7 research outputs found

    A Hybrid Framework for Automated and Adaptive E-Business Platforms

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    The automation of business transactions between corporations has been dominated by proprietary and inflexible EDI solutions for a long time. During the last years, novel XML-based standards emerged which have a wider scope than EDI but strongly differ with regard to granularity and industry-focus. Due to the abundance of many complex standards with limited diffusion among users and industries, especially small-and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have not yet managed to automate the execution of business transactions and to seamlessly interconnect their respective IT applications. In this work, we propose a novel approach which builds on a composite of existing standards and combines them towards a hybrid architecture facilitating electronic business transactions. The Web Service stack represents the technical foundation of this approach, while parts of the ebXML standard are leveraged to ensure a common understanding of business information and processes between trading partners. A central server acts as repository of formal agreements, common data and process modeling artifacts and allows for intermittent connectivity of the users. Decentral adapter components enable connecting heterogeneous legacy applications of the users to the central server. The resulting approach can thus be considered as hybrid regarding the degree of centralism involved and with respect to the combination of the Web services stack and the ebXML standard as an infrastructural foundation

    Transforming UMM Business Collaboration Models to BPEL

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    Abstract. UN/CEFACT’s Modeling Methodology (UMM) has been developed to analyze and design B2B business processes independent of the underlying exchange technology. It became the methodology of choice for developing ebXML business processes. Another technology for realizing B2B partnerships is Web Services. Currently, the business process execution languages (BPEL) seems to be the winner amongst the Web Services languages for orchestration and choreography. If Web Services is used as underlying exchange technology for B2B, the semantics of UMM business processes must be represented in BPEL. The goal of this paper is to verify whether BPEL is appropriate to capture UMM business collaborations or not. For this purpose we describe a transformation from UMM to BPEL.

    Transforming UMM Business Collaboration Models to BPEL

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    Abstract: UN/CEFACT´s Modeling Methodology (UMM) has been developed to analyze and design B2B business processes independent of the underlying exchange technology. It became the methodology of choice for developing ebXML business processes. Another technology for realizing B2B partnerships is Web Services. Currently, the business process execution languages (BPEL) seem to be the winner amongst the Web Services languages for orchestration and choreography. If Web Services is used as underlying exchange technology for B2B, the semantics of UMM business processes must be represented in BPEL. The goal of this paper is to verify whether BPEL is appropriate to capture UMM business collaborations or not. For this purpose we describe a transformation from UMM to BPEL

    Método para el modelado y especificación de procesos de negocio colaborativos

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    El modelado y la especificación de los procesos de negocio colaborativos constituyen un desafío importante para que las empresas puedan establecer colaboraciones Business-to-Business. El objetivo de esta tesis es definir y proponer un método robusto y sistemático que de soporte al desarrollo de procesos colaborativos, desde el modelado de los mismos, hasta la especificación de dichos procesos y de las interfaces de las empresas que conforman el sistema de información Business-toBusiness, en una tecnología particular. El método está basado en la filosofía del desarrollo conducido por modelos y fundamentalmente, en los principios y guías de la Arquitectura Conducida por Modelos. Como parte de este método, se propone el lenguaje de modelado UP-ColBPIP, para dar soporte al análisis y diseño de los procesos colaborativos. El lenguaje está basado en el concepto de protocolos de interacción para definir procesos colaborativos independientes de la tecnología. Además, se propone un método y una herramienta para definir y ejecutar transformaciones de modelos de procesos colaborativos en especificaciones basadas en un estándar Business-toBusiness. Finalmente, se definen las transformaciones que posibilitan generar, a partir de modelos definidos con UP-ColBPIP, soluciones tecnologías con dos tipos diferentes de estándares Business-to-Business.Fil: Villareal, Pablo David. Universidad Tecnológica. Nacional. Facultad Regional Santa Fe; Argentina.Peer ReviewedLa presente publicación corresponde a una tesis presentada para cumplir con los requisitos exigidos por la Universidad Tecnológica Nacional – Facultad Regional Santa Fe para obtener el grado Académico de Doctor en Ingeniería con Mención en Sistemas de Informació