40 research outputs found

    PA-Tree: A Parametric Indexing Scheme for Spatio-temporal Trajectories

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    Abstract. Many new applications involving moving objects require the collec-tion and querying of trajectory data, so efficient indexing methods are needed to support complex spatio-temporal queries on such data. Current work in this domain has used MBRs to approximate trajectories, which fail to capture some basic properties of trajectories, including smoothness and lack of internal area. This mismatch leads to poor pruning when such indices are used. In this work, we revisit the issue of using parametric space indexing for historical trajectory data. We approximate a sequence of movement functions with single continuous polynomial. Since trajectories tend to be smooth, our approximations work well and yield much finer approximation quality than MBRs. We present the PA-tree, a parametric index that uses this new approximation method. Experiments show that PA-tree construction costs are orders of magnitude lower than that of com-peting methods. Further, for spatio-temporal range queries, MBR-based methods require 20%–60 % more I/O than PA-trees with clustered indicies, and 300%– 400 % more I/O than PA-trees with non-clustered indicies.

    Spatiotemporal compression techniques for moving point objects,”

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    Abstract. Moving object data handling has received a fair share of attention over recent years in the spatial database community. This is understandable as positioning technology is rapidly making its way into the consumer market, not only through the already ubiquitous cell phone but soon also through small, on-board positioning devices in many means of transport and in other types of portable equipment. It is thus to be expected that all these devices will start to generate an unprecedented data stream of time-stamped positions. Sooner or later, such enormous volumes of data will lead to storage, transmission, computation, and display challenges. Hence, the need for compression techniques. Although previously some work has been done in compression for time series data, this work mainly deals with one-dimensional time series. On the other hand, they are good for short time series and in absence of noise, two characteristics not met by moving objects. We target applications in which present and past positions of objects are important, so focus on the compression of moving object trajectories. The paper applies some older techniques of line generalization, and compares their performance against algorithms that we specifically designed for compressing moving object trajectories

    Semantic Trajectories:Computing and Understanding Mobility Data

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    Thanks to the rapid development of mobile sensing technologies (like GPS, GSM, RFID, accelerometer, gyroscope, sound and other sensors in smartphones), the large-scale capture of evolving positioning data (called mobility data or trajectories) generated by moving objects with embedded sensors has become easily feasible, both technically and economically. We have already entered a world full of trajectories. The state-of-the-art on trajectory, either from the moving object database area or in the statistical analysis viewpoint, has built a bunch of sophisticated techniques for trajectory data ad-hoc storage, indexing, querying and mining etc. However, most of these existing methods mainly focus on a spatio-temporal viewpoint of mobility data, which means they analyze only the geometric movement of trajectories (e.g., the raw ‹x, y, t› sequential data) without enough consideration on the high-level semantics that can better understand the underlying meaningful movement behaviors. Addressing this challenging issue for better understanding movement behaviors from the raw mobility data, this doctoral work aims at providing a high-level modeling and computing methodology for semantically abstracting the rapidly increasing mobility data. Therefore, we bring top-down semantic modeling and bottom-up data computing together and establish a new concept called "semantic trajectories" for mobility data representation and understanding. As the main novelty contribution, this thesis provides a rich, holistic, heterogeneous and application-independent methodology for computing semantic trajectories to better understand mobility data at different levels. In details, this methodology is composed of five main parts with dedicated contributions. Semantic Trajectory Modeling. By investigating trajectory modeling requirements to better understand mobility data, this thesis first designs a hybrid spatio-semantic trajectory model that represents mobility with rich data abstraction at different levels, i.e., from the low-level spatio-temporal trajectory to the intermediate-level structured trajectory, and finally to the high-level semantic trajectory. In addition, a semantic based ontological framework has also been designed and applied for querying and reasoning on trajectories. Offline Trajectory Computing. To utilize the hybrid model, the thesis complementarily designs a holistic trajectory computing platform with dedicated algorithms for reconstructing trajectories at different levels. The platform can preprocess collected mobility data (i.e., raw movement tracks like GPS feeds) in terms of data cleaning/compression etc., identify individual trajectories, and segment them into structurally meaningful trajectory episodes. Therefore, this trajectory computing platform can construct spatio-temporal trajectories and structured trajectories from the raw mobility data. Such computing platform is initially designed as an offline solution which is supposed to analyze past trajectories via a batch procedure. Trajectory Semantic Annotation. To achieve the final semantic level for better understanding mobility data, this thesis additionally designs a semantic annotation platform that can enrich trajectories with third party sources that are composed of geographic background information and application domain knowledge, to further infer more meaningful semantic trajectories. Such annotation platform is application-independent that can annotate various trajectories (e.g., mobility data of people, vehicle and animals) with heterogeneous data sources of semantic knowledge (e.g., third party sources in any kind of geometric shapes like point, line and region) that can help trajectory enrichment. Online Trajectory Computing. In addition to the offline trajectory computing for analyzing past trajectories, this thesis also contributes to dealing with ongoing trajectories in terms of real-time trajectory computing from movement data streams. The online trajectory computing platform is capable of providing real-life trajectory data cleaning, compression, and segmentation over streaming movement data. In addition, the online platform explores the functionality of online tagging to achieve fully semantic-aware trajectories and further evaluate trajectory computing in a real-time setting. Mining Trajectories from Multi-Sensors. Previously, the focus is on computing semantic trajectories using single-sensory data (i.e., GPS feeds), where most datasets are from moving objects with wearable GPS-embedded sensors (e.g., mobility data of animal, vehicle and people tracking). In addition, we explore the problem of mining people trajectories using multi-sensory feeds from smartphones (GPS, gyroscope, accelerometer etc). The research results reveal that the combination of two sensors (GPS+accelerometer) can significantly infer a complete life-cycle semantic trajectories of people's daily behaviors, both outdoor movement via GPS and indoor activities via accelerometer

    Modeling, Quantifying, and Limiting Adversary Knowledge

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    Users participating in online services are required to relinquish control over potentially sensitive personal information, exposing them to intentional or unintentional miss-use of said information by the service providers. Users wishing to avoid this must either abstain from often extremely useful services, or provide false information which is usually contrary to the terms of service they must abide by. An attractive middle-ground alternative is to maintain control in the hands of the users and provide a mechanism with which information that is necessary for useful services can be queried. Users need not trust any external party in the management of their information but are now faced with the problem of judging when queries by service providers should be answered or when they should be refused due to revealing too much sensitive information. Judging query safety is difficult. Two queries may be benign in isolation but might reveal more than a user is comfortable with in combination. Additionally malicious adversaries who wish to learn more than allowed might query in a manner that attempts to hide the flows of sensitive information. Finally, users cannot rely on human inspection of queries due to its volume and the general lack of expertise. This thesis tackles the automation of query judgment, giving the self-reliant user a means with which to discern benign queries from dangerous or exploitive ones. The approach is based on explicit modeling and tracking of the knowledge of adversaries as they learn about a user through the queries they are allowed to observe. The approach quantifies the absolute risk a user is exposed, taking into account all the information that has been revealed already when determining to answer a query. Proposed techniques for approximate but sound probabilistic inference are used to tackle the tractability of the approach, letting the user tradeoff utility (in terms of the queries judged safe) and efficiency (in terms of the expense of knowledge tracking), while maintaining the guarantee that risk to the user is never underestimated. We apply the approach to settings where user data changes over time and settings where multiple users wish to pool their data to perform useful collaborative computations without revealing too much information. By addressing one of the major obstacles preventing the viability of personal information control, this work brings the attractive proposition closer to reality

    TODMIS: Mining Communities from Trajectories

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    National Research Foundation (NRF) Singapore under International Research Centre @ Singapore Funding Initiativ

    Fine Art Pattern Extraction and Recognition

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    This is a reprint of articles from the Special Issue published online in the open access journal Journal of Imaging (ISSN 2313-433X) (available at: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/jimaging/special issues/faper2020)

    Interdisciplining Digital Humanities: Boundary Work in an Emerging Field

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    The first book to test the claim that the emerging field of Digital Humanities is interdisciplinary and also examines the boundary work of establishing and sustaining a new field of stud

    Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering

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    This open access book constitutes the proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering, FASE 2022, which was held during April 4-5, 2022, in Munich, Germany, as part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2022. The 17 regular papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 64 submissions. The proceedings also contain 3 contributions from the Test-Comp Competition. The papers deal with the foundations on which software engineering is built, including topics like software engineering as an engineering discipline, requirements engineering, software architectures, software quality, model-driven development, software processes, software evolution, AI-based software engineering, and the specification, design, and implementation of particular classes of systems, such as (self-)adaptive, collaborative, AI, embedded, distributed, mobile, pervasive, cyber-physical, or service-oriented applications