80 research outputs found

    Dynamic vs Oblivious Routing in Network Design

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    Consider the robust network design problem of finding a minimum cost network with enough capacity to route all traffic demand matrices in a given polytope. We investigate the impact of different routing models in this robust setting: in particular, we compare \emph{oblivious} routing, where the routing between each terminal pair must be fixed in advance, to \emph{dynamic} routing, where routings may depend arbitrarily on the current demand. Our main result is a construction that shows that the optimal cost of such a network based on oblivious routing (fractional or integral) may be a factor of \BigOmega(\log{n}) more than the cost required when using dynamic routing. This is true even in the important special case of the asymmetric hose model. This answers a question in \cite{chekurisurvey07}, and is tight up to constant factors. Our proof technique builds on a connection between expander graphs and robust design for single-sink traffic patterns \cite{ChekuriHardness07}

    Optimal Networks from Error Correcting Codes

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    To address growth challenges facing large Data Centers and supercomputing clusters a new construction is presented for scalable, high throughput, low latency networks. The resulting networks require 1.5-5 times fewer switches, 2-6 times fewer cables, have 1.2-2 times lower latency and correspondingly lower congestion and packet losses than the best present or proposed networks providing the same number of ports at the same total bisection. These advantage ratios increase with network size. The key new ingredient is the exact equivalence discovered between the problem of maximizing network bisection for large classes of practically interesting Cayley graphs and the problem of maximizing codeword distance for linear error correcting codes. Resulting translation recipe converts existent optimal error correcting codes into optimal throughput networks.Comment: 14 pages, accepted at ANCS 2013 conferenc

    General hardware multicasting for fine-grained message-passing architectures

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    Manycore architectures are increasingly favouring message-passing or partitioned global address spaces (PGAS) over cache coherency for reasons of power efficiency and scalability. However, in the absence of cache coherency, there can be a lack of hardware support for one-to-many communication patterns, which are prevalent in someapplication domains. To address this, we present new hardware primitives for multicast communication in rack-scale manycore systems. These primitives guarantee delivery to both colocated and distributed destinations, and can capture large unstructured communication patterns precisely. As a result, reliable multicast transfers among any number of software tasks, connected in any topology, can be fully offloaded to hardware. We implement the new primitives in a research platform consisting of 50K RISC-V threads distributed over 48 FPGAs, and demonstrate significant performance benefits on a range of applications expressed using a high-level vertex-centric programming model

    General hardware multicasting for fine-grained message-passing architectures

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    Manycore architectures are increasingly favouring message-passing or partitioned global address spaces (PGAS) over cache coherency for reasons of power efficiency and scalability. However, in the absence of cache coherency, there can be a lack of hardware support for one-to-many communication patterns, which are prevalent in some application domains. To address this, we present new hardware primitives for multicast communication in rack-scale manycore systems. These primitives guarantee delivery to both colocated and distributed destinations, and can capture large unstructured communication patterns precisely. As a result, reliable multicast transfers among any number of software tasks, connected in any topology, can be fully offloaded to hardware. We implement the new primitives in a research platform consisting of 50K RISC-V threads distributed over 48 FPGAs, and demonstrate significant performance benefits on a range of applications expressed using a high-level vertex-centric programming model

    In Pursuit of Desirable Equilibria in Large Scale Networked Systems

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    This thesis addresses an interdisciplinary problem in the context of engineering, computer science and economics: In a large scale networked system, how can we achieve a desirable equilibrium that benefits the system as a whole? We approach this question from two perspectives. On the one hand, given a system architecture that imposes certain constraints, a system designer must propose efficient algorithms to optimally allocate resources to the agents that desire them. On the other hand, given algorithms that are used in practice, a performance analyst must come up with tools that can characterize these algorithms and determine when they can be optimally applied. Ideally, the two viewpoints must be integrated to obtain a simple system design with efficient algorithms that apply to it. We study the design of incentives and algorithms in such large scale networked systems under three application settings, referred to herein via the subheadings: Incentivizing Sharing in Realtime D2D Networks: A Mean Field Games Perspective, Energy Coupon: A Mean Field Game Perspective on Demand Response in Smart Grids, Dynamic Adaptability Properties of Caching Algorithms, and Accuracy vs. Learning Rate of Multi-level Caching Algorithms. Our application scenarios all entail an asymptotic system scaling, and an equilibrium is defined in terms of a probability distribution over system states. The question in each case is to determine how to attain a probability distribution that possesses certain desirable properties. For the first two applications, we consider the design of specific mechanisms to steer the system toward a desirable equilibrium under self interested decision making. The environments in these problems are such that there is a set of shared resources, and a mechanism is used during each time step to allocate resources to agents that are selfish and interact via a repeated game. These models are motivated by resource sharing systems in the context of data communication, transportation, and power transmission networks. The objective is to ensure that the achieved equilibria are socially desirable. Formally, we show that a Mean Field Game can be used to accurately approximate these repeated game frameworks, and we describe mechanisms under which socially desirable Mean Field Equilibria exist. For the third application, we focus on performance analysis via new metrics to determine the value of the attained equilibrium distribution of cache contents when using different replacement algorithms in cache networks. The work is motivated by the fact that typical performance analysis of caching algorithms consists of determining hit probability under a fixed arrival process of requests, which does not account for dynamic variability of request arrivals. Our main contribution is to define a function which accounts for both the error due to time lag of learning the items' popularity, as well as error due to the inaccuracy of learning, and to characterize the tradeoff between the two that conventional algorithms achieve. We then use the insights gained in this exercise to design new algorithms that are demonstrably superior

    Spartan Daily, November 16, 1977

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    Volume 69, Issue 53https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/6274/thumbnail.jp

    Technology Assessment of Changes in the Future Use and Characteristics of the Automobile Transportation System

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    An assessment by the Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) that "examines the automobile as a mode of personal transportation and considers issues an policy options pertaining to vehicles, highways, and related industries, services, and institutions" (p. iii)