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    Dimensionality reduction methods for machine translation quality estimation

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10590-013-9139-3[EN] Quality estimation (QE) for machine translation is usually addressed as a regression problem where a learning model is used to predict a quality score from a (usually highly-redundant) set of features that represent the translation. This redundancy hinders model learning, and thus penalizes the performance of quality estimation systems. We propose different dimensionality reduction methods based on partial least squares regression to overcome this problem, and compare them against several reduction methods previously used in the QE literature. Moreover, we study how the use of such methods influence the performance of different learning models. Experiments carried out on the English-Spanish WMT12 QE task showed that it is possible to improve prediction accuracy while significantly reducing the size of the feature sets.This work supported by the European Union Seventh Framework Program (FP7/2007-2013) under the CasMaCat project (grants agreement no. 287576), by Spanish MICINN under TIASA (TIN2009-14205-C04-02) project, and by the Generalitat Valenciana under grant ALMPR (Prometeo/2009/014).González Rubio, J.; Navarro Cerdán, JR.; Casacuberta Nolla, F. (2013). Dimensionality reduction methods for machine translation quality estimation. Machine Translation. 27(3-4):281-301. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10590-013-9139-3S281301273-4Amaldi E, Kann V (1998) On the approximability of minimizing nonzero variables or unsatisfied relations in linear systems. Theor Comput Sci 209(1–2):237–260Anderson TW (1958) An introduction to multivariate statistical analysis. 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    Bridging SMT and TM with translation recommendation

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    We propose a translation recommendation framework to integrate Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) output with Translation Memory (TM) systems. The framework recommends SMT outputs to a TM user when it predicts that SMT outputs are more suitable for post-editing than the hits provided by the TM. We describe an implementation of this framework using an SVM binary classifier. We exploit methods to fine-tune the classifier and investigate a variety of features of different types. We rely on automatic MT evaluation metrics to approximate human judgements in our experiments. Experimental results show that our system can achieve 0.85 precision at 0.89 recall, excluding exact matches. futhermore, it is possible for the end-user to achieve a desired balance between precision and recall by adjusting confidence levels

    Improving the post-editing experience using translation recommendation: a user study

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    We report findings from a user study with professional post-editors using a translation recommendation framework (He et al., 2010) to integrate Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) output with Translation Memory (TM) systems. The framework recommends SMT outputs to a TM user when it predicts that SMT outputs are more suitable for post-editing than the hits provided by the TM. We analyze the effectiveness of the model as well as the reaction of potential users. Based on the performance statistics and the users’comments, we find that translation recommendation can reduce the workload of professional post-editors and improve the acceptance of MT in the localization industry

    Integrating N-best SMT outputs into a TM system

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    In this paper, we propose a novel frame- work to enrich Translation Memory (TM) systems with Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) outputs using ranking. In order to offer the human translators multiple choices, instead of only using the top SMT output and top TM hit, we merge the N-best output from the SMT system and the k-best hits with highest fuzzy match scores from the TM system. The merged list is then ranked according to the prospective post-editing effort and provided to the translators to aid their work. Experiments show that our ranked output achieve 0.8747 precision at top 1 and 0.8134 precision at top 5. Our framework facilitates a tight integration between SMT and TM, where full advantage is taken of TM while high quality SMT output is availed of to improve the productivity of human translators

    What Level of Quality can Neural Machine Translation Attain on Literary Text?

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    Given the rise of a new approach to MT, Neural MT (NMT), and its promising performance on different text types, we assess the translation quality it can attain on what is perceived to be the greatest challenge for MT: literary text. Specifically, we target novels, arguably the most popular type of literary text. We build a literary-adapted NMT system for the English-to-Catalan translation direction and evaluate it against a system pertaining to the previous dominant paradigm in MT: statistical phrase-based MT (PBSMT). To this end, for the first time we train MT systems, both NMT and PBSMT, on large amounts of literary text (over 100 million words) and evaluate them on a set of twelve widely known novels spanning from the the 1920s to the present day. According to the BLEU automatic evaluation metric, NMT is significantly better than PBSMT (p < 0.01) on all the novels considered. Overall, NMT results in a 11% relative improvement (3 points absolute) over PBSMT. A complementary human evaluation on three of the books shows that between 17% and 34% of the translations, depending on the book, produced by NMT (versus 8% and 20% with PBSMT) are perceived by native speakers of the target language to be of equivalent quality to translations produced by a professional human translator.Comment: Chapter for the forthcoming book "Translation Quality Assessment: From Principles to Practice" (Springer

    UGENT-LT3 SCATE system for machine translation quality estimation

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    This paper describes the submission of the UGENT-LT3 SCATE system to the WMT15 Shared Task on Quality Estima-tion (QE), viz. English-Spanish word and sentence-level QE. We conceived QE as a supervised Machine Learning (ML) problem and designed additional features and combined these with the baseline feature set to estimate quality. The sen-tence-level QE system re-uses the word level predictions of the word-level QE system. We experimented with different learning methods and observe improve-ments over the baseline system for word-level QE with the use of the new features and by combining learning methods into ensembles. For sentence-level QE we show that using a single feature based on word-level predictions can perform better than the baseline system and using this in combination with additional features led to further improvements in performance