15 research outputs found

    Experience of Internet Utilization by Post Graduate Students at Nishter Medical College, Multan, Pakistan

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    This study reports the Internet usage, purposes, difficulties while using internet by the Post Graduate Sstudnets at Nishtar Medical College (NMC), Multan and also identifies the usage of different health related websites and databases to supplement learning by PGS. This study is based on comprehensive literature review and pre-tested questionnaire that was distributed among 210 PGS. The response rate was very satisfactory 85%. The collected data was finally analyzed by using SPSS version 17. The results show that 33(18.5%) were female and 145(81.5%) male in total 178 respondents. All of the respondents used internet except only one respondent. Majority of the respondents always use Internet for their education purpose frequently use it for research, for up to date information, to obtain information about health and entertainment purposes. Results show that PGS were using Pubmed database sometimes and MedScape, PakMediNet and EBSCOhost occasionally. The study concludes for the need of awareness, orientation and trainings to utilize different databases for seeking scholarly information

    Experience of Internet Utilization by Post Graduate Students at Nishter Medical College, Multan, Pakistan

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    This study reports the Internet usage, purposes, difficulties while using internet by the Post Graduate Sstudnets at Nishtar Medical College (NMC), Multan and also identifies the usage of different health related websites and databases to supplement learning by PGS. This study is based on comprehensive literature review and pre-tested questionnaire that was distributed among 210 PGS. The response rate was very satisfactory 85%. The collected data was finally analyzed by using SPSS version 17. The results show that 33(18.5%) were female and 145(81.5%) male in total 178 respondents. All of the respondents used internet except only one respondent. Majority of the respondents always use Internet for their education purpose frequently use it for research, for up to date information, to obtain information about health and entertainment purposes. Results show that PGS were using Pubmed database sometimes and MedScape, PakMediNet and EBSCOhost occasionally. The study concludes for the need of awareness, orientation and trainings to utilize different databases for seeking scholarly information

    Ethos and Credibility : Collaborating to Develop Students’ Critical Information Literacy

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    Librarians and professors know that students who search online believe they can identify good sources based on surface credibility. But students make bad decisions if they apply criteria out of alignment with academic values. This presentation outlines an innovative merger of traditional Rhetoric and Information Literacy to guide students’ research decisions. The collaboration between a librarian and a Composition instructor illustrates librarians’ central role in deepening students\u27 academic values. Participants will take away a new approach to developing students’ evaluative skills that draws on the philosophical principles of “good reasons” and ethos

    Розвиток хірургії в сучасних умовах карантинного періоду та військового стану

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    Підготовка кваліфікованого лікаря загальної практики є основною задачею вищого медичного навчального закладу, а тому належне викладання хірургії в цілому комплексі дисциплін створює умови для якісної медичної практики в майбутньому, що повинна відповідати обов’язковим вимогам: наявність підготовлених фахівців, оптимальне використання ресурсів, мінімізація ризику для хворих та задоволення пацієнта від контакту з медичною спільнотою. Враховуючи, що на першому місці в цьому переліку стоїть рівень кваліфікації фахівця, зрозуміла необхідність підвищення уваги до якості підготовки лікаря в навчальному закладі, особливо під час карантинного періоду з приводу COVID-19 та військового стану під час російської агресії в Україні. Для організації процесового підходу до управління якістю навчання студентів медичних факультетів та контролю їх знань і практичних навичок, в тому числі під час карантинного періоду та теперішнього військового стану, проведене структуроване, багатофакторне планування навчального процесу та застосування різних форм етапного контролю. На підставі типової програми та навчального плану створена робоча програма, яка регламентує конкретні заходи з боку викладачів та студентів для досягнення якості теоретичних і практичних знань з хірургії, необхідні для цього ресурси та послідовність технологічних дій із застосуванням елементів кредитно-модульної системи та системи Moodle. Впроваджено структурований навчальний план, етапність і уніфікацію різних видів контролю (в тому числі, електронного) та розрахункових рівнів знань, у балах та процентах, що дозволило визначати рівень підготовки студента за фактично набраною сумою балів, та дає можливість конвертувати підготовку за сучасною системою, порівняти рівень знань студентів, що навчаються тепер, та тих, що навчалися раніше

    Medical Education on Quarantine Covid-19 with Application Distance Learning

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    Distance learning of students in conditions quarantine Covid-19. Covid-19 has been declared as a pandemic disease by the WHO on March 11th, 2020. The disease started in Wuhan province in China in late December 2019. Since that time, the global incidence of Covid-19 disease has increased dramatically. The question of the use of this form of education in medical educational institutions remains controversial. On the one hand, the advantages of distance education are the possibility of teaching a large number of students at once, facilitating the educational process, in the case of teaching people with disabilities, adaptability - learning using modern software and hardware makes e-education more effective, also, usually, distance learning is cheaper than regular education

    Distance learning in medical education in quarantine COVID-19

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    Covid-19 has been declared as a pandemic disease by the WHO on March 11th, 2020. The disease started in Wuhan province in China in late December 2019. Since that time, the global incidence of COVID-19 disease has increased dramatically. Preparation of students at the Department of Surgery. Algorithm for conducting distance education. Distance learning of students in conditions quarantine Covid-19. The question of the use of this form of education in medical educational institutions remains controversial. On the one hand, the advantages of distance education are the possibility of teaching a large number of students at once, facilitating the educational process, in the case of teaching people with disabilities, adaptability - learning using modern software and hardware makes e-education more effective, also, usually, distance learning is cheaper than regular education. first of all, by reducing the cost of moving, living in another city, reducing the cost of organizing the courses themselves. Opponents of the use of distance education in medicine believe that mastering practical skills, which are the main component in training future medical workers, is impossible in this way. However, in our opinion, the use of this form of education in medical schools is not only possible, but necessary. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the majority of the student (n = 538; 82.5%) have participated in distance learning in their medical schools. Further analysis of the nonparticipating students showed that 6th-year students were the least to be involved in distance learning as the majority of them have completed their academic courses before the COVID-19 curfew. With advances in technologies and social media, distance learning is a new and rapidly growing approach for undergraduate, postgraduate, and health care providers. Regardless of reported benefits, medical students preferred the blended approach in teaching as distance learning represented a major challenge to acquire adequate clinical medical skills. Naturally, training a doctor in practical skills requires traditional face-to-face contact, but all theoretical training and exercise in decision-making can take place remotely

    Gratifications and Credibility Judgment of Online Information for Task Completion – A Comparison of Students and Workers

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    This study aims to examine the impact of U&G determinants on intention to search online information and to investigate the effect of the intention to intention to evaluate quality of information and its corresponding behaviour between two user groups: students and workers who use the Internet information to complete their tasks. Structural equation modeling is utilized to assess the research model. Findings reveal U&G factors that are important to full-time students and full-time employees. The results also show the differences between the two groups in terms of the effect of a U&G factor and intention to search on its tentative dependent factor. The comparison between students and employees, the exploration of nascent dimensions of U&G theory, and the focus of the task-fulfillment purpose provide insights to educators, managers, and policy makers on how to enhance the credibility of information used in school or office works

    A novel assessment tool for quantitative evaluation of science literature search performance: Application to first-year and senior undergraduate biology majors

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    Expertise in searching and evaluating scientific literature is a requisite skill of trained scientists and science students, yet information literacy instruction varies greatly among institutions and programs. To ensure that science students acquire information literacy skills, robust methods of assessment are needed. Here, we describe a novel tool for longitudinal, crossover assessment of literature-searching skills in science students and apply it to a cross-sectional assessment of literature-searching performance in 145 first-year and 43 senior biology majors. Subjects were given an open-ended prompt requiring them to find multiple sources of information addressing a particular scientific topic. A blinded scorer used a rubric to score the resources identified by the subjects and generate numerical scores for source quality, source relevance, and citation quality. Two versions of the assessment prompt were given to facilitate eventual longitudinal study of individual students in a crossover design. Seniors were significantly more likely to find relevant, peer-reviewed journal articles, provide appropriate citations, and provide correct answers to other questions about scientific literature. This assessment tool accommodates large numbers of students and can be modified easily for use in other disciplines or at other levels of education

    Uncovering Web search tactics in South African higher education

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    Background: The potential of the World Wide Web (‘the Web’) as a tool for information retrieval in higher education is beyond question. Harnessing this potential, however, remains a challenge, particularly in the context of developing countries, where students are drawn from diverse socio-economic, educational and technological backgrounds. Objectives: The purpose of this study is to identify the Web search tactics used by postgraduate students in order to address the weaknesses of undergraduate students with regard to their Web searching tactics. This article forms part of a wider study into postgraduate students’ information retrieval strategies at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg campus, South Africa. Method: The study utilised the mixed methods approach, employing both questionnaires (Phase 1) and structured interviews (Phase 2), and was largely underpinned by Bates’s model of information search tactics. This article reports and reflects on the findings of Phase 1, which focused on identifying the Web search tactics employed by postgraduate students. Results: Findings indicated a preference for lower-level Web search tactics, despite respondents largely self-reporting as intermediate or expert users. Moreover, the majority of respondents gained their knowledge on Web searching through experience and only a quarter of respondents have been given formal training on Web searching. Conclusion: In addition to contributing to theory, it is envisaged that this article will contribute to practice by informing the design of undergraduate training interventions to proactively address the information retrieval challenges faced by novice users. Subsequent papers will report on Phase 2 of the study

    ALT-C 2010 - Conference Introduction and Abstracts

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