9 research outputs found

    Towards a unified descriptive framework for industrial objective declaration and performance measurement

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    International audienceExpressing the performance of industrial companies is an important feature for their continuous improvement. As the performance concept refers to the objective one, our idea is to relate the performance expression mechanism to that of the objective declaration. We propose a variable tree framework to describe the break-down of objectives and the expression of the performances, highlighting the multicriteria aspect of both the performance and the objectives. Moreover, the temporal aspects of the objective declarations are emphasised, leading to the introduction of both the objective and the performance temporal trajectories. Such trajectories take into account the whole of the temporal horizon that is associated with the achievement of the objective. The link between the provided trees and trajectories is established through the elementary objective notion which corresponds to the leaves of the trees. A conventional recursive depth-first search algorithm is applied to the variable tree for the computation of the corresponding performances, at any considered milestone of the temporal horizon. Finally, the overall throughput time of the hydraulic cylinders manufacturing line of the Bosch Rexroth Company is considered to illustrate the proposed ideas

    Applicability of Reliability Model for Improving the Performance of Islamic Financial Institutions in Financing Decision by Mousharakah and Moudarabah Contracts

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    To offer alternatives to improve the performance of Islamic financial institutions (IFIs), we try in this paper to examine the applicability of the reliability model, as a tool to help decision. We opted for the investment by Mousharakah contracts and Moudarabah contracts because of their resemblance to venture capital, where the reliability model was mentioned. To do this, we developed a documentary research which allowed us, on the one hand, to dissect the notions of decision and performance and to confirm a possible nexus among the two, and on the other hand, to justify the use of this model. Then, we set up the theoretical framework of the model for a potential application to our case study. Then, and after confirming this relationship, we were interested in the case of investment by the Mousharakah and Moudarabah contracts, given their similarity to other financing methods, namely venture capital, where the reliability model was mentioned as a decision support tool. All in all, we can find that this approach will probably create an investigative implement to aid investment choice and decision for IFIs in the future. The developed model constitutes an analytical decision-making aid tool for Islamic financial institutions in the future for Traders and investors

    How to handle the Decision-Maker's awareness of industrial context in his objectives declaration?

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    International audienceThis study investigates some new approaches that concern the handling of human considerations in the decision-aiding field. We particularly look for the industrial context change and the awareness of the Decision-Maker with regards to such a change, in his decisions. Beyond the Routine regular situation, three situations are thus considered, namely the Control, the Emergency Crisis and the Loss of Control. A proposition of definition and use of the Decision-Maker awareness is applied to the case of re-declaring initial objectives. Awareness is defined through three parameters which are the Belief, the Level and the Graduality, which make up to the so-called Awareness Unit Cube. This is assumed to be evolving with regards to the Decision-Maker perception evolution. According to the evolving values of these parameters on the one hand, and to the characterisation of the occurred situation on the other hand, mathematical adjustments of the considered objectives values are proposed. Some illustrations of the proposal are extracted from a case study submitted by a steel manufacturer

    Comprehensive Performance Expression Model for Industrial Performance Management and Decision Support

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    Due to proliferation of evaluation criteria and decision data overflow in nowadays fluctuating industrial environments, it is necessary to build a holistic, easy-to-use and efficient methodology for performance evaluation and decision making. More accurate overall performance expressions should not only prove that the selected decision alternative better fits the evaluator’s objective at the time of evaluation, but it should also assume that this alternative remains the best solution in the subsequent evaluation periods. To this end, the benefit-cost-value-risk (BCVR) methodology has been developed for performance evaluation and decision support. The objective of this paper is to propose a comprehensive performance expression model to further ease the application of the methodology

    Performance et prise de décision : quel rôle pour les systèmes d’information décisionnels

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    La prise de décision engendre un environnement particulièrement turbulent où les pratiques de sa gestion sont caractérisées par la pression temporelle, le manque d’information et/ ou de son flux. On parle aussi de la notion d’intensification de l’information, la compression des temps de décision et d’action comme aspects majeurs qui rendent la prise de décision encore plus difficile [Roux-Dufort, 2003].Les organisations cherchent à créer de la valeur par l’implémentation des systèmes d’information décisionnels qui génèrent des gains tangibles et intangibles. A l’ère de la technologie de l’information le système d’information décisionnel devient un élément stratégique dans la majorité des secteurs permettant d’améliorer la performance des entreprises .Nous avons mené une recherche documentaire dont l’objectif est de visualiser les notions de la décision et de la performance et de confirmer une éventuelle relation entre les deux ainsi de monter quel est le rôle des systèmes d’information décisionnels dans l’amélioration de la performance et la croissance des entreprises

    La quantification de la performance dans les entreprises manufacturières : de la déclaration des objectifs à la définition des systèmes d'indicateurs

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    This work deals with the industrial performance quantification of manufacturing companies. Such a performance is defined with regards to the achievement of an assigned objective. Performance indicators and performance measurement systems are, in the overall and multicriteria context, the methodological tools for providing the performance expressions. A performance expression framework is proposed, based on the quantification of two kinds of performance expressions, respectively the so-called elementary expression and the aggregated expression. The model is structured in accordance with a hierarchical break-down of overall objectives into sub-objective trees. The elementary expression is the result of the comparison of achieved states with the objectives. The aggregated expression is the result of the combination of the expressed elementary performances. Fuzzy subset theory as well as multicriteria decision-aiding tools are used for handling, on the one hand, flexible and imprecise aspects that characterise both industrial objectives and measures; and, on the other hand, a sound aggregation. The MACBETH method is used, being associated with the Integral Choquet operator. This compromise aggregation operator has been chosen because of its ability to take criteria interactions into account. The developed model has been experimented with regards to improvement performance problematics submitted by our industrial partners.Les travaux menés ont été guidés par une volonté de quantifier la performance des activités des entreprises manufacturières. Cette performance se définit au regard de l’atteinte d’un objectif assigné au préalable. Dans un contexte global et multicritère, les indicateurs et systèmes d’indicateurs sont les outils méthodologiques pour retourner les expressions de performance. Un cadre d’expression de la performance est proposé, fondé sur la distinction de deux expressions, l’une élémentaire et l’autre agrégée. La structuration du modèle de quantification repose sur une décomposition d’un objectif dit global en un arbre de sous-objectifs. L’expression élémentaire est définie comme le résultat de la comparaison d’un état atteint avec l’objectif. L’expression agrégée est le résultat de l’agrégation d’un ensemble d’expressions élémentaires. En termes de modélisation, nous avons eu recours à la théorie des sous-ensembles flous pour la prise en compte du caractère flexible des objectifs et de celui imprécis des mesures. Par ailleurs, nous avons utilisé les outils d’aide à la décision multicritère afin de réaliser une agrégation fondée. La méthode MACBETH a été retenue, associée à l’intégrale de Choquet, qui est un opérateur d’agrégation à même de prendre en compte les interactions entre critères. Le modèle proposé a été expérimenté auprès de partenaires industriels, autour de leurs problématiques d’amélioration de la performance

    KPI Intelligence

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    Zur Steuerung großer Produktionsunternehmen muss das Management Alternativen bewerten, fundierte Entscheidungen herbeiführen und Maßnahmen zur Prozesssteuerung ergreifen. Jedoch macht die Komplexität der Ursache-Wirkbeziehungen zwischen den Kennzahlen, die zur Steuerung der interdependenten Geschäftsprozesse dienen, eine Abschätzung der Auswirkungen von Maßnahmen für den Menschen ohne Hilfsmittel nahezu unmöglich. Die vorliegende Dissertation liefert daher Ansätze für die Weiterentwicklung der klassischen kennzahlenbasierten Unternehmenssteuerung durch die Einbeziehung von Advanced Analytics Algorithmik für die Analyse von Prozessinterdependenzen. Damit begegnet sie der identifizierten Lücke einer unzureichenden Integration von Advanced Analytics in die praktische Prozesssteuerung. Die entwickelte Methode beinhaltet eine Vorgehensweise und Prozessmodelle für die quantitative Analyse der Interdependenzen. Zudem bietet sie Vorschläge für den komplementären und komparativen Einsatz fortgeschrittener Analysealgorithmik. Zur Beurteilung der Eignung der jeweiligen Lösung dienen Leitmerkmale, welche die Bedürfnisse von Anwendern repräsentieren. Die Analyseergebnisse sind schließlich auf ihren Beitrag zu den in der Dissertation erarbeiteten Anforderungen an die kennzahlenbasierte Unternehmenssteuerung zu prüfen. Die Entwicklung und Evaluierung der Methode erfolgt im Rahmen einer Fallstudie mit mehreren heterogenen Anwendungsfällen bei einem OEM der Automobilindustrie. Die Forschungsergebnisse tragen dazu bei, die Vielzahl digitaler Lösungen zur Visualisierung von Daten mit dem größer werdenden Angebot an fortgeschrittenen Analysemöglichkeiten zur Unterstützung kennzahlenbasierter Managementprozesse zusammenzuführen. Dem Grundgedanken der Kybernetik folgend, ermöglicht die Methode Fachanwendern die selbständige quantitative Analyse von Ursache-Wirkbeziehungen zwischen Kennzahlen innerhalb einzelner Prozesse sowie prozess- und hierarchieübergreifend. Die Interpretation der Ergebnisse dient sodann der Ergänzung von deren implizitem Wissen und folglich einer effektiveren und effizienteren Prozesssteuerung