4 research outputs found

    An Autonomous Intelligent Driving Simulation Tutor for Driver Training and Remediation: A Concept Paper

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    An intelligent tutoring model for use in a driving simulation training platform is proposed. Driving simulators by themselves cannot teach and staffing driving simulators with live trainers limits their ability to reach a wide audience. Research has shown that customized feedback, coupled with active practice in a simulator is very effective in changing a driver’s behavior for the better. A driving simulation training program which utilizes an intelligent tutoring system (ITS) can diagnose driver errors, tailor feedback to the student’s specific needs, determine when a student has mastered a specific skill set and can provide remediation as necessary. A brief discussion of basic ITS architecture is provided. An ITS model that has been successful in teaching individual skills in other domains (such as mental rotation) is applied to driving simulator instruction. The various critical components of the ITS, including the domain model, student model and tutoring model, are discussed in detail and a working example provided

    Evaluating the Impact of the Student-Athlete Library Liaison Program at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill

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    This plan was created to assess the impact of the Student-Athlete Library Liaison Program on student-athletes' self-efficacy when approaching library resources. The program is an initiative of the library to ensure it is meeting student-athletes' information needs. The program uses an embedded model where library tutors hold drop-in hours at the athletic center at UNC. The evaluation action plan includes pre- and post-intervention surveys developed to measure self-efficacy and the impact of immediacy and location on student-athletes' comfort with the library resources. The assessment plan can be implemented by tutors during and after sessions, and this paper discusses potential setbacks and opportunities when libraries evaluate programs involving student-athletes.Master of Science in Library Scienc

    A full-scale semantic content-based model for interactive multimedia information systems.

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    Issues of syntax have dominated research in multimedia information systems (MMISs), with video developing as a technology of images and audio as one of signals. But when we use video and audio, we do so for their content. This is a semantic issue. Current research in multimedia on semantic content-based models has adopted a structure-oriented approach, where video and audio content is described on a frame-by-frame or segment-by-segment basis (where a segment is an arbitrary set of contiguous frames). This approach has failed to cater for semantic aspects, and thus has not been fully effective when used within an MMIS. The research undertaken for this thesis reveals seven semantic aspects of video and audio: (1) explicit media structure; (2) objects; (3) spatial relationships between objects; (4) events and actions involving objects; (5) temporal relationships between events and actions; (6) integration of syntactic and semantic information; and (7) direct user-media interaction. This thesis develops a full-scale semantic content-based model that caters for the above seven semantic aspects of video and audio. To achieve this, it uses an entities of interest approach, instead of a structure-oriented one, where the MMIS integrates relevant semantic content-based information about video and audio with information about the entities of interest to the system, e.g. mountains, vehicles, employees. A method for developing an interactive MMIS that encompasses the model is also described. Both the method and the model are used in the development of ARISTOTLE, an interactive instructional MMIS for teaching young children about zoology, in order to demonstrate their operation

    The evaluation of e-learning system for pupils in the primary education

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    U radu se ističe značajan utjecaj informacijske i komunikacijske tehnologije na društvo, kulturu te obrazovanje na svim razinama. Ovakva stvarnost implicira i potrebu za povećanom primjenom računala u nastavi, učenju, poučavanju i testiranju znanja učenika. Slijedom ovoga, razvoj i uporaba informacijske i komunikacijske tehnologije, uz primjenu pedagogijskih načela, omogućili su nastanak obrazovne paradigme - e-učenja. E-učenje se implementira u sustavima e-učenja. Dobro oblikovan i primijenjen nastavni sadržaj pruža mogućnosti kako on-line tako i hibridnog scenarija učenja, poučavanja i testiranja znanja učenika. Ovakav prošireni pedagogijski koncept, kojeg donosi e-učenje, mijenja ulogu nastavnika/učitelja, učenika, ali i roditelja. Cilj istraživanja u ovoj disertaciji je postavljanje i prototipno testiranje modela Vrednovanje oblikovanih nastavnih sadržaja (EvoID) u sustavima Moodle i xTEx-Sys. Model EvoID temeljen je na načelima interdisciplinarnog pristupa ostvarenoga računalnom tehnologijom i tehnologijom oblikovanja nastave. Modelom su utvrđeni i testirani kriteriji i potkriteriji za oblikovanje i vrednovanje nastavnih sadržaja u spomenutim sustavima e-učenja za učenike osnovnog obrazovanja. Osim toga, u istraživanju se primijenio upitnik u funkciji vrednovanja oblikovanih nastavnih sadržaja u sustavima e-učenja. Upitnikom su vanjski vrednovatelji, njih 41, vrednovali oblikovane nastave sadržaje u sustavima Moodle i xTex-Sys. Rezultati vrednovanja oblikovanih nastavnih sadržaja ukazali su na postojanje „dobro“ oblikovanih nastavnih sadržaja u sustavima Moodle i xTEx-Sys, a nakon revidiranja nastavnih sadržaja realizirana je implementacija istih. Faza implementacije nastavnih sadržaja realizirala se u eksperimentu s jednom skupinom u trajanju od četiri mjeseca s devedeset i tri učenika od prvog do četvrtog razreda osnovne škole. Rezultati cijelog istraživanja ukazali su na to da su predloženi kriteriji i potkriteriji za oblikovanje nastavnih sadržaja po modelu EvoID u sustavima e-učenja ovisni o okruženju diseminacije i o krajnjim korisnicima nastavnih sadržaja. S obzirom na implementaciju nastavnih sadržaja u sustavima e-učenja, a primjenom modela EvoID rezultati istraživanja ukazuju da samo „dobri“ nastavni sadržaji mogu poboljšati proces učenja, poučavanja i testiranja znanja učenika u sustavima e-učenja. Zaključujemo da model EvoID omogućava oblikovanje, diseminaciju, implementaciju i vrednovanje nastavnih sadržaja za odabrano područno znanje u ciljanim sustavima e-učenja.Background: This thesis puts an emphasis on some significant effects of information and communication technology on society, culture and education at all levels. Reality implies an ever-increasing need for the application of computers in education, i.e. in classes, teaching, and assessing students' knowledge. Consequently, the use of information and communication technology, along with the application of pedagogical principles, has enabled the development of an educational paradigm - e-learning. E-learning is implemented in e-learning systems. Well designed and reproduced instruction content provides not only online opportunities but also hybrid scenarios of learning, teaching and evaluating students' knowledge. The concept of extended pedagogy, launched by e-learning, transforms the role of the teacher, students, and parents. Educational technology is not just a technical product; however, it is also a tool in the hands of a "good" teacher in the process of learning, teaching and knowledge assessment. This thesis focuses on the evaluation of designed instructional activities for students from the first to the fourth grade of primary education. The existing methods for designing and evaluating educational activities in E-learning are included, and the original model called Evaluation Instructional Design (EvoID) has been proposed. Aim The aim of this research is both setting and prototype testing of Evaluation Instructional Design model (EvoID) in Moodle and xTEx-Sys e-learning systems. EvoID model is based on the principles of interdisciplinary approach with the application of computer technologies and instructional design. This model has identified and tested criteria and sub-criteria for designing and evaluating instructional designs in these e-learning systems for students in primary education. Methods In order to verify the model EvoID in e-learning systems, a pattern of criteria and sub-criteria has been established for the process of instruction designs in Moodle and xTEx-Sys systems. In relation to the specific criteria and sub-criteria, 12 students in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Split, Department of Teacher Education, Module for Applying Information and Communications Technology in Learning and Teaching, created - in 2011 and 2012 - instructional design for Informatics in Moodle and xTEx-Sys systems intended for students from first to fourth grade of primary education. External evaluators, 41 teachers, from the field of information and communication technologies from twelve counties of the Republic of Croatia, in the years 2012 and 2013, evaluated the instructional designs in Informatics by means of questionnaires. The questionnaires included criteria and sub-criteria for the process of evaluating the created educational contents in Moodle and xTEx-Sys systems. Evaluated instructional activities in Moodle and xTEx-Sys systems were implemented with students from the first to the fourth grade. In this respect, 93 students from four elementary schools in Split, during 2012/2013 school year, were participants in an experiment with a particular group. Results: The proposed criteria for the forming of instructional design by model EvoID in Moodle and xTEx-Sys systems depend on environment, delivery, end-users (students of different age) of teaching content. Measuring instruments for evaluating instructional design in the systems Moodle and xTEx-Sys satisfy and confirm metrical characteristics of the questionnaire: validity, reliability, objectivity, sensitivity and efficiency of the instruments. Teaching contents designed, implemented and evaluated using the model EvoID in the systems Moodle and xTEx-Sys improved the process of teaching and learning. The differences between final test and initial test of students in systems Moodle and xTEx-Sys were statistically significant in all grades, and the results of the questionnaire outlined positive opinions of students about learning using the systems Moodle and the xTEx-Sys. Conclusion: The results of the entire research pointed out that the proposed criteria and sub-criteria for the instructional design by model EvoID in the systems Moodle and xTEx Sys depend on delivery environment, the teaching content and end-users. Considering the implementation of teaching content in e-learning and by applying the model EvoID, the results suggest that only "good" educational content can improve the process of learning, teaching and testing the students' knowledge in e-learning systems. It is concluded that model EvoID allows design, delivery, implementation and evaluation of teaching content for the selected domain of knowledge in the targeted e-learning systems