7 research outputs found

    Ultra-thin silicon based piezoelectric capacitive tactile sensor

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    This paper presents an ultra-thin bendable silicon based tactile sensor, in a piezoelectric capacitor configuration, realized by wet anisotropic etching as post-processing steps. The device is fabricated over bulk silicon, which is thinned down to 35 μm from an original thickness of 636 μm. Dicing of thin membrane is achieved by low cost novel technique of Dicing before Etching. The piezoelectric capacitor is composed of polyvinylidene fluoride trifluoroethylene (PVDF-TrFE), which present an attractive avenue for tactile sensing as they respond to dynamic contact events (which is critical for robotic tasks), easy to fabricate at low cost and are inherently flexible. The sensor exhibits enhanced piezoelectric properties, thanks to the optimization of the poling procedure. The sensor capacitive behaviour is confirmed using impedance analysis and the electro-mechanical characterization is done using TIRA shaker setup

    Device Modelling of Silicon Based High-Performance Flexible Electronics

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    The area of flexible electronics is rapidly expanding and evolving. With applications requiring high speed and performance, ultra-thin silicon-based electronics has shown its prominence. However, the change in device response upon bending is a major concern. In absence of suitable analytical and design tool friendly model, the behavior under bent condition is hard to predict. This poses challenges to circuit designer working in the bendable electronics field, in laying out a design that can give a precise response in a stressed condition. This paper presents advances in this direction and investigates the effect of compressive and tensile stress on the performance of NMOS and PMOS transistor and a touch sensor comprising a transistor and piezoelectric capacitor

    Multisensory smart glove for tactile feedback in prosthetic hand

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    This paper presents a multisensory glove to allow prosthetic and robotic hand to simultaneously feel the pressure, temperature, and humidity. The low-cost implementation of the flexible glove with multiple sensors presented here will enable gathering of tactile information from grasped objects. The off-the-shelf components such as pressure, temperature and humidity sensors have been mounted on a flexible printed circuit (FPC) board and attached the glove. During validation most of the sensors were in contact with the grasped objects and successfully measured various contact parameters

    Neural Microprobe Device Modelling for Implant Micromotions Failure Mitigation

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    Brain micromotion is a major contributor to the failure of implantable neural interfaces. Brain micromotions and tissue damage can be effectively reduced in two ways: (i) miniaturization of the implantable device footprint and (ii) choosing flexible materials for the device substrate. To meet these requirements, in this work we perform two sets of modelling using finite element method in COMSOL Multiphysics. First, we model the performance of different materials ranging from stiff (e.g. Silicon) to very soft (e.g. PDMS) with different sizes to find the optimal dimension and material for the microprobe. For the device size optimization, the main degree of freedom is thickness, while the minimum shank width and length depend on the recording sites and the target recording point, respectively. Modelling devices with different thicknesses (50 − 200 μm) and fixed shank width (100 μm) based on different substrates, we show that the Polyimide-based microprobe exhibits a safety factor of 5 to 15 and maximum von mises stress of 248–770 MPa. Further, simulations indicate that the Polyimide-based microprobe of 50 μm thickness, exhibiting safety factor of 5 and stress of 248 MPa, provides the optimal solution in terms of size and material. Second, to analyse the device shape factor, we model different layouts based on the obtained optimal design and find that the optimal layout features von mises stress of 134.123 MPa, which is versatile and suitable to be used as microprobe especially for the brain micromotion effects mitigation purpose

    Device modelling for bendable piezoelectric FET-based touch sensing system

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    Flexible electronics is rapidly evolving towards devices and circuits to enable numerous new applications. The high-performance, in terms of response speed, uniformity and reliability, remains a sticking point. The potential solutions for high-performance related challenges bring us back to the timetested silicon based electronics. However, the changes in the response of silicon based devices due to bending related stresses is a concern, especially because there are no suitable models to predict this behavior. This also makes the circuit design a difficult task. This paper reports advances in this direction, through our research on bendable Piezoelectric Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor (POSFET) based touch sensors. The analytical model of POSFET, complimented with Verilog-A model, is presented to describe the device behavior under normal force in planar and stressed conditions. Further, dynamic readout circuit compensation of POSFET devices have been analyzed and compared with similar arrangement to reduce the piezoresistive effect under tensile and compressive stresses. This approach introduces a first step towards the systematic modeling of stress induced changes in device response. This systematic study will help realize high-performance bendable microsystems with integrated sensors and readout circuitry on ultra-thin chips (UTCs) needed in various applications, in particular, the electronic skin (e-skin)

    Ultra-thin silicon technology for tactile sensors

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    In order to meet the requirements of high performance flexible electronics in fast growing portable consumer electronics, robotics and new fields such as Internet of Things (IoT), new techniques such as electronics based on nanostructures, molecular electronics and quantum electronics have emerged recently. The importance given to the silicon chips with thickness below 50 μm is particularly interesting as this will advance the 3D IC technology as well as open new directions for high-performance flexible electronics. This doctoral thesis focusses on the development of silicon–based ultra-thin chip (UTC) for the next generation flexible electronics. UTCs, on one hand can provide processing speed at par with state-of-the-art CMOS technology, and on the other provide the mechanical flexibility to allow smooth integration on flexible substrates. These development form the motivation behind the work presented in this thesis. As the thickness of any silicon piece decreases, the flexural rigidity decreases. The flexural rigidity is defined as the force couple required to bend a non-rigid structure to a unit curvature, and therefore the flexibility increases. The new approach presented in this thesis for achieving thin silicon exploits existing and well-established silicon infrastructure, process, and design modules. The thin chips of thicknesses ranging between 15 μm – 30 μm, were obtained from processed bulk wafer using anisotropic chemical etching. The thesis also presents thin wafer transfer using two-step transfer printing approach, packaging by lamination or encapsulation between two flexible layerand methods to get the electrical connections out of the chip. The devices realised on the wafer as part of front-end processing, consisted capacitors and transistors, have been tested to analyse the effect of bending on the electrical characteristics. The capacitance of metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) capacitors increases by ~5% during bending and similar shift is observed in flatband and threshold voltages. Similarly, the carrier mobility in the channel region of metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET) increases by 9% in tensile bending and decreases by ~5% in compressive bending. The analytical model developed to capture the effect of banding on device performance showed close matching with the experimental results. In order to employ these devices as tactile sensors, two types of piezoelectric materials are investigated, and used in extended gate configuration with the MOSFET. Firstly, a nanocomposite of Poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-trifluoroethylene), P(VDF-TrFE) and barium titanate (BT) was developed. The composite, due to opposite piezo and pyroelectric coefficients of constituents, was able to suppress the sensitivity towards temperature when force and temperature varied together, The sensitivity to force in extended gate configuration was measured to be 630 mV/N, and sensitivity to temperature was 6.57 mV/oC, when it was varied during force application. The process optimisation for sputtering piezoelectric Aluminium Nitride (AlN) was also carried out with many parametric variation. AlN does not require poling to exhibit piezoelectricity and therefore offers an attractive alternative for the piezoelectric layer used in devices such as POSFET (where piezoelectric material is directly deposited over the gate area of MOSFET). The optimised process gave highly orientated columnar structure AlN with piezoelectric coefficient of 5.9 pC/N and when connected in extended gate configuration, a sensitivity (normalised change in drain current per unit force) of 2.65 N-1 was obtained

    Inorganic micro/nanostructures-based high-performance flexible electronics for electronic skin application

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    Electronics in the future will be printed on diverse substrates, benefiting several emerging applications such as electronic skin (e-skin) for robotics/prosthetics, flexible displays, flexible/conformable biosensors, large area electronics, and implantable devices. For such applications, electronics based on inorganic micro/nanostructures (IMNSs) from high mobility materials such as single crystal silicon and compound semiconductors in the form of ultrathin chips, membranes, nanoribbons (NRs), nanowires (NWs) etc., offer promising high-performance solutions compared to conventional organic materials. This thesis presents an investigation of the various forms of IMNSs for high-performance electronics. Active components (from Silicon) and sensor components (from indium tin oxide (ITO), vanadium pentaoxide (V2O5), and zinc oxide (ZnO)) were realised based on the IMNS for application in artificial tactile skin for prosthetics/robotics. Inspired by human tactile sensing, a capacitive-piezoelectric tandem architecture was realised with indium tin oxide (ITO) on a flexible polymer sheet for achieving static (upto 0.25 kPa-1 sensitivity) and dynamic (2.28 kPa-1 sensitivity) tactile sensing. These passive tactile sensors were interfaced in extended gate mode with flexible high-performance metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistors (MOSFETs) fabricated through a scalable process. The developed process enabled wafer scale transfer of ultrathin chips (UTCs) of silicon with various devices (ultrathin chip resistive samples, metal oxide semiconductor (MOS) capacitors and n‐channel MOSFETs) on flexible substrates up to 4″ diameter. The devices were capable of bending upto 1.437 mm radius of curvature and exhibited surface mobility above 330 cm2/V-s, on-to-off current ratios above 4.32 decades, and a subthreshold slope above 0.98 V/decade, under various bending conditions. While UTCs are useful for realizing high-density high-performance micro-electronics on small areas, high-performance electronics on large area flexible substrates along with low-cost fabrication techniques are also important for realizing e-skin. In this regard, two other IMNS forms are investigated in this thesis, namely, NWs and NRs. The controlled selective source/drain doping needed to obtain transistors from such structure remains a bottleneck during post transfer printing. An attractive solution to address this challenge based on junctionless FETs (JLFETs), is investigated in this thesis via technology computer-aided design (TCAD) simulation and practical fabrication. The TCAD optimization implies a current of 3.36 mA for a 15 μm channel length, 40 μm channel width with an on-to-off ratio of 4.02x 107. Similar to the NRs, NWs are also suitable for realizing high performance e-skin. NWs of various sizes, distribution and length have been fabricated using various nano-patterning methods followed by metal assisted chemical etching (MACE). Synthesis of Si NWs of diameter as low as 10 nm and of aspect ratio more than 200:1 was achieved. Apart from Si NWs, V2O5 and ZnO NWs were also explored for sensor applications. Two approaches were investigated for printing NWs on flexible substrates namely (i) contact printing and (ii) large-area dielectrophoresis (DEP) assisted transfer printing. Both approaches were used to realize electronic layers with high NW density. The former approach resulted in 7 NWs/μm for bottom-up ZnO and 3 NWs/μm for top-down Si NWs while the latter approach resulted in 7 NWs/μm with simultaneous assembly on 30x30 electrode patterns in a 3 cm x 3 cm area. The contact-printing system was used to fabricate ZnO and Si NW-based ultraviolet (UV) photodetectors (PDs) with a Wheatstone bridge (WB) configuration. The assembled V2O5 NWs were used to realize temperature sensors with sensitivity of 0.03% /K. The sensor arrays are suitable for tactile e-skin application. While the above focuses on realizing conventional sensing and addressing elements for e-skin, processing of a large amount of data from e-skin has remained a challenge, especially in the case of large area skin. A Neural NW Field Effect Transistors (υ-NWFETs) based hardware-implementable neural network (HNN) approach for tactile data processing in e-skin is presented in the final part of this thesis. The concept is evaluated by interfacing with a fabricated kirigami-inspired e-skin. Apart from e-skin for prosthetics and robotics, the presented research will also be useful for obtaining high performance flexible circuits needed in many futuristic flexible electronics applications such as smart surgical tools, biosensors, implantable electronics/electroceuticals and flexible mobile phones