5 research outputs found

    Formalizing spatiotemporal knowledge in remote sensing applications to improve image interpretation

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    Technological tools allow the generation of large volumes of data. For example satellite images aid in the study of spatiotemporal phenomena in a range of disciplines such as urban planning environmental sciences and health care. Thus remote-sensing experts must handle various and complex image sets for their interpretations. The GIS community has undertaken significant work in describing spatiotemporal features and standard specifications nowadays provide design foundations for GIS software and spatial databases. We argue that this spatiotemporal knowledge and expertise would provide invaluable support for the field of image interpretation. As a result we propose a high level conceptual framework based on existing and standardized approaches offering enough modularity and adaptability to represent the various dimensions of spatiotemporal knowledge

    Semantic Remote Sensing Scenes Interpretation and Change Interpretation

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    A fundamental objective of remote sensing imagery is to spread out the knowledge about our environment and to facilitate the interpretation of different phenomena affecting the Earth’s surface. The main goal of this chapter is to understand and interpret possible changes in order to define subsequently strategies and adequate decision-making for a better soil management and protection. Consequently, the semantic interpretation of remote sensing data, which consists of extracting useful information from image date for attaching semantics to the observed phenomenon, allows easy understanding and interpretation of such occurring changes. However, performing change interpretation task is not only based on the perceptual information derived from data but also based on additional knowledge sources such as a prior and contextual. This knowledge needs to be encoded in an appropriate way for being used as a guide in the interpretation process. On the other hand, interpretation may take place at several levels of complexity from the simple recognition of objects on the analyzed scene to the inference of site conditions and to change interpretation. For each level, information elements such as data, information and knowledge need to be represented and characterized. This chapter highlights the importance of ontologies exploiting for encoding the domain knowledge and for using it as a guide in the semantic scene interpretation task

    Remote Sensing / An object-based semantic classification method for high resolution remote sensing imagery using ontology

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    Geographic Object-Based Image Analysis (GEOBIA) techniques have become increasingly popular in remote sensing. GEOBIA has been claimed to represent a paradigm shift in remote sensing interpretation. Still, GEOBIAsimilar to other emerging paradigmslacks formal expressions and objective modelling structures and in particular semantic classification methods using ontologies. This study has put forward an object-based semantic classification method for high resolution satellite imagery using an ontology that aims to fully exploit the advantages of ontology to GEOBIA. A three-step workflow has been introduced: ontology modelling, initial classification based on a data-driven machine learning method, and semantic classification based on knowledge-driven semantic rules. The classification part is based on data-driven machine learning, segmentation, feature selection, sample collection and an initial classification. Then, image objects are re-classified based on the ontological model whereby the semantic relations are expressed in the formal languages OWL and SWRL. The results show that the method with ontologyas compared to the decision tree classification without using the ontologyyielded minor statistical improvements in terms of accuracy for this particular image. However, this framework enhances existing GEOBIA methodologies: ontologies express and organize the whole structure of GEOBIA and allow establishing relations, particularly spatially explicit relations between objects as well as multi-scale/hierarchical relations.(VLID)219563

    Towards an Ontological Approach for Classifying Remote Sensing Images

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