6 research outputs found

    Factores de mantenibilidad en el desarrollo de aplicaciones web

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    La mantenibilidad es un concepto que se utiliza en múltiples contextos, haciendo alusión a la cantidad de trabajo o esfuerzo necesario para que un sistema cualquiera conserve su funcionamiento frente a determinados cambios que se introduzcan o a errores que se presenten. La mantenibilidad se puede aplicar en el contexto del desarrollo de software y puntualmente en el desarrollo de aplicaciones web. Para este último, mantenibilidad se define como la facilidad o dificultad para modificar la aplicación web, ya sea a causa de un arreglo que se debe realizar o de una mejora que se desea implementar. La mantenibilidad es un atributo que tiene un impacto significativo en la calidad general de una aplicación web y, de hecho, de no ser tenida en cuenta durante el diseño y la implementación del proyecto, puede acarrear a sobrecostos durante el tiempo de vida de la misma. En este trabajo muestran los factores que impactan directamente la mantenibilidad de una aplicación, especialmente durante el proceso de implementación de la mismaAbstract: The maintainability is a concept used in multiple contexts, alluding to the amount of work or effort necessary for any system to keep its operation against certain changes introduced or errors that arise. The maintainability can be applied in the context of software development and in that way in the development of web applications. For the latter, maintainability is defined as the ease or difficulty of modifying the web application, either because of an adjustment that must be made or an improvement to be implemented. The maintainability is an attribute within a significant impact on the overall quality of a web application and, in fact, if it is not taken into account, during project design and implementation, can lead to over costs during the lifetime of the project. This document, show the factors directly influences the maintainability of an application, especially during the implementation process.Maestrí

    Development of a personalization model for web applications in a context of model-driven development

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    ABSTRACT: This dissertation develops and validates a maintainable approach to improve the modifiability of personalized web applications and to reduce the technical complexity to integrate personalization strategies in a short time in a business environment. The Software Reference Architecture to face the maintainability problem was proposed and the MAMPA framework (Model-driven Approach to enhance the Modifiability of Personalized Web Applications) was implemented

    A technique for the evaluation of free and open source e-learning systems

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    Philosophiae Doctor - PhDEvaluating software is a universal and complex problem. The question is: how should software be selected and adopted, or rather, which of the software packages is the most suitable for a specific environment? Extensive research on the evaluation of software has been done, but only a few researchers have considered evaluation of e-learning systems based on three software quality characteristics (i.e. usability, maintainability and deployability) for implementation in third world countries. In this thesis, it will be considered how to use a mixed research methods for the evaluation of free and open source e-learning systems in a developing country. The scope of this investigation is the evaluation of two free and open source e-learning systems at the Open University of Tanzania using 33 stakeholders (some with more and others with less computer expertise).South Afric