8 research outputs found

    Semi-Supervised First-Person Activity Recognition in Body-Worn Video

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    Body-worn cameras are now commonly used for logging daily life, sports, and law enforcement activities, creating a large volume of archived footage. This paper studies the problem of classifying frames of footage according to the activity of the camera-wearer with an emphasis on application to real-world police body-worn video. Real-world datasets pose a different set of challenges from existing egocentric vision datasets: the amount of footage of different activities is unbalanced, the data contains personally identifiable information, and in practice it is difficult to provide substantial training footage for a supervised approach. We address these challenges by extracting features based exclusively on motion information then segmenting the video footage using a semi-supervised classification algorithm. On publicly available datasets, our method achieves results comparable to, if not better than, supervised and/or deep learning methods using a fraction of the training data. It also shows promising results on real-world police body-worn video

    Review on recent Computer Vision Methods for Human Action Recognition

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    The subject of human activity recognition is considered an important goal in the domain of computer vision from the beginning of its development and has reached new levels. It is also thought of as a simple procedure. Problems arise in fast-moving and advanced scenes, and the numerical analysis of artificial intelligence (AI) through activity prediction mistreatment increased the attention of researchers to study. Having decent methodological and content related variations, several datasets were created to address the evaluation of these ways. Human activities play an important role but with challenging characteristic in various fields. Many applications exist in this field, such as smart home, helpful AI, HCI (Human-Computer Interaction), advancements in protection in applications such as transportation, education, security, and medication management, including falling or helping elderly in medical drug consumption. The positive impact of deep learning techniques on many vision applications leads to deploying these ways in video processing. Analysis of human behavior activities involves major challenges when human presence is concerned. One individual can be represented in multiple video sequences through skeleton, motion and/or abstract characteristics. This work aims to address human presence by combining many options and utilizing a new RNN structure for activities. The paper focuses on recent advances in machine learning-assisted action recognition./nExisting modern techniques for the recognition of actions and prediction similarly because the future scope for the analysis is mentioned accuracy within the review paper.La temo de homa agado-rekono estas konsiderata grava celo en la regado de komputila vizio ekde la komenco de ?ia disvolvi?o kaj atingis novajn nivelojn. ?i anka? estas pensata kiel simpla procedo. Problemoj ekestas en rapidaj kaj progresintaj scenoj, kaj la nombra analizo de artefarita inteligenteco (AI) per agado-anta?diro mistraktado pliigis la atenton de esploristoj por studi. Havante decajn metodikajn kaj enhavajn rilatajn varia?ojn, pluraj datenserioj estis kreitaj por trakti la taksadon de ?i tiuj manieroj. Homaj agadoj ludas gravan rolon sed kun malfacila karakteriza?o en diversaj kampoj. Multaj aplikoj ekzistas en ?i tiu kampo, kiel inteligenta hejmo, helpema AI, HCI (Homa-Komputila Interagado), progresoj en protekto en aplikoj kiel transportado, edukado, sekureco kaj administrado de medikamentoj, inkluzive faladon a? helpon al maljunuloj pri kuracado de drogoj. La pozitiva efiko de profundaj lernaj teknikoj sur multaj vidaj aplikoj kondukas al disfaldi ?i tiujn manierojn en video-prilaborado. Analizo de homaj kondutagadoj implikas gravajn defiojn kiam homa ?eesto temas. Unu individuo povas esti reprezentita en multoblaj videosekvencoj tra skeleto, movi?o kaj / a? abstraktaj karakteriza?oj. ?i tiu verko celas trakti homan ?eeston kombinante multajn eblojn kaj uzante novan RNN-strukturon por agadoj. La papero temigas lastatempajn progresojn en ma?inlernado-helpata agado.Ekzistantaj modernaj teknikoj por la rekono de agoj kaj prognozo simile ?ar la estonta amplekso por la analizo estas menciita precizeco ene de la recenzo-papero

    Jointly Learning Energy Expenditures and Activities using Egocentric Multimodal Signals

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    Physiological signals such as heart rate can provide valuable information about an individual’s state and activity. However, existing work on computer vision has not yet explored leveraging these signals to enhance egocentric video understanding. In this work, we propose a model for reasoning on multimodal data to jointly predict activities and energy expenditures. We use heart rate signals as privileged self-supervision to derive energy expenditure in a training stage. A multitask objective is used to jointly optimize the two tasks. Additionally, we introduce a dataset that contains 31 hours of egocentric video augmented with heart rate and acceleration signals. This study can lead to new applications such as a visual calorie counter