8 research outputs found

    Principled methods for mixtures processing

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    This document is my thesis for getting the habilitation à diriger des recherches, which is the french diploma that is required to fully supervise Ph.D. students. It summarizes the research I did in the last 15 years and also provides the short­term research directions and applications I want to investigate. Regarding my past research, I first describe the work I did on probabilistic audio modeling, including the separation of Gaussian and α­stable stochastic processes. Then, I mention my work on deep learning applied to audio, which rapidly turned into a large effort for community service. Finally, I present my contributions in machine learning, with some works on hardware compressed sensing and probabilistic generative models.My research programme involves a theoretical part that revolves around probabilistic machine learning, and an applied part that concerns the processing of time series arising in both audio and life sciences

    Advances in Architectural Acoustics

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    Satisfactory acoustics is crucial for the ability of spaces such as auditoriums and lecture rooms to perform their primary function. The acoustics of dwellings and offices greatly affects the quality of our life, since we are all consciously or subconsciously aware of the sounds to which we are daily subjected. Architectural acoustics, which encompasses room and building acoustics, is the scientific field that deals with these topics and can be defined as the study of generation, propagation, and effects of sound in enclosures. Modeling techniques, as well as related acoustic theories for accurately calculating the sound field, have been the center of many major new developments. In addition, the image conveyed by a purely physical description of sound would be incomplete without regarding human perception; hence, the interrelation between objective stimuli and subjective sensations is a field of important investigations. A holistic approach in terms of research and practice is the optimum way for solving the perplexing problems which arise in the design or refurbishment of spaces, since current trends in contemporary architecture, such as transparency, openness, and preference for bare sound-reflecting surfaces are continuing pushing the very limits of functional acoustics. All the advances in architectural acoustics gathered in this Special Issue, we hope that inspire researchers and acousticians to explore new directions in this age of scientific convergence

    Research of algorithms for the reconstruction of non-uniform sampled discrete-time signals with unknown sampling locations

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    В монографии изложены результаты исследований алгоритмов восстановления дискретных сигналов (ДС), заданных в узлах временной сетки (ВС) с точно неизвестными значениями координат ее узлов. Проведен анализ состояния предметной области, включая: существующие виды неравномерной дискретизации сигналов по времени и причины ее возникновения. Предложена классификация видов неравномерной дискретизации сигналов во времени. Приведены примеры реальных измерительных систем, на выходе которых получают ДС, заданные в узлах неравномерной временной сетки (НВС), а также методы восстановления ДС данного типа. Приведена постановка задачи восстановления ДС, заданного в узлах НВС, с неизвестными точно значениями координат ее узлов. Изложены результаты исследования особенностей восстановления ДС, заданных в узлах НВС с неизвестными точно значениями координат ее узлов, с помощью интерполяционных методов, а также методов, основанных на уточнении значений координат узлов НВС, и оценки их точности. Предложены новые алгоритмы восстановления ДС, заданных на НВС с точно неизвестными значениями координат ее узлов, продемонстрирована их работоспособность и получены оценки точности восстановления ДС с помощью данных алгоритмов. Проведен анализ точности восстановления периодических ДС, получаемых на выходе реальных цифровых систем (высокоскоростного 8-ми битного АЦП на основе КМОП-технологии 0.18 мкм, системы, состоящей из 8 параллельных 5-ти битных АЦП на основе КМОП-тепхнологии 65 нм), с помощью разработанных алгоритмов восстановления.In this treatise are considered the results of research of algorithms for the reconstruction of non-uniform sampled band-limited discrete-time signal with unknown sampling location. The condition of problem domain is analyzed, including: applying signal sampling schemes and causes of origin of the non-uniform sampling signals. Also is proposed classification of signal sampling schemes. Examples of real measurement systems, on the output of which registers non-uniform sampled signals with unknown sampling location as well as methods to reconstruct this type signals are given. The problem of signal reconstruction from non-uniform samples is considered. Interpolation methods to reconstruct a band-limited discrete-time signal from non-uniform samples with unknown sampling location, and optimization methods by estimating unknown sampling locations values are analyzed. Estimates of accuracy of interpolation methods for recovery of irregularly sampled signals are given. Also are given estimates of accuracy of methods to reconstruct a signal from non-uniform samples with unknown sampling locations by estimating unknown sampling locations values and presenting a solution of certain multiparameter problem of global optimization. Are proposed the new algorithms to reconstruct band-limited discrete-time signal from non-uniform samples with unknown sampling location and is demonstrated their performance. Estimate of accuracy of algorithms is compared and reconstruction errors are given in the numerical examples. The results of the research on the accuracy of the periodic signals reconstruction registered at the high speed 8 parallel 5-bit ADC system output based on the 65 nm CMOS technology and 8-bit high-rate ADC output based on the 0.18µm CMOS technology by means of special algorithms to reconstruct a signal from non-uniform samples with unknown sampling locations are analyzed