6 research outputs found

    Anti-parallel coiled coils structure prediction by support vector machine classification

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    Transactions On Computational Systems Biology V, 4070, pp. 1-8. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11790105_1Coiled coils is an important 3-D protein structure with two or more stranded alpha-helical motif wounded around to form a “knobs-into-holes” structure. In this paper we propose an SVM classification approach to predict the antiparallel coiled coils structure based on the primary amino acid sequence. The training dataset for the machine learning are collected from SOCKET database which is a SOCKET algorithm predicted coiled coils database. Total 41 sequences of at least two heptad repeats of the anti-parallel coiled coils motif are extracted from 12 proteins as the positive datasets. Total 37 of non coiled coils sequences and parallel coiled coils motif are extracted from 5 proteins as negative datasets. The normalized positional weight matrix on each heptad register a, b, c, d, e, f and g is from SOCKET database and is used to generate the positional weight on each entry. We performed SVM classification using the cross-validated datasets as training and testing groups. Our result shows 73% accuracy on the prediction of anti-parallel coiled coils based on the cross-validated data. The result suggests a useful approach of using SVM to classify the anti-parallel coiled coils based on the primary amino acid sequence

    Algorithms and Complexity Analyses for Control of Singleton Attractors in Boolean Networks

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    A Boolean network (BN) is a mathematical model of genetic networks. We propose several algorithms for control of singleton attractors in BN. We theoretically estimate the average-case time complexities of the proposed algorithms, and confirm them by computer experiments. The results suggest the importance of gene ordering. Especially, setting internal nodes ahead yields shorter computational time than setting external nodes ahead in various types of algorithms. We also present a heuristic algorithm which does not look for the optimal solution but for the solution whose computational time is shorter than that of the exact algorithms

    HEALTH GeoJunction: place-time-concept browsing of health publications

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The volume of health science publications is escalating rapidly. Thus, keeping up with developments is becoming harder as is the task of finding important cross-domain connections. When geographic location is a relevant component of research reported in publications, these tasks are more difficult because standard search and indexing facilities have limited or no ability to identify geographic foci in documents. This paper introduces <it><smcaps>HEALTH</smcaps> GeoJunction</it>, a web application that supports researchers in the task of quickly finding scientific publications that are relevant geographically and temporally as well as thematically.</p> <p>Results</p> <p><it><smcaps>HEALTH</smcaps> GeoJunction </it>is a geovisual analytics-enabled web application providing: (a) web services using computational reasoning methods to extract place-time-concept information from bibliographic data for documents and (b) visually-enabled place-time-concept query, filtering, and contextualizing tools that apply to both the documents and their extracted content. This paper focuses specifically on strategies for visually-enabled, iterative, facet-like, place-time-concept filtering that allows analysts to quickly drill down to scientific findings of interest in PubMed abstracts and to explore relations among abstracts and extracted concepts in place and time. The approach enables analysts to: find publications without knowing all relevant query parameters, recognize unanticipated geographic relations within and among documents in multiple health domains, identify the thematic emphasis of research targeting particular places, notice changes in concepts over time, and notice changes in places where concepts are emphasized.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>PubMed is a database of over 19 million biomedical abstracts and citations maintained by the National Center for Biotechnology Information; achieving quick filtering is an important contribution due to the database size. Including geography in filters is important due to rapidly escalating attention to geographic factors in public health. The implementation of mechanisms for iterative place-time-concept filtering makes it possible to narrow searches efficiently and quickly from thousands of documents to a small subset that meet place-time-concept constraints. Support for a <it>more-like-this </it>query creates the potential to identify unexpected connections across diverse areas of research. Multi-view visualization methods support understanding of the place, time, and concept components of document collections and enable comparison of filtered query results to the full set of publications.</p

    Evolutionary Granular Kernel Machines

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    Kernel machines such as Support Vector Machines (SVMs) have been widely used in various data mining applications with good generalization properties. Performance of SVMs for solving nonlinear problems is highly affected by kernel functions. The complexity of SVMs training is mainly related to the size of a training dataset. How to design a powerful kernel, how to speed up SVMs training and how to train SVMs with millions of examples are still challenging problems in the SVMs research. For these important problems, powerful and flexible kernel trees called Evolutionary Granular Kernel Trees (EGKTs) are designed to incorporate prior domain knowledge. Granular Kernel Tree Structure Evolving System (GKTSES) is developed to evolve the structures of Granular Kernel Trees (GKTs) without prior knowledge. A voting scheme is also proposed to reduce the prediction deviation of GKTSES. To speed up EGKTs optimization, a master-slave parallel model is implemented. To help SVMs challenge large-scale data mining, a Minimum Enclosing Ball (MEB) based data reduction method is presented, and a new MEB-SVM algorithm is designed. All these kernel methods are designed based on Granular Computing (GrC). In general, Evolutionary Granular Kernel Machines (EGKMs) are investigated to optimize kernels effectively, speed up training greatly and mine huge amounts of data efficiently

    Finding and Analyzing the Minimum Set of Driver Nodes in Control of Boolean Networks

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