8 research outputs found

    Heterogeneous unsupervised domain adaptation based on fuzzy feature fusion

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    © 2017 IEEE. Domain adaptation is a transfer learning approach that has been widely studied in the last decade. However, existing works still have two limitations: 1) the feature spaces of the domains are homogeneous, and 2) the target domain has at least a few labeled instances. Both limitations significantly restrict the domain adaptation approach when knowledge is transferred across domains, especially in the current era of big data. To address both issues, this paper proposes a novel fuzzy-based heterogeneous unsupervised domain adaptation approach. This approach maps the feature spaces of the source and target domains onto the same latent space constructed by fuzzy features. In the new feature space, the label spaces of two domains are maintained to reduce the probability of negative transfer occurring. The proposed approach delivers superior performance over current benchmarks, and the heterogeneous unsupervised domain adaptation (HeUDA) method provides a promising means of giving a learning system the associative ability to judge unknown things using related knowledge

    Unconstrained fuzzy feature fusion for heterogeneous unsupervised domain adaptation

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    © 2018 IEEE. Domain adaptation can transfer knowledge from the source domain to improve pattern recognition accuracy in the target domain. However, it is rarely discussed when the target domain is unlabeled and heterogeneous with the source domain, which is a very challenging problem in the domain adaptation field. This paper presents a new feature reconstruction method: unconstrained fuzzy feature fusion. Through the reconstructed features of a source and a target domain, a geodesic flow kernel is applied to transfer knowledge between them. Furthermore, the original information of the target domain is also preserved when reconstructing the features of the two domains. Compared to the previous work, this work has two advantages: 1) the sum of the memberships of the original features to fuzzy features no longer must be one, and 2) the original information of the target domain is persevered. As a result of these advantages, this work delivers a better performance than previous studies using two public datasets

    Fault diagnosis for electromechanical drivetrains using a joint distribution optimal deep domain adaptation approach

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    Robust and reliable drivetrain is important for preventing electromechanical (e.g., wind turbine) downtime. In recent years, advanced machine learning (ML) techniques including deep learning have been introduced to improve fault diagnosis performance for electromechanical systems. However, electromechanical systems (e.g., wind turbine) operate in varying working conditions, meaning that the distribution of the test data (in the target domain) is different from the training data used for model training, and the diagnosis performance of an ML method may become downgraded for practical applications. This paper proposes a joint distribution optimal deep domain adaptation approach (called JDDA) based auto-encoder deep classifier for fault diagnosis of electromechanical drivetrains under the varying working conditions. First, the representative features are extracted by the deep auto-encoder. Then, the joint distribution adaptation is used to implement the domain adaptation, so the classifier trained with the source domain features can be used to classify the target domain data. Lastly, the classification performance of the proposed JDDA is tested using two test-rig datasets, compared with three traditional machine learning methods and two domain adaptation approaches. Experimental results show that the JDDA can achieve better performance compared with the reference machine learning, deep learning and domain adaptation approaches

    Fuzzy Rule-Based Domain Adaptation in Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Spaces

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    © 2018 IEEE. Domain adaptation aims to leverage knowledge acquired from a related domain (called a source domain) to improve the efficiency of completing a prediction task (classification or regression) in the current domain (called the target domain), which has a different probability distribution from the source domain. Although domain adaptation has been widely studied, most existing research has focused on homogeneous domain adaptation, where both domains have identical feature spaces. Recently, a new challenge proposed in this area is heterogeneous domain adaptation where both the probability distributions and the feature spaces are different. Moreover, in both homogeneous and heterogeneous domain adaptation, the greatest efforts and major achievements have been made with classification tasks, while successful solutions for tackling regression problems are limited. This paper proposes two innovative fuzzy rule-based methods to deal with regression problems. The first method, called fuzzy homogeneous domain adaptation, handles homogeneous spaces while the second method, called fuzzy heterogeneous domain adaptation, handles heterogeneous spaces. Fuzzy rules are first generated from the source domain through a learning process; these rules, also known as knowledge, are then transferred to the target domain by establishing a latent feature space to minimize the gap between the feature spaces of the two domains. Through experiments on synthetic datasets, we demonstrate the effectiveness of both methods and discuss the impact of some of the significant parameters that affect performance. Experiments on real-world datasets also show that the proposed methods improve the performance of the target model over an existing source model or a model built using a small amount of target data

    Unsupervised Heterogeneous Domain Adaptation via Shared Fuzzy Equivalence Relations

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    © 1993-2012 IEEE. Unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) aims to recognize newly emerged patterns in target domains, which may be unlabeled, by leveraging knowledge from patterns learnt from source domains. However, existing UDA models and algorithms still suffer from heterogeneous domains, known as the heterogeneous unsupervised domain adaptation (HeUDA) issue. To address this issue, this paper presents a novel HeUDA model via n-dimensional fuzzy geometry and fuzzy equivalence relations, called F-HeUDA. The n-dimensional fuzzy geometry is used to propose a metric to measure the similarity between features on one domain. Then, based on this metric, shared fuzzy equivalence relations (SFER) are proposed. The SFER can allow two domains to use the same α to get the same number of clustering categories. Through these clustering categories, knowledge from the heterogeneous source domain can be transferred to the unlabeled target domain. Different to existing HeUDA models, the proposed F-HeUDA model does not need that two domains must have the same number of instances. As a result, the proposed model has a better ability to handle the issue of small datasets. Experiments distributed across four real datasets were conducted to validate the proposed model. This testing regime demonstrates that the proposed model outperforms the state-of-The-Art models, especially when the target domain has very few instances

    Transferring knowledge across robots: A risk sensitive approach

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    One of the most impressive characteristics of human perception is its domain adaptation capability. Humans can recognize objects and places simply by transferring knowledge from their past experience. Inspired by that, current research in robotics is addressing a great challenge: building robots able to sense and interpret the surrounding world by reusing information previously collected, gathered by other robots or obtained from the web. But, how can a robot automatically understand what is useful among a large amount of information and perform knowledge transfer? In this paper we address the domain adaptation problem in the context of visual place recognition. We consider the scenario where a robot equipped with a monocular camera explores a new environment. In this situation traditional approaches based on supervised learning perform poorly, as no annotated data are provided in the new environment and the models learned from data collected in other places are inappropriate due to the large variability of visual information. To overcome these problems we introduce a novel transfer learning approach. With our algorithm the robot is given only some training data (annotated images collected in different environments by other robots) and is able to decide whether, and how much, this knowledge is useful in the current scenario. At the base of our approach there is a transfer risk measure which quantifies the similarity between the given and the new visual data. To improve the performance, we also extend our framework to take into account multiple visual cues. Our experiments on three publicly available datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach