81 research outputs found

    Quantifying the latency benefits of near-edge and in-network FPGA acceleration

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    Transmitting data to cloud datacenters in distributed IoT applications introduces significant communication latency, but is often the only feasible solution when source nodes are computationally limited. To address latency concerns, cloudlets, in-network computing, and more capable edge nodes are all being explored as a way of moving processing capability towards the edge of the network. Hardware acceleration using Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) is also seeing increased interest due to reduced computation latency and improved efficiency. This paper evaluates the the implications of these offloading approaches using a case study neural network based image classification application, quantifying both the computation and communication latency resulting from different platform choices. We consider communication latency including the ingestion of packets for processing on the target platform, showing that this varies significantly with the choice of platform. We demonstrate that emerging in-network accelerator approaches offer much improved and predictable performance as well as better scaling to support multiple data sources

    Mobility-Induced Service Migration in Mobile Micro-Clouds

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    Mobile micro-cloud is an emerging technology in distributed computing, which is aimed at providing seamless computing/data access to the edge of the network when a centralized service may suffer from poor connectivity and long latency. Different from the traditional cloud, a mobile micro-cloud is smaller and deployed closer to users, typically attached to a cellular basestation or wireless network access point. Due to the relatively small coverage area of each basestation or access point, when a user moves across areas covered by different basestations or access points which are attached to different micro-clouds, issues of service performance and service migration become important. In this paper, we consider such migration issues. We model the general problem as a Markov decision process (MDP), and show that, in the special case where the mobile user follows a one-dimensional asymmetric random walk mobility model, the optimal policy for service migration is a threshold policy. We obtain the analytical solution for the cost resulting from arbitrary thresholds, and then propose an algorithm for finding the optimal thresholds. The proposed algorithm is more efficient than standard mechanisms for solving MDPs.Comment: in Proc. of IEEE MILCOM 2014, Oct. 201

    EYECOM: an innovative approach for computer interaction

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    The world is innovating rapidly, and there is a need for continuous interaction with the technology. Sadly, there do not exist promising options for paralyzed people to interact with the machines i.e., laptops, smartphones, and tabs. A few commercial solutions such as Google Glasses are costly and cannot be afforded by every paralyzed person for such interaction. Towards this end, the thesis proposes a retina-controlled device called EYECOM. The proposed device is constructed from off-the-shelf cost-effective yet robust IoT devices (i.e., Arduino microcontrollers, Xbee wireless sensors, IR diodes, and accelerometer). The device can easily be mounted on to the glasses; the paralyzed person using this device can interact with the machine using simple head movement and eye blinks. The IR detector is located in front of the eye to illuminate the eye region. As a result of illumination, the eye reflects IR light which includes electrical signals and as the eyelids close, the reflected light over eye surface is disrupted, and such change in reflected value is recorded. Further to enable cursor movement onto the computer screen for the paralyzed person a device named accelerometer is used. The accelerometer is a small device, with the size of phalanges, a human thumb bone. The device operates on the principle of axis-based motion sensing and it can be worn as a ring by a paralyzed person. A microcontroller processes the inputs from the IR sensors, accelerometer and transmits them wirelessly via Xbee wireless sensor (i.e., a radio) to another microcontroller attached to the computer. With the help of a proposed algorithm, the microcontroller attached to the computer, on receiving the signals moves cursor onto the computer screen and facilitate performing actions, as simple as opening a document to operating a word-to-speech software. EYECOM has features which can help paralyzed persons to continue their contributions towards the technological world and become an active part of the society. Resultantly, they will be able to perform number of tasks without depending upon others from as simple as reading a newspaper on the computer to activate word-to-voice software

    Derandomized Distributed Multi-resource Allocation with Little Communication Overhead

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    We study a class of distributed optimization problems for multiple shared resource allocation in Internet-connected devices. We propose a derandomized version of an existing stochastic additive-increase and multiplicative-decrease (AIMD) algorithm. The proposed solution uses one bit feedback signal for each resource between the system and the Internet-connected devices and does not require inter-device communication. Additionally, the Internet-connected devices do not compromise their privacy and the solution does not dependent on the number of participating devices. In the system, each Internet-connected device has private cost functions which are strictly convex, twice continuously differentiable and increasing. We show empirically that the long-term average allocations of multiple shared resources converge to optimal allocations and the system achieves minimum social cost. Furthermore, we show that the proposed derandomized AIMD algorithm converges faster than the stochastic AIMD algorithm and both the approaches provide approximately same solutions

    JALAD: Joint Accuracy- and Latency-Aware Deep Structure Decoupling for Edge-Cloud Execution

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    Recent years have witnessed a rapid growth of deep-network based services and applications. A practical and critical problem thus has emerged: how to effectively deploy the deep neural network models such that they can be executed efficiently. Conventional cloud-based approaches usually run the deep models in data center servers, causing large latency because a significant amount of data has to be transferred from the edge of network to the data center. In this paper, we propose JALAD, a joint accuracy- and latency-aware execution framework, which decouples a deep neural network so that a part of it will run at edge devices and the other part inside the conventional cloud, while only a minimum amount of data has to be transferred between them. Though the idea seems straightforward, we are facing challenges including i) how to find the best partition of a deep structure; ii) how to deploy the component at an edge device that only has limited computation power; and iii) how to minimize the overall execution latency. Our answers to these questions are a set of strategies in JALAD, including 1) A normalization based in-layer data compression strategy by jointly considering compression rate and model accuracy; 2) A latency-aware deep decoupling strategy to minimize the overall execution latency; and 3) An edge-cloud structure adaptation strategy that dynamically changes the decoupling for different network conditions. Experiments demonstrate that our solution can significantly reduce the execution latency: it speeds up the overall inference execution with a guaranteed model accuracy loss.Comment: conference, copyright transfered to IEE

    A Game-theoretic Framework for Revenue Sharing in Edge-Cloud Computing System

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    We introduce a game-theoretic framework to ex- plore revenue sharing in an Edge-Cloud computing system, in which computing service providers at the edge of the Internet (edge providers) and computing service providers at the cloud (cloud providers) co-exist and collectively provide computing resources to clients (e.g., end users or applications) at the edge. Different from traditional cloud computing, the providers in an Edge-Cloud system are independent and self-interested. To achieve high system-level efficiency, the manager of the system adopts a task distribution mechanism to maximize the total revenue received from clients and also adopts a revenue sharing mechanism to split the received revenue among computing servers (and hence service providers). Under those system-level mechanisms, service providers attempt to game with the system in order to maximize their own utilities, by strategically allocating their resources (e.g., computing servers). Our framework models the competition among the providers in an Edge-Cloud system as a non-cooperative game. Our simulations and experiments on an emulation system have shown the existence of Nash equilibrium in such a game. We find that revenue sharing mechanisms have a significant impact on the system-level efficiency at Nash equilibria, and surprisingly the revenue sharing mechanism based directly on actual contributions can result in significantly worse system efficiency than Shapley value sharing mechanism and Ortmann proportional sharing mechanism. Our framework provides an effective economics approach to understanding and designing efficient Edge-Cloud computing systems

    A Non-conventional Sum-and-Max based Neural Network layer for Low Power Classification

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    The increasing need for small and low-power Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) for edge computing applications involves the investigation of new architectures that allow good performance on low-resources/mobile devices. To this aim, many different structures have been proposed in the literature, mainly targeting the reduction in the costs introduced by the Multiply and Accumulate (MAC) primitive. In this work, a DNN layer based on the novel Sum and Max (SAM) paradigm is proposed. It does not require either the use of multiplications or the insertion of complex non-linear operations. Furthermore, it is especially prone to aggressive pruning, thus needing a very low number of parameters to work. The layer is tested on a simple classification task and its cost is compared with a classic DNN layer with equivalent accuracy based on the MAC primitive, in order to assess the reduction of resources that the use of this new structure could introduce

    ExPECA: An Experimental Platform for Trustworthy Edge Computing Applications

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    This paper presents ExPECA, an edge computing and wireless communication research testbed designed to tackle two pressing challenges: comprehensive end-to-end experimentation and high levels of experimental reproducibility. Leveraging OpenStack-based Chameleon Infrastructure (CHI) framework for its proven flexibility and ease of operation, ExPECA is located in a unique, isolated underground facility, providing a highly controlled setting for wireless experiments. The testbed is engineered to facilitate integrated studies of both communication and computation, offering a diverse array of Software-Defined Radios (SDR) and Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) wireless and wired links, as well as containerized computational environments. We exemplify the experimental possibilities of the testbed using OpenRTiST, a latency-sensitive, bandwidth-intensive application, and analyze its performance. Lastly, we highlight an array of research domains and experimental setups that stand to gain from ExPECA's features, including closed-loop applications and time-sensitive networking
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