5,139 research outputs found

    Trajectories entropy in dynamical graphs with memory

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    In this paper we investigate the application of non-local graph entropy to evolving and dynamical graphs. The measure is based upon the notion of Markov diffusion on a graph, and relies on the entropy applied to trajectories originating at a specific node. In particular, we study the model of reinforcement-decay graph dynamics, which leads to scale free graphs. We find that the node entropy characterizes the structure of the network in the two parameter phase-space describing the dynamical evolution of the weighted graph. We then apply an adapted version of the entropy measure to purely memristive circuits. We provide evidence that meanwhile in the case of DC voltage the entropy based on the forward probability is enough to characterize the graph properties, in the case of AC voltage generators one needs to consider both forward and backward based transition probabilities. We provide also evidence that the entropy highlights the self-organizing properties of memristive circuits, which re-organizes itself to satisfy the symmetries of the underlying graph.Comment: 15 pages one column, 10 figures; new analysis and memristor models added. Text improve

    Entrograms and coarse graining of dynamics on complex networks

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    Using an information theoretic point of view, we investigate how a dynamics acting on a network can be coarse grained through the use of graph partitions. Specifically, we are interested in how aggregating the state space of a Markov process according to a partition impacts on the thus obtained lower-dimensional dynamics. We highlight that for a dynamics on a particular graph there may be multiple coarse grained descriptions that capture different, incomparable features of the original process. For instance, a coarse graining induced by one partition may be commensurate with a time-scale separation in the dynamics, while another coarse graining may correspond to a different lower-dimensional dynamics that preserves the Markov property of the original process. Taking inspiration from the literature of Computational Mechanics, we find that a convenient tool to summarise and visualise such dynamical properties of a coarse grained model (partition) is the entrogram. The entrogram gathers certain information-theoretic measures, which quantify how information flows across time steps. These information theoretic quantities include the entropy rate, as well as a measure for the memory contained in the process, i.e., how well the dynamics can be approximated by a first order Markov process. We use the entrogram to investigate how specific macro-scale connection patterns in the state-space transition graph of the original dynamics result in desirable properties of coarse grained descriptions. We thereby provide a fresh perspective on the interplay between structure and dynamics in networks, and the process of partitioning from an information theoretic perspective. We focus on networks that may be approximated by both a core-periphery or a clustered organization, and highlight that each of these coarse grained descriptions can capture different aspects of a Markov process acting on the network.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figue

    Order Parameter Flow in the SK Spin-Glass I: Replica Symmetry

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    We present a theory to describe the dynamics of the Sherrington- Kirkpatrick spin-glass with (sequential) Glauber dynamics in terms of deterministic flow equations for macroscopic parameters. Two transparent assumptions allow us to close the macroscopic laws. Replica theory enters as a tool in the calculation of the time- dependent local field distribution. The theory produces in a natural way dynamical generalisations of the AT- and zero-entropy lines and of Parisi's order parameter function P(q)P(q). In equilibrium we recover the standard results from equilibrium statistical mechanics. In this paper we make the replica-symmetric ansatz, as a first step towards calculating the order parameter flow. Numerical simulations support our assumptions and suggest that our equations describe the shape of the local field distribution and the macroscopic dynamics reasonably well in the region where replica symmetry is stable.Comment: 41 pages, Latex, OUTP-94-29S, 14 figures available in hardcop

    "0-1" test chaosu

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    The goal of this thesis is to research the 0-1 test for chaos, its application in Matlab, and testing on suitable models. Elementary tools of the dynamical systems analysis are introduced, that are later used in the main results part of the thesis. The 0-1 test for chaos is introduced in detail, defined, and implemented in Matlab. The application is then performed on two one-dimensional discrete models where the first one is in explicit and the second one in implicit form. In both cases, simulations in dependence of the state parameter were done and main results are given - the 0-1 test for chaos, phase, and bifurcation diagrams.Hlavním cílem bakalářské práce je studium 0-1 testu chaosu, jeho implementace v Matlabu a následné testování na vhodných modelech. V práci jsou zavedeny základní nástroje analýzy dynamických systémů, které jsou později použity v části hlavních výsledků. 0-1 test chaosu je podrobně uveden, řádně definován a implementován v Matlabu. Aplikace je provedena na dvou jednodimenzionálních diskrétních modelech z nichž jeden je v explicitním a druhý v implicitním tvaru. V obou případech byly provedeny simulace v závislosti na stavovém parametru a hlavní výsledky byly demonstrovány formou 0-1 testu chaosu, fázových a bifurkačních diagramů.470 - Katedra aplikované matematikyvýborn

    Asymptotic behavior of memristive circuits

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    The interest in memristors has risen due to their possible application both as memory units and as computational devices in combination with CMOS. This is in part due to their nonlinear dynamics, and a strong dependence on the circuit topology. We provide evidence that also purely memristive circuits can be employed for computational purposes. In the present paper we show that a polynomial Lyapunov function in the memory parameters exists for the case of DC controlled memristors. Such Lyapunov function can be asymptotically approximated with binary variables, and mapped to quadratic combinatorial optimization problems. This also shows a direct parallel between memristive circuits and the Hopfield-Little model. In the case of Erdos-Renyi random circuits, we show numerically that the distribution of the matrix elements of the projectors can be roughly approximated with a Gaussian distribution, and that it scales with the inverse square root of the number of elements. This provides an approximated but direct connection with the physics of disordered system and, in particular, of mean field spin glasses. Using this and the fact that the interaction is controlled by a projector operator on the loop space of the circuit. We estimate the number of stationary points of the approximate Lyapunov function and provide a scaling formula as an upper bound in terms of the circuit topology only.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures; proofs corrected, figures changed; results substantially unchanged; to appear in Entrop

    Complex network classification using partially self-avoiding deterministic walks

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    Complex networks have attracted increasing interest from various fields of science. It has been demonstrated that each complex network model presents specific topological structures which characterize its connectivity and dynamics. Complex network classification rely on the use of representative measurements that model topological structures. Although there are a large number of measurements, most of them are correlated. To overcome this limitation, this paper presents a new measurement for complex network classification based on partially self-avoiding walks. We validate the measurement on a data set composed by 40.000 complex networks of four well-known models. Our results indicate that the proposed measurement improves correct classification of networks compared to the traditional ones