19 research outputs found

    Layerwise Noise Maximisation to Train Low-Energy Deep Neural Networks

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    Deep neural networks (DNNs) depend on the storage of a large number of parameters, which consumes an important portion of the energy used during inference. This paper considers the case where the energy usage of memory elements can be reduced at the cost of reduced reliability. A training algorithm is proposed to optimize the reliability of the storage separately for each layer of the network, while incurring a negligible complexity overhead compared to a conventional stochastic gradient descent training. For an exponential energy-reliability model, the proposed training approach can decrease the memory energy consumption of a DNN with binary parameters by 3.3×\times at isoaccuracy, compared to a reliable implementation.Comment: To be presented at AICAS 202

    Projection Convolutional Neural Networks for 1-bit CNNs via Discrete Back Propagation

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    The advancement of deep convolutional neural networks (DCNNs) has driven significant improvement in the accuracy of recognition systems for many computer vision tasks. However, their practical applications are often restricted in resource-constrained environments. In this paper, we introduce projection convolutional neural networks (PCNNs) with a discrete back propagation via projection (DBPP) to improve the performance of binarized neural networks (BNNs). The contributions of our paper include: 1) for the first time, the projection function is exploited to efficiently solve the discrete back propagation problem, which leads to a new highly compressed CNNs (termed PCNNs); 2) by exploiting multiple projections, we learn a set of diverse quantized kernels that compress the full-precision kernels in a more efficient way than those proposed previously; 3) PCNNs achieve the best classification performance compared to other state-of-the-art BNNs on the ImageNet and CIFAR datasets

    Binarized Neural Architecture Search

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    Neural architecture search (NAS) can have a significant impact in computer vision by automatically designing optimal neural network architectures for various tasks. A variant, binarized neural architecture search (BNAS), with a search space of binarized convolutions, can produce extremely compressed models. Unfortunately, this area remains largely unexplored. BNAS is more challenging than NAS due to the learning inefficiency caused by optimization requirements and the huge architecture space. To address these issues, we introduce channel sampling and operation space reduction into a differentiable NAS to significantly reduce the cost of searching. This is accomplished through a performance-based strategy used to abandon less potential operations. Two optimization methods for binarized neural networks are used to validate the effectiveness of our BNAS. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed BNAS achieves a performance comparable to NAS on both CIFAR and ImageNet databases. An accuracy of 96.53%96.53\% vs. 97.22%97.22\% is achieved on the CIFAR-10 dataset, but with a significantly compressed model, and a 40%40\% faster search than the state-of-the-art PC-DARTS

    Single-bit-per-weight deep convolutional neural networks without batch-normalization layers for embedded systems

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    Batch-normalization (BN) layers are thought to be an integrally important layer type in today's state-of-the-art deep convolutional neural networks for computer vision tasks such as classification and detection. However, BN layers introduce complexity and computational overheads that are highly undesirable for training and/or inference on low-power custom hardware implementations of real-time embedded vision systems such as UAVs, robots and Internet of Things (IoT) devices. They are also problematic when batch sizes need to be very small during training, and innovations such as residual connections introduced more recently than BN layers could potentially have lessened their impact. In this paper we aim to quantify the benefits BN layers offer in image classification networks, in comparison with alternative choices. In particular, we study networks that use shifted-ReLU layers instead of BN layers. We found, following experiments with wide residual networks applied to the ImageNet, CIFAR 10 and CIFAR 100 image classification datasets, that BN layers do not consistently offer a significant advantage. We found that the accuracy margin offered by BN layers depends on the data set, the network size, and the bit-depth of weights. We conclude that in situations where BN layers are undesirable due to speed, memory or complexity costs, that using shifted-ReLU layers instead should be considered; we found they can offer advantages in all these areas, and often do not impose a significant accuracy cost.Comment: 8 pages, published IEEE conference pape