3 research outputs found

    Strategi Pengamanan Akses Jaringan Dengan L2TP Over IP Security Pre-shared Key Dan Port Knocking

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    The rapid development of technology affects people's lifestyles in various lines. Various kinds of data exchange occur through the internet causing the internet to become a basic need for most people. Therefore, the Government sees the need for a system that accommodates these needs through Presidential Regulation number 95 of 2018 concerning an electronic-based government system. In its implementation, one of the things needed is the management of access to data stored on government servers. In order to support the needs of government server managers, a technology that can accommodate security needs in accessing the server is needed, the authors design this access through a Virtual private server Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol Over IP Security and port knocking which allows managers who have access rights to access the network. locally via the public internet network securely.Abstrak Pesatnya perkembangan teknologi mempengaruhi pola hidup masyarakat di berbagai lini, Berbagai macam pertukaran data terjadi melalui internet sehingga menyebabkan internet menjelma menjadi sebuah kebutuhan dasar bagi sebagian besar masyarakat. Maka dari itu Pemerintah melihat perlu adanya suatu sistem yang mengakomodir kebutuhan tersebut melalui Peraturan Presiden nomor 95 tahun 2018 tentang sistem pemerintahan berbasis elektronik.  Dalam pelaksanaannya salah satu hal yang dibutuhkan adalah pengelolaan akses terhadap data yang tersimpan pada server pemerintah. Agar dapat menunjang kebutuhan pengelola server pemerintah dibutuhkanlah suatu terknologi yang dapat mengakomodir kebutuhan keamanan dalam pengaksesan server tersebut, maka penulis merancang akses tersebut melalui Virtual private server Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol Over IP Security dan port knocking yang memungkinan para pengelola yang memiliki hak akses dapat mengakses jaringan lokal melalui jaringan internet publik secara aman.   Kata kunci: Teknologi , VPN l2TP over IPsec, Port Knocking, MikroTi

    Towards port-knocking authentication methods for mobile cloud computing

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    Mobile cloud computing (MCC) is an increasingly popular research topic, partly due to the widespread adoption of mobile devices and cloud services among individual and organizational users. Security and privacy of data-at-rest and data-in-transit are two of several key issues that need to be addressed. Traditional authentication models employ third-party security monitoring mechanisms, which generally require complicated and resource-intensive mechanisms for ensuring security measures. These mechanisms are not adaptive for MCC deployment; thus, it requires lightweight authentication methods. This paper reviews existing port-knocking authentication methods by analyzing the mechanism and classifying the methods into a thematic taxonomy. Current port-knocking authentication methods are compared based on static or dynamic knocked sequences, which tend to solve the Network Address Translation (NAT) knock and Denial of Service (DoS) knock attacks. Finally, we discuss the issues and challenges in implementing port-knocking for MCC