33 research outputs found

    Trade-off capacities of the quantum Hadamard channels

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    Coding theorems in quantum Shannon theory express the ultimate rates at which a sender can transmit information over a noisy quantum channel. More often than not, the known formulas expressing these transmission rates are intractable, requiring an optimization over an infinite number of uses of the channel. Researchers have rarely found quantum channels with a tractable classical or quantum capacity, but when such a finding occurs, it demonstrates a complete understanding of that channel's capabilities for transmitting classical or quantum information. Here, we show that the three-dimensional capacity region for entanglement-assisted transmission of classical and quantum information is tractable for the Hadamard class of channels. Examples of Hadamard channels include generalized dephasing channels, cloning channels, and the Unruh channel. The generalized dephasing channels and the cloning channels are natural processes that occur in quantum systems through the loss of quantum coherence or stimulated emission, respectively. The Unruh channel is a noisy process that occurs in relativistic quantum information theory as a result of the Unruh effect and bears a strong relationship to the cloning channels. We give exact formulas for the entanglement-assisted classical and quantum communication capacity regions of these channels. The coding strategy for each of these examples is superior to a naive time-sharing strategy, and we introduce a measure to determine this improvement.Comment: 27 pages, 6 figures, some slight refinements and submitted to Physical Review

    Quantum Information Transmission over a Partially Degradable Channel

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    We investigate a quantum coding for quantum communication over a PD (partially degradable) degradable quantum channel. For a PD channel, the degraded environment state can be expressed from the channel output state up to a degrading map. PD channels can be restricted to the set of optical channels which allows for the parties to exploit the benefits in experimental quantum communications. We show that for a PD channel, the partial degradability property leads to higher quantum data rates in comparison to those of a degradable channel. The PD property is particular convenient for quantum communications and allows one to implement the experimental quantum protocols with higher performance. We define a coding scheme for PD-channels and give the achievable rates of quantum communication.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, Journal-ref: IEEE Acces

    Superadditivity of the Classical Capacity with Limited Entanglement Assistance

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    Finding the optimal encoding strategies can be challenging for communication using quantum channels, as classical and quantum capacities may be superadditive. Entanglement assistance can often simplify this task, as the entanglement-assisted classical capacity for any channel is additive, making entanglement across channel uses unnecessary. If the entanglement assistance is limited, the picture is much more unclear. Suppose the classical capacity is superadditive, then the classical capacity with limited entanglement assistance could retain superadditivity by continuity arguments. If the classical capacity is additive, it is unknown if superadditivity can still be developed with limited entanglement assistance. We show this is possible, by providing an example. We construct a channel for which, the classical capacity is additive, but that with limited entanglement assistance can be superadditive. This shows entanglement plays a weird role in communication and we still understand very little about it.Comment: 13 page

    Private Quantum Coding for Quantum Relay Networks

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    The relay encoder is an unreliable probabilistic device which is aimed at helping the communication between the sender and the receiver. In this work we show that in the quantum setting the probabilistic behavior can be completely eliminated. We also show how to combine quantum polar encoding with superactivation-assistance in order to achieve reliable and capacity-achieving private communication over noisy quantum relay channels.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, Journal-ref: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 7479, pp. 239-250. Springer-Verlag, 2012, presented in part at the 11th Intl. Conference on Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing (QCMC2012), v2: minor formatting change