304 research outputs found

    Graph representation learning for security analytics in decentralized software systems and social networks

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    With the rapid advancement in digital transformation, various daily interactions, transactions, and operations typically depend on extensive network-structured systems. The inherent complexity of these platforms has become a critical challenge in ensuring their security and robustness, with impacts spanning individual users to large-scale organizations. Graph representation learning has emerged as a potential methodology to address various security analytics within these complex systems, especially in software code and social network analysis, and its applications in criminology. For software code, graph representations can capture the information of control-flow graphs and call graphs, which can be leveraged to detect vulnerabilities and improve software reliability. In the case of social network analysis in criminal investigation, graph representations can capture the social connections and interactions between individuals, which can be used to identify key players, detect illegal activities, and predict new/unobserved criminal cases. In this thesis, we focus on two critical security topics using graph learning-based approaches: (1) addressing criminal investigation issues and (2) detecting vulnerabilities of Ethereum blockchain smart contracts. First, we propose the SoChainDB database, which facilitates obtaining data from blockchain-based social networks and conducting extensive analyses to understand Hive blockchain social data. Moreover, to apply social network analysis in criminal investigation, two graph-based machine learning frameworks are presented to address investigation issues in a burglary use case, one being transductive link prediction and the other being inductive link prediction.Then, we propose MANDO, an approach that utilizes a new heterogeneous graph representation of control-flow graphs and call graphs to learn the structures of heterogeneous contract graphs. Building upon MANDO, two deep graph learning-based frameworks, MANDO-GURU and MANDO-HGT, are proposed for accurate vulnerability detection at both the coarse-grained contract and fine-grained line levels. Empirical results show that MANDO frameworks significantly improve the detection accuracy of other state-of-the-art techniques for various vulnerability types in either source code or bytecode

    Inventory management practices: A key success towards supply chain performance among industries in Malaysia

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    Today, logistics networks and supply chain are seen as a matter of survival and competitive advantage.Effective supply chain management has become a potential way nowadays to improve performance through matching supply chain practices and competitive advantages in the competitive world.There are many researches were conducted on the area of supply chain practices and its implication towards supply chain performance.However the researched finding seems contradicting.These contradicting finding may results from different reasons such as the level of management commitment, the costs incurred and also due to its level of workers skills.Inventory management across the supply chain is a big challenge for improving coordination among value chain. Controlling inventory is need of the hour as it formulates the business success/failure as competition is intense, growing day-by day. This research conceptualizes and develops the role of inventory management strategies and inventory management practices in fostering supply chain performance. The relationships among different factors are going to be tested in proposed framework using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to improve the performance of the supply chain. The insight from this proposed framework will help supply chain managers in implementing inventory management strategies and practices to enhance the overall performance of supply chain

    Data warehousing technologies for large-scale and right-time data

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    Cloud management

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    A comparison of statistical machine learning methods in heartbeat detection and classification

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    In health care, patients with heart problems require quick responsiveness in a clinical setting or in the operating theatre. Towards that end, automated classification of heartbeats is vital as some heartbeat irregularities are time consuming to detect. Therefore, analysis of electro-cardiogram (ECG) signals is an active area of research. The methods proposed in the literature depend on the structure of a heartbeat cycle. In this paper, we use interval and amplitude based features together with a few samples from the ECG signal as a feature vector. We studied a variety of classification algorithms focused especially on a type of arrhythmia known as the ventricular ectopic fibrillation (VEB). We compare the performance of the classifiers against algorithms proposed in the literature and make recommendations regarding features, sampling rate, and choice of the classifier to apply in a real-time clinical setting. The extensive study is based on the MIT-BIH arrhythmia database. Our main contribution is the evaluation of existing classifiers over a range sampling rates, recommendation of a detection methodology to employ in a practical setting, and extend the notion of a mixture of experts to a larger class of algorithms

    Logging Statements Analysis and Automation in Software Systems with Data Mining and Machine Learning Techniques

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    Log files are widely used to record runtime information of software systems, such as the timestamp of an event, the name or ID of the component that generated the log, and parts of the state of a task execution. The rich information of logs enables system developers (and operators) to monitor the runtime behavior of their systems and further track down system problems in development and production settings. With the ever-increasing scale and complexity of modern computing systems, the volume of logs is rapidly growing. For example, eBay reported that the rate of log generation on their servers is in the order of several petabytes per day in 2018 [17]. Therefore, the traditional way of log analysis that largely relies on manual inspection (e.g., searching for error/warning keywords or grep) has become an inefficient, a labor intensive, error-prone, and outdated task. The growth of the logs has initiated the emergence of automated tools and approaches for log mining and analysis. In parallel, the embedding of logging statements in the source code is a manual and error-prone task, and developers often might forget to add a logging statement in the software's source code. To address the logging challenge, many e orts have aimed to automate logging statements in the source code, and in addition, many tools have been proposed to perform large-scale log le analysis by use of machine learning and data mining techniques. However, the current logging process is yet mostly manual, and thus, proper placement and content of logging statements remain as challenges. To overcome these challenges, methods that aim to automate log placement and content prediction, i.e., `where and what to log', are of high interest. In addition, approaches that can automatically mine and extract insight from large-scale logs are also well sought after. Thus, in this research, we focus on predicting the log statements, and for this purpose, we perform an experimental study on open-source Java projects. We introduce a log-aware code-clone detection method to predict the location and description of logging statements. Additionally, we incorporate natural language processing (NLP) and deep learning methods to further enhance the performance of the log statements' description prediction. We also introduce deep learning based approaches for automated analysis of software logs. In particular, we analyze execution logs and extract natural language characteristics of logs to enable the application of natural language models for automated log le analysis. Then, we propose automated tools for analyzing log files and measuring the information gain from logs for different log analysis tasks such as anomaly detection. We then continue our NLP-enabled approach by leveraging the state-of-the-art language models, i.e., Transformers, to perform automated log parsing

    Software Maintenance At Commit-Time

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    Software maintenance activities such as debugging and feature enhancement are known to be challenging and costly, which explains an ever growing line of research in software maintenance areas including mining software repository, default prevention, clone detection, and bug reproduction. The main goal is to improve the productivity of software developers as they undertake maintenance tasks. Existing tools, however, operate in an offline fashion, i.e., after the changes to the systems have been made. Studies have shown that software developers tend to be reluctant to use these tools as part of a continuous development process. This is because they require installation and training, hindering their integration with developers’ workflow, which in turn limits their adoption. In this thesis, we propose novel approaches to support software developers at commit-time. As part of the developer’s workflow, a commit marks the end of a given task. We show how commits can be used to catch unwanted modifications to the system, and prevent the introduction of clones and bugs, before these modifications reach the central code repository. We also propose a bug reproduction technique that is based on model checking and crash traces. Furthermore, we propose a new way for classifying bugs based on the location of fixes that can serve as the basis for future research in this field of study. The techniques proposed in this thesis have been tested on over 400 open and closed (industrial) systems, resulting in high levels of precision and recall. They are also scalable and non-intrusive

    Big Data Security (Volume 3)

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    After a short description of the key concepts of big data the book explores on the secrecy and security threats posed especially by cloud based data storage. It delivers conceptual frameworks and models along with case studies of recent technology

    Techniques for Detection, Root Cause Diagnosis, and Classification of In-Production Concurrency Bugs

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    Concurrency bugs are at the heart of some of the worst bugs that plague software. Concurrency bugs slow down software development because it can take weeks or even months before developers can identify and fix them. In-production detection, root cause diagnosis, and classification of concurrency bugs is challenging. This is because these activities require heavyweight analyses such as exploring program paths and determining failing program inputs and schedules, all of which are not suited for software running in production. This dissertation develops practical techniques for the detection, root cause diagnosis, and classification of concurrency bugs for inproduction software. Furthermore, we develop ways for developers to better reason about concurrent programs. This dissertation builds upon the following principles: — The approach in this dissertation spans multiple layers of the system stack, because concurrency spans many layers of the system stack. — It performs most of the heavyweight analyses in-house and resorts to minimal in-production analysis in order to move the heavy lifting to where it is least disruptive. — It eschews custom hardware solutions that may be infeasible to implement in the real world. Relying on the aforementioned principles, this dissertation introduces: 1. Techniques to automatically detect concurrency bugs (data races and atomicity violations) in-production by combining in-house static analysis and in-production dynamic analysis. 2. A technique to automatically identify the root causes of in-production failures, with a particular emphasis on failures caused by concurrency bugs. 3. A technique that given a data race, automatically classifies it based on its potential consequence, allowing developers to answer questions such as “can the data race cause a crash or a hang?”, or “does the data race have any observable effect?”. We build a toolchain that implements all the aforementioned techniques. We show that the tools we develop in this dissertation are effective, incur low runtime performance overhead, and have high accuracy and precision