8,642 research outputs found

    Moving in next door: Network flooding as a side channel in cloud environments

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    The final publication is available at http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-48965-0_56Co-locating multiple tenants' virtual machines (VMs) on the same host underpins public clouds' affordability, but sharing physical hardware also exposes consumer VMs to side channel attacks from adversarial co-residents. We demonstrate passive bandwidth measurement to perform traffic analysis attacks on co-located VMs. Our attacks do not assume a privileged position in the network or require any communication between adversarial and victim VMs. Using a single feature in the observed bandwidth data, our algorithm can identify which of 3 potential YouTube videos a co-resident VM streamed with 66% accuracy. We discuss defense from both a cloud provider's and a consumer's perspective, showing that effective defense is difficult to achieve without costly under-utilization on the part of the cloud provider or over-utilization on the part of the consumer.We would like to acknowledge the MIT PRIMES program and thank in particular Dr. Slava Gerovitch and Dr. Srini Devadas for their support. We are also grateful to Boston University, the Hariri Institute, and the Massachusetts Open Cloud. This paper is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grants No. 1414119 and 1413920

    Evaluation of HTTP/DASH Adaptation Algorithms on Vehicular Networks

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    Video streaming currently accounts for the majority of Internet traffic. One factor that enables video streaming is HTTP Adaptive Streaming (HAS), that allows the users to stream video using a bit rate that closely matches the available bandwidth from the server to the client. MPEG Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH) is a widely used standard, that allows the clients to select the resolution to download based on their own estimations. The algorithm for determining the next segment in a DASH stream is not partof the standard, but it is an important factor in the resulting playback quality. Nowadays vehicles are increasingly equipped with mobile communication devices, and in-vehicle multimedia entertainment systems. In this paper, we evaluate the performance of various DASH adaptation algorithms over a vehicular network. We present detailed simulation results highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of various adaptation algorithms in delivering video content to vehicular users, and we show how the different adaptation algorithms perform in terms of throughput, playback interruption time, and number of interruptions

    Desktop Sharing Portal

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    Desktop sharing technologies have existed since the late 80s. It is often used in scenarios where collaborative computing is beneficial to participants in the shared environment by the control of the more knowledgeable party. But the steps required in establishing a session is often cumbersome to many. Selection of a sharing method, obtaining sharing target’s network address, sharing tool’s desired ports, and firewall issues are major hurdles for a typical non-IT user. In this project, I have constructed a web-portal that helps collaborators to easily locate each other and initialize sharing sessions. The portal that I developed enables collaborated sessions to start as easily as browsing to a URL of the sharing service provider, with no need to download or follow installation instructions on either party’s end. In addition, I have added video conferencing and audio streaming capability to bring better collaborative and multimedia experience
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