5 research outputs found

    A Principled Approach to Securing IoT Apps

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    IoT apps are becoming increasingly popular as they allow users to manage their digital lives by connecting otherwise unconnected devices and services: cyberphysical “things” such as smart homes, cars, or fitness armbands, to online services such as Google or Dropbox, to social networks such as Facebook or Twitter. IoT apps rely on end-user programming, such that anyone with an active account on the platform can create and publish apps, with the majority of apps being created by third parties.We demonstrate that the most popular IoT app platforms are susceptible to attacks by malicious app makers and suggest short and longterm countermeasures for securing the apps. For short-term protection we rely on access\ua0control and suggest the apps to be classified either as exclusively private or exclusively public, disallowing in this way information from private sources to flow to public sinks.For longterm protection we rely on a principled approach for designing information flow controls. Following these principles we define projected security, a variant of noninterference that captures the attacker’s view of an app, and design two mechanisms for enforcing it. A static enforcement based on a flow-sensitive type system may be used by the platform to statically analyze the apps before being published on the app store. This enforcement covers leaks stemming from both explicit and implicit flows, but is not expressive enough to address timing attacks. Hence we design a second enforcement based on a dynamic monitor that covers the timing channels as well

    Securing Cross-App Interactions in IoT Platforms

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    IoT platforms enable users connect various smart devices and online services via reactive apps running on the cloud. These apps, often developed by third-parties, perform simple computations on data triggered by external information sources and actuate the results of computation on external information sinks. Recent research shows that unintended or malicious interactions between the different (even benign) apps of a user can cause severe security and safety risks. These works leverage program analysis techniques to build tools for unveiling unexpected interference across apps for specific use cases. Despite these initial efforts, we are still lacking a semantic framework for understanding interactions between IoT apps. The question of what security policy cross-app interference embodies remains largely unexplored. This paper proposes a semantic framework capturing the essence of cross-app interactions in IoT platforms. The frame- work generalizes and connects syntactic enforcement mechanisms to bisimulation-based notions of security, thus providing a baseline for formulating soundness criteria of these enforcement mechanisms. Specifically, we present a calculus that models the behavioral semantics of a system of apps executing concurrently, and use it to define desirable semantic policies in the context security and safety of IoT apps. To demonstrate the usefulness of our framework, we define static mechanisms for enforcing cross- app security and safety, and prove them sound with respect to our semantic conditions. Finally, we leverage real-world apps to validate the practical benefits of our policy framework

    Tracking Information Flow via Delayed Output: Addressing Privacy in IoT and Emailing Apps

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    This paper focuses on tracking information flow in the presence of delayed output. We motivate the need to address delayed output in the domains of IoT apps and email marketing. We discuss the threat of privacy leaks via delayed output in code published by malicious app makers on popular IoT app platforms. We discuss the threat of privacy leaks via delayed output in non-malicious code on popular platforms for email-driven marketing. We present security characterizations of projected noninterference and projected weak secrecy to capture information flows in the presence of delayed output in malicious and non-malicious code, respectively. We develop two security type systems: for information flow control in potentially malicious code and for taint tracking in non-malicious code, engaging read and write security types to soundly enforce projected noninterference and projected weak secrecy

    Behavioral equivalences for AbU: Verifying security and safety in distributed IoT systems

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    Attribute-based memory Updates ([Formula presented]in short) is an interaction mechanism recently introduced for adapting the Event-Condition-Action (ECA) programming paradigm to distributed reactive systems, such as autonomic and smart IoT device ensembles. In this model, an event (e.g., an input from a sensor, or a device state update) can trigger an ECA rule, whose execution can cause the state update of (possibly) many remote devices at once; the latter are selected “on the fly” by means of predicates over their state, without the need of a central coordinating entity. However, the combination of different [Formula presented]systems may yield unexpected interactions, e.g., when a new device is added to an existing secure system, potentially hindering the security of the whole ensemble of devices. This can be critical in the IoT, where smart devices are more and more pervasive in our daily life. In this paper, we consider the problem of ensuring security and safety requirements for [Formula presented]systems (and, in turn, for IoT devices). The first are a form of noninterference, as they correspond to avoid forbidden information flows (e.g., information flows violating confidentiality); while the second are a form of non-interaction, as they correspond to avoid unintended executions (e.g., leading to erroneous/unsafe states). In order to formally model these requirements, we introduce suitable behavioral equivalences for [Formula presented]. These equivalences are generalizations of hiding bisimilarity, i.e., a kind of weak bisimilarity where we can compare systems up to actions at different levels of security. Leveraging these behavioral equivalences, we propose (syntactic) sufficient conditions guaranteeing the requirements and, then, effective algorithms for statically verifying such conditions