5 research outputs found

    Transfer Learning from Synthetic Data Applied to Soil–Root Segmentation in X-Ray Tomography Images

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    One of the most challenging computer vision problems in the plant sciences is the segmentation of roots and soil in X-ray tomography. So far, this has been addressed using classical image analysis methods. In this paper, we address this soil-root segmentation problem in X-ray tomography using a variant of supervised deep learning-based classification called transfer learning where the learning stage is based on simulated data. The robustness of this technique, tested for the first time with this plant science problem, is established using soil-roots with very low contrast in X-ray tomography. We also demonstrate the possibility of efficiently segmenting the root from the soil while learning using purely synthetic soil and roots

    Archaeobotanical applications of microCT imaging

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    This thesis explores the ways in which the three-dimensional and non-destructive imaging technique of microCT can be applied to archaeobotanical materials to extract additional information previously inaccessible using traditional two-dimensional techniques. Across a series of eight publications, two microCT imaging protocols focusing on the imaging and analysis of two distinct types of archaeobotanical remains are presented along with archaeological case studies to which they have been successfully applied. Both protocols seek to utilise the relatively new imaging technique of microCT in order to explore the histories of some of the world's most important, yet in some cases understudied food crops including rice (Oryza sativa) in Island Southeast Asia, sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) and pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) in Africa, and taro (Colocasia esculenta), sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), and yams (Dioscoreaceae) in Southeast Asia and the Pacific. The first protocol outlines how organic cereal tempers can be virtually extracted from inside pottery sherds through the use of microCT scanning and 3D digital segmentation techniques. These extracted digital remains can then be taxonomically identified and their domesticated status assessed using the morphological information only accessible with the penetrative X-rays of microCT. This protocol has been successfully applied to extract new rice and sorghum assemblages from previously excavated pottery sherds and their analysis has expanded our knowledge of the dispersal and early cultivation histories of these staple food crops. The second protocol uses microCT to build the first virtual reference collection of a greatly understudied type of archaeobotanical evidence, archaeological parenchyma. This protocol was developed by imaging samples of important root crops in the Southeast Asia and Pacific region from Jon Hather's parenchyma reference collection and applying his taxonomic identification method developed in the 1980s and 90s. Here his method is updated and adapted to include the added three-dimensional contextual information provided by microCT scanning as well as the greater range of anatomical variation captured both within and between species. The microCT datasets of these reference samples will form part of the first publicly accessible, online and virtual, archaeological parenchyma reference collection, which will hopefully encourage wider adoption and application of the technique. Both archaeobotanical microCT protocols presented here demonstrate the enormous potential of the technique to expand on our current sources of archaeobotanical evidence. The digital nature of the datasets presents the possibility of increasing analytical efficiency in the future with the development of automated archaeobotanical analyses