176 research outputs found

    Clone Detection in Matlab Stateflow Models

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    Matlab Simulink is one of the leading tools for model based software development in the automotive industry. One extension to Simulink is Stateflow, which allows the user to embed Statecharts as components in a Simulink Model. These state machines contain nested states, an action language that describes events, guards, conditions and actions and complex transitions. As Stateflow has become increasingly important in Simulink models for the automotive sector, we extend previous work on clone detection of Simulink models to Stateflow components

    Model analytics and management

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    Model analytics and management

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    Towards a Taxonomy for Simulink Model Mutations

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    Abstract—A relatively new and important branch of Mutation Analysis involves model mutations. In our attempts to realize model-clone detector testing, we found that there was little mutation research on Simulink, which is a fairly prevalent modeling language, especially in embedded domains. Because Simulink model mutations are the crux of our model-clone detector testing framework, we want to ensure that we are selecting the appropriate mutations. In this paper, we propose a taxonomy of Simulink model mutations, which is based on our experiences thus far with Simulink, that aims to inject model clones of various types and is fairly representative of realistic Simulink edit operations. We organize the mutations by categories based on the types of model clones they will inject, and further break them down into mutation classes. For each class, we define the characteristics of mutation operators belonging to that class and demonstrate an example operator. Lastly, in an attempt to validate our taxonomy, we perform a case study on multiple versions of three Simulink projects, including an industrial project, to ascertain if the actual subsystem edit operations observed across versions can be classified using our taxonomy and present any interesting cases. While we developed the taxonomy with the specific goal of facilitating and guiding the injection of mutants for model clones, we believe it is fairly general and a solid foundation for future Simulink model mutation work. I

    A Framework for Seamless Variant Management and Incremental Migration to a Software Product-Line

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    Context: Software systems often need to exist in many variants in order to satisfy varying customer requirements and operate under varying software and hardware environments. These variant-rich systems are most commonly realized using cloning, a convenient approach to create new variants by reusing existing ones. Cloning is readily available, however, the non-systematic reuse leads to difficult maintenance. An alternative strategy is adopting platform-oriented development approaches, such as Software Product-Line Engineering (SPLE). SPLE offers systematic reuse, and provides centralized control, and thus, easier maintenance. However, adopting SPLE is a risky and expensive endeavor, often relying on significant developer intervention. Researchers have attempted to devise strategies to synchronize variants (change propagation) and migrate from clone&own to an SPL, however, they are limited in accuracy and applicability. Additionally, the process models for SPLE in literature, as we will discuss, are obsolete, and only partially reflect how adoption is approached in industry. Despite many agile practices prescribing feature-oriented software development, features are still rarely documented and incorporated during actual development, making SPL-migration risky and error-prone.Objective: The overarching goal of this PhD is to bridge the gap between clone&own and software product-line engineering in a risk-free, smooth, and accurate manner. Consequently, in the first part of the PhD, we focus on the conceptualization, formalization, and implementation of a framework for migrating from a lean architecture to a platform-based one.Method: Our objectives are met by means of (i) understanding the literature relevant to variant-management and product-line migration and determining the research gaps (ii) surveying the dominant process models for SPLE and comparing them against the contemporary industrial practices, (iii) devising a framework for incremental SPL adoption, and (iv) investigating the benefit of using features beyond PL migration; facilitating model comprehension.Results: Four main results emerge from this thesis. First, we present a qualitative analysis of the state-of-the-art frameworks for change propagation and product-line migration. Second, we compare the contemporary industrial practices with the ones prescribed in the process models for SPL adoption, and provide an updated process model that unifies the two to accurately reflect the real practices and guide future practitioners. Third, we devise a framework for incremental migration of variants into a fully integrated platform by exploiting explicitly recorded metadata pertaining to clone and feature-to-asset traceability. Last, we investigate the impact of using different variability mechanisms on the comprehensibility of various model-related tasks.Future work: As ongoing and future work, we aim to integrate our framework with existing IDEs and conduct a developer study to determine the efficiency and effectiveness of using our framework. We also aim to incorporate safe-evolution in our operators

    Code smells detection and visualization: A systematic literature review

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    Context: Code smells (CS) tend to compromise software quality and also demand more effort by developers to maintain and evolve the application throughout its life-cycle. They have long been catalogued with corresponding mitigating solutions called refactoring operations. Objective: This SLR has a twofold goal: the first is to identify the main code smells detection techniques and tools discussed in the literature, and the second is to analyze to which extent visual techniques have been applied to support the former. Method: Over 83 primary studies indexed in major scientific repositories were identified by our search string in this SLR. Then, following existing best practices for secondary studies, we applied inclusion/exclusion criteria to select the most relevant works, extract their features and classify them. Results: We found that the most commonly used approaches to code smells detection are search-based (30.1%), and metric-based (24.1%). Most of the studies (83.1%) use open-source software, with the Java language occupying the first position (77.1%). In terms of code smells, God Class (51.8%), Feature Envy (33.7%), and Long Method (26.5%) are the most covered ones. Machine learning techniques are used in 35% of the studies. Around 80% of the studies only detect code smells, without providing visualization techniques. In visualization-based approaches several methods are used, such as: city metaphors, 3D visualization techniques. Conclusions: We confirm that the detection of CS is a non trivial task, and there is still a lot of work to be done in terms of: reducing the subjectivity associated with the definition and detection of CS; increasing the diversity of detected CS and of supported programming languages; constructing and sharing oracles and datasets to facilitate the replication of CS detection and visualization techniques validation experiments.Comment: submitted to ARC

    The state of adoption and the challenges of systematic variability management in industry

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    Handling large-scale software variability is still a challenge for many organizations. After decades of research on variability management concepts, many industrial organizations have introduced techniques known from research, but still lament that pure textbook approaches are not applicable or efficient. For instance, software product line engineering—an approach to systematically develop portfolios of products—is difficult to adopt given the high upfront investments; and even when adopted, organizations are challenged by evolving their complex product lines. Consequently, the research community now mainly focuses on re-engineering and evolution techniques for product lines; yet, understanding the current state of adoption and the industrial challenges for organizations is necessary to conceive effective techniques. In this multiple-case study, we analyze the current adoption of variability management techniques in twelve medium- to large-scale industrial cases in domains such as automotive, aerospace or railway systems. We identify the current state of variability management, emphasizing the techniques and concepts they adopted. We elicit the needs and challenges expressed for these cases, triangulated with results from a literature review. We believe our results help to understand the current state of adoption and shed light on gaps to address in industrial practice.This work is supported by Vinnova Sweden, Fond Unique Interminist´eriel (FUI) France, and the Swedish Research Council. Open access funding provided by University of Gothenbur

    Maßgeschneiderte Produktlinienextraktion

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    Industry faces an increasing number of challenges regarding the functionality, efficiency and reliability of software. A common approach to reduce the linked development effort and respective costs are model-based languages, such as Matlab/Simulink and statecharts. While these languages help companies during development of single systems, the high demand for customized software is an increasing challenge. As a result, variants with high similarity and only slight differences have to be developed in an efficient way. As reimplementation of complex functionality for each variant is no option, copies of existing solutions are often modified for new customers. In the short-run, this so-called clone-and-own approach allows to save costs as existing solutions can easily be reused. However, this approach also involves risks as the relations between the copied systems are rarely documented and errors have to be fixed for each variant in isolation. Thus, with a growing number of potentially large system copies, the resulting maintenance effort can become a problem. To overcome these problems, this thesis contributes an approach to semi-automatically migrate existing model variants to software product lines. These product lines allow to generate all variants from the identified reusable artifacts. As industry uses a variety of different modeling languages, the focus of the approach lies on an easy adaptation for different languages. Furthermore, the approach can be custom-tailored to include domain knowledge or language-specific details in the variability identification. The first step of the approach performs a high-level analysis of variants to identify outliers (e.g., variants that diverged too much from the rest) and clusters of strongly related variants. The second step executes variability mining to identify corresponding low-level variability relations (i.e. the common and varying parts) for these clusters. The third step uses these detailed variability relations for an automatic migration of the compared variants to a delta-oriented software product line. The approach is evaluated using publicly available case studies with industrial background as well as model variants provided by an industry partner.Die Industrie steht einer steigenden Anzahl an Herausforderungen bezüglich der Funktionalität, Effizienz und Zuverlässigkeit von Software gegenüber. Um den damit verbundenen Entwicklungsaufwand und entsprechende Kosten zu reduzieren, werden häufig modellbasierte Sprachen wie Matlab/Simulink oder Zustandsautomaten eingesetzt. Obwohl diese Sprachen die Unternehmen während der Entwicklung von Einzelsystemen unterstützen, führt die große Nachfrage nach maßgeschneiderter Software zu neuen Herausforderungen. Entsprechend müssen Varianten mit hoher Ähnlichkeit und nur geringfügigen Unterschieden effizient entwickelt werden. Da eine Neuimplementierung komplexer Funktionalität für jede Variante keine Option darstellt, werden häufig Kopien existierender Lösungen für Kunden angepasst. Auf kurze Sicht ermöglicht dieser sogenannte clone-and-own-Ansatz Kosten zu sparen, da existierende Lösungen leicht wiederverwendet werden können. Jedoch birgt der Ansatz auch Risiken, da Beziehungen zwischen den Systemkopien selten dokumentiert werden und Fehler für jede der Variante einzeln behoben werden müssen. Somit kann mit einer wachsenden Anzahl an möglicherweise umfangreichen Systemkopien der Wartungsaufwand zu einem Problem werden. Um diese Probleme zu lösen, bietet diese Arbeit einen Ansatz zur semi-automatischen Überführung existierender Modellvarianten in Softwareproduktlinien. Diese ermöglichen eine anschließende Generierung der Varianten aus den identifizierten wiederverwendbaren Artefakten. Da in der Industrie eine große Menge von Modellierungssprachen eingesetzt wird, liegt der Fokus auf der einfachen Adaption für unterschiedliche Sprachen. Zusätzlich kann durch Einbeziehung von Expertenwissen oder sprachspezifische Details die Variabilitätsidentifikation beeinflusst werden. Der erste Schritt des Ansatzes analysiert die Varianten auf hohem Abstraktionslevel, um Außenseiter (z.B. Varianten die stark von den restlichen Variaten abweichen) und Cluster von stark verwandten Varianten zu identifizieren. Der zweite Schritt analysiert diese Cluster auf niedrigem Abstraktionslevel, um entsprechende Variabilitätsrelationen (d.h. gemeinsame und unterschiedliche Teile) zu identifizieren. Der dritte Schritt nutzt diese detaillierten Variabilitätsrelationen für eine automatische Migration der verglichenen Varianten in eine delta-orientierte Softwareproduktlinie. Der Ansatz ist an Fallstudien mit industriellem Kontext sowie Modellvarianten eines Industriepartners evaluiert worden