4 research outputs found

    Accessibility to mobile interfaces for older people

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    Proceedings of: 5th International Conference on Software Development and Technologies for Enhancing Accessibility and Fighting Info-exclusion, DSAI 2013. Took place in November 13-15, 2013, in Vigo, Spain. The event web site is http://dsai2013.utad.pt/Accessibility is a major concern in our society nowadays. However, technology is always one step ahead and new devices appear before we can address the accessibility problems for the older ones. People with disabilities are not the only ones that are being excluded by technologies. Indeed, there is an exponential growth of the elderly population that suffers from age-related disabilities. Accessibility issues should be in mind for developers. Unfortunately, addressing these issues is even harder in new devices like mobile phones and tablets where there is not a proper set of guidelines focusing on this domain. This work provides: (1) a set of guidelines to keep in mind in order to achieve accessibility in mobile interfaces for older people. This checklist is the result of a review study of the literature, standards and best practices that are being performed in this area of knowledge, (2) use of this accessibility checklist aimed at elderly people, a survey of three mobile native Apps on android platform has been carried out, these Apps have as aim to modify the default interface for another more accessible one.Publicad

    Older people’s appropriation of computers and the Internet

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    This thesis looks at how older people integrate computers and the Internet into their everyday lives and make these technologies their own as part of their broader experience of ageing. The thesis starts by considering the limits of current ‘deficit-driven’ models of accessible design used in relation to older people and highlights a need to develop new approaches which can accommodate the adaptive and ‘positive’ capacities that emerge with advanced age. The approach subsequently developed provides a consideration of older people’s situated and subjective experiences in relation to computer and Internet engagement as part of their adaptations to ageing. Qualitative and ethnographic data in the form of participant observations, contextual interviews and video-based observations are all used to examine the ways in which older users identify computers and the Internet as relevant and construct meaningful uses for them over time. Four case studies are used to explore the contextual and subjective determinants of these emerging psycho-socio-technical relationships over time and in different contexts. Through grounded analysis patterns are established in the data which outline persistent qualities of these emerging relationships in relation to ageing. A psycho-socio-technical process known as ‘appropriation’ is used to frame these adaptive relationships as they develop over time. In contrast to existing models of accessibility this analysis shows computer and Internet appropriation to be driven primarily by positive adaptations to ageing rather than its deficits. Six ‘core themes of relevance’ are identified across the studies (social contact; acquiring knowledge; supporting independence; intergenerational connection; reminiscence and life review and creativity) which represent age-relevant motivations that can be used as the basis for accessible designs promoting appropriation. In addition appropriation is outlined as a cumulative developmental process with distinct phases over time. This provides a structure for supporting older people’s appropriation of computers and the Internet whilst maintaining an emphasis on well-being. Finally this thesis contributes to understandings of contemporary ageing, offering insights into the potential for computers and the Internet to change the ageing experience in developed societies

    Accesibilidad en entornos web interactivos: superación de las barreras digitales

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    A diario, millones de personas sin conocimientos técnicos publican contenido en la web en blogs, wikis, redes sociales, etc. A pesar de existir recomendaciones de accesibilidad, como las pautas WCAG y ATAG de la W3C y que estas se han convertido en normativas (la norma ISO/IEC 40500:2012, la norma UNE 139803:2012 en España, o la Sección 508 en Estados Unidos) e incluso leyes de obligado cumplimiento, la accesibilidad de la web es todavía una característica raramente implementada hoy en día. Los usuarios, inconscientemente, siguen publicando contenido que presenta barreras a las personas con discapacidad y que afectan sus derechos civiles. Esta tesis doctoral explora esta problemática y, con la intención de solucionarla, pone el foco en la comunicación de las barreras de accesibilidad a las personas que publican contenido en la web sin conocimientos técnicos. La hipótesis que fundamenta la tesis es que «reduciendo la complejidad de la información relacionada con la accesibilidad, se propiciaría la aplicación de criterios de autoría accesibles, aumentando la calidad general del contenido web». A partir de técnicas relacionadas con el DCU y la Ingeniería Semiótica (IngSem) se hace una propuesta de comunicación de las barreras de accesibilidad, que se demuestra en una prueba de concepto, el sistema Emphatic Editor for Accessibility (EE4A).Diàriament, milions de persones sense coneixements tècnics publiquen contingut a la web a blogs, wikis, xarxes socials, etc. Tot i que existeixen recomanacions d’accessibilitat, com les pautes WCAG i ATAG de la W3A i que aquestes s’han convertit en normativa (la norma ISO/IEC 40500:2012, la norma UNE 139803:2012 a Espanya, o la Secció 508 als Estats Units) i a més hi ha lleis d’obligat compliment, l’accessibilitat de la web és encara una característica rarament implementada avui en dia. Els usuaris, inconscientment, segueixen publicant continguts que presenten barreres per a les persones amb discapacitat i que afecta als seus drets civils. Aquesta tesi doctoral explora aquest problemàtica i, amb la intenció de solucionar-la, posa el focus en la comunicació de les barreres d’accessibilitat a les persones que publiquen contingut a la web sense coneixement tècnics. La hipòtesis que fonamenta la tesi és que « reduint la complexitat de la informació relacionada amb l’accessibilitat, es propiciaria l’aplicació de criteris d’autoria accessibles, augmentant la qualitat general del contingut web». A partir de tècniques relacionades amb el DCU i l’Enginyeria Semiòtica (IngSem) es fa una proposta de comunicació de les barreres d’accessibilitat, que es demostra en una prova de concepte, el sistema Emphatic Editor for Accessibility (EE4A).Every day, thousands of users with non-technical knowledge publish web content on blogs, wikis, social networks, etc. Although there are accessibility recommendations, such as WCAG and ATAG W3C guidelines, and that they have become standards (ISO/IEC 40500: 2012, UNE 139803: 2012 in Spain, or Section 508 in United States) and even mandatory laws, web accessibility is still a feature rarely implemented today. Users, unconscious of accessibility requirements, keep on publishing content which presents barriers to people with disabilities, and which impact their civil rights. This PhD explores this issue, aiming at find a solution, and puts the focus on the communication of accessibility barriers to people who publish web content without technical knowledge. The hypothesis underlying the thesis is that «reducing the complexity of the information related with accessibility would help the application of accessible criteria in authoring, and would increase the overall quality of web content». With techniques related with DCU and Semiotics Engineering (IngSem), the PhD thesis makes a proposal of communication of accessibility barriers, demonstrated through a proof of concept, the Emphatic Editor for Accessibility (EE4A)