47 research outputs found

    Temporal Extension of Scale Pyramid and Spatial Pyramid Matching for Action Recognition

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    Historically, researchers in the field have spent a great deal of effort to create image representations that have scale invariance and retain spatial location information. This paper proposes to encode equivalent temporal characteristics in video representations for action recognition. To achieve temporal scale invariance, we develop a method called temporal scale pyramid (TSP). To encode temporal information, we present and compare two methods called temporal extension descriptor (TED) and temporal division pyramid (TDP) . Our purpose is to suggest solutions for matching complex actions that have large variation in velocity and appearance, which is missing from most current action representations. The experimental results on four benchmark datasets, UCF50, HMDB51, Hollywood2 and Olympic Sports, support our approach and significantly outperform state-of-the-art methods. Most noticeably, we achieve 65.0% mean accuracy and 68.2% mean average precision on the challenging HMDB51 and Hollywood2 datasets which constitutes an absolute improvement over the state-of-the-art by 7.8% and 3.9%, respectively

    Action recognition based on efficient deep feature learning in the spatio-temporal domain

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    © 20xx IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Hand-crafted feature functions are usually designed based on the domain knowledge of a presumably controlled environment and often fail to generalize, as the statistics of real-world data cannot always be modeled correctly. Data-driven feature learning methods, on the other hand, have emerged as an alternative that often generalize better in uncontrolled environments. We present a simple, yet robust, 2D convolutional neural network extended to a concatenated 3D network that learns to extract features from the spatio-temporal domain of raw video data. The resulting network model is used for content-based recognition of videos. Relying on a 2D convolutional neural network allows us to exploit a pretrained network as a descriptor that yielded the best results on the largest and challenging ILSVRC-2014 dataset. Experimental results on commonly used benchmarking video datasets demonstrate that our results are state-of-the-art in terms of accuracy and computational time without requiring any preprocessing (e.g., optic flow) or a priori knowledge on data capture (e.g., camera motion estimation), which makes it more general and flexible than other approaches. Our implementation is made available.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Exploiting Image-trained CNN Architectures for Unconstrained Video Classification

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    We conduct an in-depth exploration of different strategies for doing event detection in videos using convolutional neural networks (CNNs) trained for image classification. We study different ways of performing spatial and temporal pooling, feature normalization, choice of CNN layers as well as choice of classifiers. Making judicious choices along these dimensions led to a very significant increase in performance over more naive approaches that have been used till now. We evaluate our approach on the challenging TRECVID MED'14 dataset with two popular CNN architectures pretrained on ImageNet. On this MED'14 dataset, our methods, based entirely on image-trained CNN features, can outperform several state-of-the-art non-CNN models. Our proposed late fusion of CNN- and motion-based features can further increase the mean average precision (mAP) on MED'14 from 34.95% to 38.74%. The fusion approach achieves the state-of-the-art classification performance on the challenging UCF-101 dataset

    Detecting events and key actors in multi-person videos

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    Multi-person event recognition is a challenging task, often with many people active in the scene but only a small subset contributing to an actual event. In this paper, we propose a model which learns to detect events in such videos while automatically "attending" to the people responsible for the event. Our model does not use explicit annotations regarding who or where those people are during training and testing. In particular, we track people in videos and use a recurrent neural network (RNN) to represent the track features. We learn time-varying attention weights to combine these features at each time-instant. The attended features are then processed using another RNN for event detection/classification. Since most video datasets with multiple people are restricted to a small number of videos, we also collected a new basketball dataset comprising 257 basketball games with 14K event annotations corresponding to 11 event classes. Our model outperforms state-of-the-art methods for both event classification and detection on this new dataset. Additionally, we show that the attention mechanism is able to consistently localize the relevant players.Comment: Accepted for publication in CVPR'1

    Action Recognition in Video Using Sparse Coding and Relative Features

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    This work presents an approach to category-based action recognition in video using sparse coding techniques. The proposed approach includes two main contributions: i) A new method to handle intra-class variations by decomposing each video into a reduced set of representative atomic action acts or key-sequences, and ii) A new video descriptor, ITRA: Inter-Temporal Relational Act Descriptor, that exploits the power of comparative reasoning to capture relative similarity relations among key-sequences. In terms of the method to obtain key-sequences, we introduce a loss function that, for each video, leads to the identification of a sparse set of representative key-frames capturing both, relevant particularities arising in the input video, as well as relevant generalities arising in the complete class collection. In terms of the method to obtain the ITRA descriptor, we introduce a novel scheme to quantify relative intra and inter-class similarities among local temporal patterns arising in the videos. The resulting ITRA descriptor demonstrates to be highly effective to discriminate among action categories. As a result, the proposed approach reaches remarkable action recognition performance on several popular benchmark datasets, outperforming alternative state-of-the-art techniques by a large margin.Comment: Accepted to CVPR 201

    Beyond Gaussian Pyramid: Multi-skip Feature Stacking for Action Recognition

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    Most state-of-the-art action feature extractors involve differential operators, which act as highpass filters and tend to attenuate low frequency action information. This attenuation introduces bias to the resulting features and generates ill-conditioned feature matrices. The Gaussian Pyramid has been used as a feature enhancing technique that encodes scale-invariant characteristics into the feature space in an attempt to deal with this attenuation. However, at the core of the Gaussian Pyramid is a convolutional smoothing operation, which makes it incapable of generating new features at coarse scales. In order to address this problem, we propose a novel feature enhancing technique called Multi-skIp Feature Stacking (MIFS), which stacks features extracted using a family of differential filters parameterized with multiple time skips and encodes shift-invariance into the frequency space. MIFS compensates for information lost from using differential operators by recapturing information at coarse scales. This recaptured information allows us to match actions at different speeds and ranges of motion. We prove that MIFS enhances the learnability of differential-based features exponentially. The resulting feature matrices from MIFS have much smaller conditional numbers and variances than those from conventional methods. Experimental results show significantly improved performance on challenging action recognition and event detection tasks. Specifically, our method exceeds the state-of-the-arts on Hollywood2, UCF101 and UCF50 datasets and is comparable to state-of-the-arts on HMDB51 and Olympics Sports datasets. MIFS can also be used as a speedup strategy for feature extraction with minimal or no accuracy cost