39 research outputs found

    A graphical environment to express the semantics of control systems

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    We present the concept of a unified graphical environment for expressing the semantics of control systems. The graphical control system design environment in Simulink already allows engineers to insert a variety of assertions aimed the verification and validation of the control software. We propose extensions to a Simulink-like environment's annotation capabilities to include formal control system stability, performance properties and their proofs. We provide a conceptual description of a tool, that takes in a Simulink-like diagram of the control system as the input, and generates a graphically annotated control system diagram as the output. The annotations can either be inserted by the user or generated automatically by a third party control analysis software such as IQCβ\beta or μ\mu-tool. We finally describe how the graphical representation of the system and its properties can be translated to annotated programs in a programming language used in verification and validation such as Lustre or C

    Simulator Semantics for System Level Formal Verification

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    Many simulation based Bounded Model Checking approaches to System Level Formal Verification (SLFV) have been devised. Typically such approaches exploit the capability of simulators to save computation time by saving and restoring the state of the system under simulation. However, even though such approaches aim to (bounded) formal verification, as a matter of fact, the simulator behaviour is not formally modelled and the proof of correctness of the proposed approaches basically relies on the intuitive notion of simulator behaviour. This gap makes it hard to check if the optimisations introduced to speed up the simulation do not actually omit checking relevant behaviours of the system under verification. The aim of this paper is to fill the above gap by presenting a formal semantics for simulators.Comment: In Proceedings GandALF 2015, arXiv:1509.0685

    Implementing Multi-Periodic Critical Systems: from Design to Code Generation

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    This article presents a complete scheme for the development of Critical Embedded Systems with Multiple Real-Time Constraints. The system is programmed with a language that extends the synchronous approach with high-level real-time primitives. It enables to assemble in a modular and hierarchical manner several locally mono-periodic synchronous systems into a globally multi-periodic synchronous system. It also allows to specify flow latency constraints. A program is translated into a set of real-time tasks. The generated code (\C\ code) can be executed on a simple real-time platform with a dynamic-priority scheduler (EDF). The compilation process (each algorithm of the process, not the compiler itself) is formally proved correct, meaning that the generated code respects the real-time semantics of the original program (respect of periods, deadlines, release dates and precedences) as well as its functional semantics (respect of variable consumption).Comment: 15 pages, published in Workshop on Formal Methods for Aerospace (FMA'09), part of Formal Methods Week 2009

    Bridging the Gap Between Requirements and Model Analysis : Evaluation on Ten Cyber-Physical Challenge Problems

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    Formal verfication and simulation are powerful tools to validate requirements against complex systems. [Problem] Requirements are developed in early stages of the software lifecycle and are typically written in ambiguous natural language. There is a gap between such requirements and formal notations that can be used by verification tools, and lack of support for proper association of requirements with software artifacts for verification. [Principal idea] We propose to write requirements in an intuitive, structured natural language with formal semantics, and to support formalization and model/code verification as a smooth, well-integrated process. [Contribution] We have developed an end-to-end, open source requirements analysis framework that checks Simulink models against requirements written in structured natural language. Our framework is built in the Formal Requirements Elicitation Tool (fret); we use fret's requirements language named fretish, and formalization of fretish requirements in temporal logics. Our proposed framework contributes the following features: 1) automatic extraction of Simulink model information and association of fretish requirements with target model signals and components; 2) translation of temporal logic formulas into synchronous dataflow cocospec specifications as well as Simulink monitors, to be used by verification tools; we establish correctness of our translation through extensive automated testing; 3) interpretation of counterexamples produced by verification tools back at requirements level. These features support a tight integration and feedback loop between high level requirements and their analysis. We demonstrate our approach on a major case study: the Ten Lockheed Martin Cyber-Physical, aerospace-inspired challenge problems

    SimCheck: An Expressive Type System for Simulink

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    MATLAB Simulink is a member of a class of visual languages that are used for modeling and simulating physical and cyber-physical systems. A Simulink model consists of blocks with input and output ports connected using links that carry signals. We extend the type system of Simulink with annotations and dimensions/units associated with ports and links. These types can capture invariants on signals as well as relations between signals. We define a type-checker that checks the wellformedness of Simulink blocks with respect to these type annotations. The type checker generates proof obligations that are solved by SRI's Yices solver for satisfiability modulo theories (SMT). This translation can be used to detect type errors, demonstrate counterexamples, generate test cases, or prove the absence of type errors. Our work is an initial step toward the symbolic analysis of MATLAB Simulink models

    Anytime system level verification via parallel random exhaustive hardware in the loop simulation

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    System level verification of cyber-physical systems has the goal of verifying that the whole (i.e., software + hardware) system meets the given specifications. Model checkers for hybrid systems cannot handle system level verification of actual systems. Thus, Hardware In the Loop Simulation (HILS) is currently the main workhorse for system level verification. By using model checking driven exhaustive HILS, System Level Formal Verification (SLFV) can be effectively carried out for actual systems. We present a parallel random exhaustive HILS based model checker for hybrid systems that, by simulating all operational scenarios exactly once in a uniform random order, is able to provide, at any time during the verification process, an upper bound to the probability that the System Under Verification exhibits an error in a yet-to-be-simulated scenario (Omission Probability). We show effectiveness of the proposed approach by presenting experimental results on SLFV of the Inverted Pendulum on a Cart and the Fuel Control System examples in the Simulink distribution. To the best of our knowledge, no previously published model checker can exhaustively verify hybrid systems of such a size and provide at any time an upper bound to the Omission Probability

    The ROSACE Case Study: From Simulink Specification to Multi/Many-Core Execution

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    This paper presents a complete case study - named ROSACE for Research Open-Source Avionics and Control Engineering - that goes from a baseline flight controller, developed in MATLAB/SIMULINK, to a multi-periodic controller executing on a multi/many-core target. The interactions between control and computer engineers are highlighted during the development steps, in particular by investigating several multi-periodic configurations. We deduced ways to improve the discussion between engineers in order to ease the integration on the target. The whole case study is made available to the community under an open-source license