the instrument has satisfactory factorial validity in our confirmatory factor analyses. To investigate its predictive validity, we examined the instruments' relationships with teachers' frequency of technology use in class and teachers' initiation of different types of student learning activities involving technology. Results from structural equation modelling show relationships between self-assessed skills in different phases of teaching with technology and the self-reported initiation of student learning activities involving overt actions (active, constructive, and interactive learning activities), supporting the predictive validity of our instrument. Positive attitudes towards technology-related teaching also exhibit positive relationships with the initiation of learning activities involving digital technologies, but more specifically learning activities that do not include observable actions by learners (passive learning activities). Thus, teachers' self-assessed technology-related skills rather than attitudes might contribute to facilitating learning activities crucial for students’ learning


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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the Fuller approach in teaching reading among Grade 3 pupils in Domnar-Lopez Copada Integrated Indigenous People School, Maasim 3 district, Division of Sarangani, for the School Year 2021-2022. The study used an experimental single group utilizing pre-test and post-test. Frequency counts and percentage with the used of t-test to determine the significant difference in the pre-test and post-test scores of Grade 3 pupils utilizing Fuller approach in enhancing the reading capacity. It was found out that fuller approach was effective in enhancing the reading capacity of Grade 3 pupils by the used of different fuller materials.  Article visualizations

    Digital technologies in science education. Requirements for teacher training

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    Digitale Medien werden im MINT-Unterricht als Lern- oder künftige Arbeitsmedien in naturwissenschaftlich-technischen Berufsfeldern eingesetzt. Diese innovativen Techniken sind Bestandteil naturwissenschaftlicher Denk- und Arbeitsweisen, z.B. bei der Sequenzierung von Genomabschnitten, automatischer Messwerterfassung oder der Datenauswertung von naturwissenschaftlichen Experimenten. Darüber hinaus bieten digitale Medien die Möglichkeit, MINT-Unterricht stärker konstruktivistisch orientiert zu gestalten und aktive bzw. reflexive Lernprozesse zu fördern. Damit steigen auch die Anforderungen an die Schüler*innen, so dass der Einsatz digitaler Medien nicht nur Erfolg verspricht, sondern ohne geeignete Instruktion auch zu schlechteren Lernergebnissen führen kann. Ausgehend von diesen fachspezifisch zu erwerbenden Kompetenzen der Schüler*innen im Umgang mit digitalen Medien wird auch reflektiert, welche zusätzlichen Anforderungen sich für eine zeitgemäße Lehrerbildung der naturwissenschaftlichen Unterrichtsfächer ergeben, um digitale Medien nachhaltig in den Fachunterricht zu integrieren. Diese werden vor dem Hintergrund aktueller Modelle zu professionellen Handlungskompetenzen (angehender) Lehrkräfte diskutiert. (DIPF/Orig.)Digital technologies are applied in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) classes as learning- or future working tools for the scientific-technological professional fields. These innovative techniques are a component part of the scientific way of thinking and working, e. g. for genome sequencing or automatic measured value acquisition and data analysis of scientific experiments. Furthermore, digital technologies promote a stronger constructivist focus and allow an active and reflexive learning pro-cess in STEM classes. By putting increasing requirements on students, the use of digital technologies not only promises success but may also lead to worse learning results when proper instruction is missing. Based on these subject-specific competences of students in dealing with digital technologies, further requirements for a contemporary teacher training and professional development to integrate digital technologies in science education are indicated. These requirements are discussed in the context of current models for professional competences of (prospective) teachers. (DIPF/Orig.