81 research outputs found

    Transforming triangulations on non planar-surfaces

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    We consider whether any two triangulations of a polygon or a point set on a non-planar surface with a given metric can be transformed into each other by a sequence of edge flips. The answer is negative in general with some remarkable exceptions, such as polygons on the cylinder, and on the flat torus, and certain configurations of points on the cylinder.Comment: 19 pages, 17 figures. This version has been accepted in the SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics. Keywords: Graph of triangulations, triangulations on surfaces, triangulations of polygons, edge fli

    Transforming Triangulations on Nonplanar Surfaces

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    We consider whether any two triangulations of a polygon or a point set on a nonplanar surface with a given metric can be transformed into each other by a sequence of edge flips. The answer is negative in general with some remarkable exceptions, such as polygons on the cylinder, and on the flat torus, and certain configurations of points on the cylinder

    Transforming triangulations on non planar-surfaces

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    We consider whether any two triangulations of a polygon or a point set on a non-planar surface with a given metric can be transformed into each other by a sequence of edge flips. The answer is negative in general with some remarkable exceptions, such as polygons on the cylinder, and on the flat torus, and certain configurations of points on the cylinde

    Complexity of triangulations of the projective space

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    It is known that any two triangulations of a compact 3-manifold are related by finite sequences of certain local transformations. We prove here an upper bound for the length of a shortest transformation sequence relating any two triangulations of the 3-dimensional projective space, in terms of the number of tetrahedra.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures. Revised version, to appear in Top. App

    A Proof of the Orbit Conjecture for Flipping Edge-Labelled Triangulations

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    Given a triangulation of a point set in the plane, a flip deletes an edge e whose removal leaves a convex quadrilateral, and replaces e by the opposite diagonal of the quadrilateral. It is well known that any triangulation of a point set can be reconfigured to any other triangulation by some sequence of flips. We explore this question in the setting where each edge of a triangulation has a label, and a flip transfers the label of the removed edge to the new edge. It is not true that every labelled triangulation of a point set can be reconfigured to every other labelled triangulation via a sequence of flips, but we characterize when this is possible. There is an obvious necessary condition: for each label l, if edge e has label l in the first triangulation and edge f has label l in the second triangulation, then there must be some sequence of flips that moves label l from e to f, ignoring all other labels. Bose, Lubiw, Pathak and Verdonschot formulated the Orbit Conjecture, which states that this necessary condition is also sufficient, i.e. that all labels can be simultaneously mapped to their destination if and only if each label individually can be mapped to its destination. We prove this conjecture. Furthermore, we give a polynomial-time algorithm to find a sequence of flips to reconfigure one labelled triangulation to another, if such a sequence exists, and we prove an upper bound of O(n^7) on the length of the flip sequence. Our proof uses the topological result that the sets of pairwise non-crossing edges on a planar point set form a simplicial complex that is homeomorphic to a high-dimensional ball (this follows from a result of Orden and Santos; we give a different proof based on a shelling argument). The dual cell complex of this simplicial ball, called the flip complex, has the usual flip graph as its 1-skeleton. We use properties of the 2-skeleton of the flip complex to prove the Orbit Conjecture

    An Improved FPT Algorithm for the Flip Distance Problem

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    Given a set cal P of points in the Euclidean plane and two triangulations of cal P, the flip distance between these two triangulations is the minimum number of flips required to transform one triangulation into the other. The Parameterized Flip Distance problem is to decide if the flip distance between two given triangulations is equal to a given integer k. The previous best FPT algorithm runs in time O^*(kcdot c^k) (cleq 2times 14^11), where each step has fourteen possible choices, and the length of the action sequence is bounded by 11k. By applying the backtracking strategy and analyzing the underlying property of the flip sequence, each step of our algorithm has only five possible choices. Based on an auxiliary graph G, we prove that the length of the action sequence for our algorithm is bounded by 2|G|. As a result, we present an FPT algorithm running in time O^*(kcdot 32^k)
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