7 research outputs found

    Estimating Freeway Traffic Volume Using Shockwaves and Probe Vehicle Trajectory Data

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    Probe vehicle data are increasingly becoming the primary source of traffic data. In current practice, traffic volumes and speeds are collected from inductive loop or similar devices. As probe vehicle data become more widespread, it is imperative that methods are developed so that traffic state estimators like speed, density and flow can be derived from probe vehicle data as well. In this paper, a methodology to estimate traffic flow on a freeway based on probe vehicle trajectory data combined with traffic shockwave theory is proposed. In essence, probe vehicle trajectory can indicate the free-flowing and congested regimes. By using LWR kinematic wave model, a shockwave can be identified that separates both regimes. From the formation of the shockwave, flows for each regime are estimated. To identify the shockwave, k-means clustering is applied to the data. When applied to simulated data, the error of the estimated flow during free-flow ranges from -9% to 1% with an average of -5%. The estimated flow during congestion has an error of 0%. Based on the results, this paper shows that the proposed method can predict traffic flow with a reasonable accuracy under congested and free-flow conditions. © 2017 The Authors

    Fundamental Diagram Estimation Based on Random Probe Pairs on Sub-Segments

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    A new statistical algorithm is proposed in this paper with the aim of estimating fundamental diagram (FD) in actual traffic and dividing the traffic state. Traditional methods mainly focus on sensor data, but this paper takes random probe pairs as research objects. First, a mathematical method is proposed by using probe pairs data and the jam density to determine the FD on a stationary segment. Second, we applied it to the near-stationary probe traffic state set through linear regression and expectation maximisation iterative algorithm, estimating the free flow speed and the backward wave speed and dividing the traffic state based on the 95% confidence interval of the estimated FD. Finally, simulation and empirical analyses are used to verify the new algorithm. The simulation analysis results show that the estimation error corresponding to the free flow speed and the backward wave speed are 1.0668 km/h and 0.0002 km/h respectively. The empirical analysis calculates the maximum capacity of the road and divides the traffic into three states (free flow state, breakdown state, and congested state), which demonstrates the accuracy and practicability of the research in this paper, and provides a reference for urban traffic monitoring and government decision-making

    Traffic State Estimation Using Connected Vehicles and Stationary Detectors

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    Methodologies for Estimating Traffic Flow on Freeways Using Probe Vehicle Trajectory Data

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    Probe vehicle data are increasingly becoming the primary source of traffic data. As probe vehicle data become more widespread, it is imperative that methods are developed so that traffic state estimators such as flow, density, and speed can be derived from such data. In this dissertation three different methodologies are proposed for predicting traffic flow or volume on a freeway. All of the proposed methodologies exploit several different traffic flow theories in conjunction with probe vehicle data to predict traffic flow. The first methodology takes advantage of the fundamental diagram or speed-flow relationship. The relationship states that flow can be estimated when speed is known. In this case, flow is traffic volume and speed comes from probe vehicles. Flow is predicted for four different models of fundamental diagrams and is analyzed at different time aggregation intervals. Results show that of the four fundamental diagrams, Van Aerde’s Model is the best performing model with the lowest average percent error. It is also observed that flow prediction is more accurate during low speed (congestion) compared to high speed (free-flow) conditions. The second methodology exploits the shockwave theory, which pertains to the propagation of a change (discontinuity) in traffic flow. From probe vehicle trajectories, shockwave is estimated as the boundary between free-flow and congested regimes of traffic flow. After clustering the traffic regimes into free-flow and congested periods, the traffic flow during congestion is estimated using the Northwestern congested-regime fundamental diagram. From this estimation, the flow during free-flow is then predicted. Analyses show that the percent error of the predicted flow during free-flow ranges from -9 to 1%. The third methodology is the car-following approach which relies on the spacing or distance between a leader and follower which can be directly measured from the trajectories. Based on a set of known probability distributions, the position of the follower vehicle with respect to the lead vehicle is estimated given that the spacing between the two random probe vehicles is known. A framework is developed to automatically process probe trajectories to extract relevant probe data under stop-and-go traffic conditions. The model is tested based on NGSIM datasets. The results show that when vehicle spacing is small the prediction of follower position is very accurate. As spacing increases the error in predicted follower position also increases. Though there exists some estimation error, all three approaches can reasonably predict flow for freeways using probe vehicle data