6 research outputs found

    Towards ServMark, an Architecture for Testing Grid Services

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    Technical University of Delft - Technical Report ServMark-2006-002, July 2006Grid computing provides a natural way to aggregate resources from different administrative domains for building large scale distributed environments. The Web Services paradigm proposes a way by which virtual services can be seamlessly integrated into global-scale solutions to complex problems. While the usage of Grid technology ranges from academia and research to business world and production, two issues must be considered: that the promised functionality can be accurately quantified and that the performance can be evaluated based on well defined means. Without adequate functionality demonstrators, systems cannot be tuned or adequately configured, and Web services cannot be stressed adequately in production environment. Without performance evaluation systems, the system design and procurement processes are limp, and the performance of Web Services in production cannot be assessed. In this paper, we present ServMark, a carefully researched tool for Grid performance evaluation. While we acknowledge that a lot of ground must be covered to fulfill the requirements of a system for testing Grid environments, and Web (and Grid) Services, we believe that ServMark addresses the minimal set of critical issues

    Grid-job scheduling with reservations and preemption

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    Computational grids make it possible to exploit grid resources across multiple clusters when grid jobs are deconstructed into tasks and allocated across clusters. Grid-job tasks are often scheduled in the form of workflows which require synchronization, and advance reservation makes it easy to guarantee predictable resource provisioning for these jobs. However, advance reservation for grid jobs creates roadblocks and fragmentation which adversely affects the system utilization and response times for local jobs. We provide a solution which incorporates relaxed reservations and uses a modified version of the standard grid-scheduling algorithm, HEFT, to obtain flexibility in placing reservations for workflow grid jobs. Furthermore, we deploy the relaxed reservation with modified HEFT as an extension of the preemption based job scheduling framework, SCOJO-PECT job scheduler. In SCOJO-PECT, relaxed reservations serve the additional purpose of permitting scheduler optimizations which shift the overall schedule forward. Furthermore, a propagation heuristics algorithm is used to alleviate the workflow job makespan extension caused by the slack of relaxed reservation. Our solution aims at decreasing the fragmentation caused by grid jobs, so that local jobs and system utilization are not compromised, and at the same time grid jobs also have reasonable response times

    Trace-based simulations of processor co-allocation policies in multiclusters

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    In systems consisting of multiple clusters of processors which employ space sharing for scheduling jobs, such as our Distributed ASCI (Advanced School for Computing Imaging) Supercomputer (DAS), co-allocation, i.e., the simultaneous allocation of processors to single jobs in multiple clusters, may be required. In this paper we study the performance of several scheduling policies for co-allocating unordered requests in multiclusters with a workload derived from the DAS. We find that beside the policy, limiting the total job size significantly improves the performance, and that for a slowdown of jobs due to global communication bounded by 1.25, co-allocation is a viable choice

    Trace-based simulations of processor co-allocation policies in multiclusters

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    Trace-based simulations of processor co-allocation policies in multiclusters

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    In systems consisting of multiple clusters of processors which employ space sharing for scheduling jobs, such as our Distributed ASCI (Advanced School for Computing Imaging) Supercomputer (DAS), co-allocation, i.e., the simultaneous allocation of processors to single jobs in multiple clusters, may be required. In this paper we study the performance of several scheduling policies for co-allocating unordered requests in multiclusters with a workload derived from the DAS. We find that beside the policy, limiting the total job size significantly improves the performance, and that for a slowdown of jobs due to global communication bounded by 1.25, co-allocation is a viable choice

    Rocmeu: orientação ao recurso na modelação de aplicações paralelas e exploração cooperativa de clusters multi-SAN

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    O desenvolvimento de soluções paralelas para problemas com requisitos computacionais elevados tem estado limitado à exploração de sistemas de computação específicos e à utilização de abstracções altamente conotadas com a arquitectura desses sistemas. Estes condicionalismos têm um impacto altamente desencorajador na utilização de clusters heterogéneos -- que integram múltiplas tecnologias de interligação -- quando se pretende dar respostas capazes, tanto ao nível da produtividade, como do desempenho. Esta dissertação apresenta a orientação ao recurso como uma nova abordagem à programação paralela, unificando no conceito de recurso as entidades lógicas dispersas pelos nós de um cluster, criadas pelas aplicações em execução, e os recursos físicos que constituem o potencial de computação e comunicação da arquitectura alvo. O paradigma introduz novas abstracções para (i) a comunicação entre recursos lógicos e (ii) a manipulação de recursos físicos a partir das aplicações. As primeiras garantem um interface mais conveniente ao programador, sem comprometerem o desempenho intrínseco das modernas tecnologias de comunicação SAN. As segundas permitem que o programador estabeleça, explicitamente, uma correspondência efectiva entre as entidades lógicas e os recursos físicos, por forma a explorar os diferentes padrões de localidade existentes na hierarquia de recursos que resulta da utilização de múltiplas tecnologias SAN e múltiplos nós SMP. O paradigma proposto traduz-se numa metodologia de programação concretizada na plataforma Meu, que visa a integração do desenho/desenvolvimento de aplicações paralelas e do processo de selecção/alocação de recursos físicos em tempo de execução, em ambientes multi-aplicação e multi-utilizador. Na base desta plataforma está o RoCl, uma outra plataforma, desenvolvido com o intuito de oferecer uma imagem de sistema uno. Na arquitectura resultante, o primeiro nível, suportado pelo RoCl, garante a conectividade entre recursos lógicos dispersos pelos diferentes nós do cluster, enquanto o segundo, da responsabilidade do Meu, permite a organização e manipulação desses recursos lógicos, a partir de uma especificação inicial, administrativa, dos recursos físicos disponíveis. Do ponto de vista da programação paralela/distribuída, o Meu integra adaptações e extensões dos paradigmas da programação por memória partilhada, passagem de mensagens e memória global. Numa outra vertente, estão disponíveis capacidades básicas para a manipulação de recursos físicos em conjunto com facilidades para a criação e localização de entidades que suportam a interoperabilidade e a cooperação entre aplicações.The development of parallel solutions for high demanding computational problems has been limited to the exploitation of specific computer systems and to the use of abstractions closely related to the architecture of these systems. These limitations are a strong obstacle to the use of heterogeneous clusters -- clusters that integrate multiple interconnection technologies -- when we intend to give capable answers to both productivity and performance. This work presents the resource orientation as a new approach to parallel programming, unifying in the resource concept the logical entities spread through cluster nodes by applications and the physical resources that represent computation and communication power. The paradigm introduces new abstractions for (i) the communication among logical resources and (ii) the manipulation of physical resources from applications. The first ones guarantee a more convenient interface to the programmer, without compromising the intrinsic performance of modern SAN communication technologies. The second ones allow the programmer to explicitly establish the effective mapping between logical entities and physical resources, in order to exploit the different levels of locality that we can find in the hierarchy of resources that results from using distinct SAN technologies and multiple SMP nodes. The proposed paradigm corresponds to a programming methodology materialized in the Meu platform, which aims to integrate the design/development of parallel applications and the process of selecting/allocating physical resources at execution time in multi-application, multi-user environments. The basis for this platform is RoCl, another platform, developed to offer a single system image. The first layer of the resultant architecture, which corresponds to RoCl, guarantees the connectivity among logical resources instantiated at different cluster nodes, while the second, corresponding to Meu, allows to organize and manipulate these logical resources, starting from an initial administrative specification of the available physical resources. In the context of parallel/distributed programming, Meu integrates adaptations and extensions to the shared memory, message passing and global memory programming paradigms. Basic capabilities for the manipulation of physical resources along with facilities for the creation and discovery of entities that support the interoperability and cooperation between applications are also available