3,957 research outputs found

    Arc-Standard Spinal Parsing with Stack-LSTMs

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    We present a neural transition-based parser for spinal trees, a dependency representation of constituent trees. The parser uses Stack-LSTMs that compose constituent nodes with dependency-based derivations. In experiments, we show that this model adapts to different styles of dependency relations, but this choice has little effect for predicting constituent structure, suggesting that LSTMs induce useful states by themselves.Comment: IWPT 201

    A Novel Neural Network Model for Joint POS Tagging and Graph-based Dependency Parsing

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    We present a novel neural network model that learns POS tagging and graph-based dependency parsing jointly. Our model uses bidirectional LSTMs to learn feature representations shared for both POS tagging and dependency parsing tasks, thus handling the feature-engineering problem. Our extensive experiments, on 19 languages from the Universal Dependencies project, show that our model outperforms the state-of-the-art neural network-based Stack-propagation model for joint POS tagging and transition-based dependency parsing, resulting in a new state of the art. Our code is open-source and available together with pre-trained models at: https://github.com/datquocnguyen/jPTDPComment: v2: also include universal POS tagging, UAS and LAS accuracies w.r.t gold-standard segmentation on Universal Dependencies 2.0 - CoNLL 2017 shared task test data; in CoNLL 201

    Viable Dependency Parsing as Sequence Labeling

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    We recast dependency parsing as a sequence labeling problem, exploring several encodings of dependency trees as labels. While dependency parsing by means of sequence labeling had been attempted in existing work, results suggested that the technique was impractical. We show instead that with a conventional BiLSTM-based model it is possible to obtain fast and accurate parsers. These parsers are conceptually simple, not needing traditional parsing algorithms or auxiliary structures. However, experiments on the PTB and a sample of UD treebanks show that they provide a good speed-accuracy tradeoff, with results competitive with more complex approaches.Comment: Camera-ready version to appear at NAACL 2019 (final peer-reviewed manuscript). 8 pages (incl. appendix
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