4 research outputs found

    Towards a Unified Approach to Learning and Adaptation

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    The aim of this thesis is to develop a system that enables autonomous and situated agents to learn and adapt to the environment in which they live and operate. In doing so, the system exploits both adaptation through learning and evolution. A unified approach to learning and adaptation, which combines the principles of neural networks, reinforcement learning and evolutionary methods, is used as a basis for the development of the system. In this regard, a novel method, called Evolutionary Acquisition of Neural Topologies (EANT), of evolving the structures and weights of neural networks is developed. The method introduces an efficient and compact genetic encoding of a neural network onto a linear genome that encodes the topology of the neural network implicitly in the ordering of the elements of the linear genome. Moreover, it enables one to evaluate the neural network without decoding it. The presented genetic encoding is complete in that it can represent any type of neural network. In addition to this, it is closed under both structural mutation and a specially designed crossover operator which exploits the fact that structures originating from some initial structure have some common parts. For evolving the structure and weights of neural networks, the method uses a biologically inspired meta-level evolutionary process where new structures are explored at larger timescale and existing structures are exploited at smaller timescale. The evolutionary process starts with networks of minimal structures whose initial complexity is specified by the domain expert. The introduction of neural structures by structural mutation results in a gradual increase in the complexity of the neural networks along the evolution. The evolutionary process stops searching for the solution when a solution with the necessary minimum complexity is found. This enables EANT to find optimal neural structures for solving a given learning task. The efficiency of EANT is tested on couple of learning tasks and its performance is found to be very good in comparison to other systems tested on the same tasks

    Evolutionary control of autonomous underwater vehicles

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    The goal of Evolutionary Robotics (ER) is the development of automatic processes for the synthesis of robot control systems using evolutionary computation. The idea that it may be possible to synthesise robotic control systems using an automatic design process is appealing. However, ER is considerably more challenging and less automatic than its advocates would suggest. ER applies methods from the field of neuroevolution to evolve robot control systems. Neuroevolution is a machine learning algorithm that applies evolutionary computation to the design of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). The aim of this thesis is to assay the practical characteristics of neuroevolution by performing bulk experiments on a set of Reinforcement Learning (RL) problems. This thesis was conducted with the view of applying neuroevolution to the design of neurocontrollers for small low-cost Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV). A general approach to neuroevolution for RL problems is presented. The is selected to evolve ANN connection weights on the basis that it has shown competitive performance on continuous optimisation problems, is self-adaptive and can exploit dependencies between connection weights. Practical implementation issues are identified and discussed. A series of experiments are conducted on RL problems. These problems are representative of problems from the AUV domain, but manageable in terms of problem complexity and computational resources required. Results from these experiments are analysed to draw out practical characteristics of neuroevolution. Bulk experiments are conducted using the inverted pendulum problem. This popular control benchmark is inherently unstable, underactuated and non-linear: characteristics common to underwater vehicles. Two practical characteristics of neuroevolution are demonstrated: the importance of using randomly generated evaluation sets and the effect of evaluation noise on search performance. As part of these experiments, deficiencies in the benchmark are identified and modifications suggested. The problem of an underwater vehicle travelling to a goal in an obstacle free environment is studied. The vehicle is modelled as a Dubins car, which is a simplified model of the high-level kinematics of a torpedo class underwater vehicle. Two practical characteristics of neuroevolution are demonstrated: the importance of domain knowledge when formulating ANN inputs and how the fitness function defines the set of evolvable control policies. Paths generated by the evolved neurocontrollers are compared with known optimal solutions. A framework is presented to guide the practical application of neuroevolution to RL problems that covers a range of issues identified during the experiments conducted in this thesis. An assessment of neuroevolution concludes that it is far from automatic yet still has potential as a technique for solving reinforcement problems, although further research is required to better understand the process of evolutionary learning. The major contribution made by this thesis is a rigorous empirical study of the practical characteristics of neuroevolution as applied to RL problems. A critical, yet constructive, viewpoint is taken of neuroevolution. This viewpoint differs from much of the reseach undertaken in this field, which is often unjustifiably optimistic and tends to gloss over difficult practical issues

    Efficient Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Navigation

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    Immer mehr Autoren betrachten das Konzept der rationalen Agenten als zentral für den Zugang zur künstlichen Intelligenz. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war es diesen Zugang zu verbessern. Also einen rationalen Roboter-Agenten zu konzipieren, zu implementieren und in mehreren realen Umgebungen zu testen. Der Roboter-Agent soll selbständig die Lösung für das gestellte, anspruchsvolle Navigationsproblem erlernen. Der Schwerpunkt liegt nicht in der Erstellung einer Umgebungskarte, sondern in der Entwicklung von Methoden, die dem Agenten erlauben das Navigationsproblem in unterschiedlichen Umgebungen selbständig zu lösen und die gefundenen Lösungen ständig zu verbessern. Viele Methoden der modernen Künstlichen Intelligenz, wie neuronale Netze, Evolutionäre Algorithmen und Reinforcement-Learning kommen in dieser Arbeit zur Geltung. Bei der Entwicklung der Agenten wird die bekannte Reinforcement-Learning-Methode angewendet. Durch Einbindung vorhandener und bisher ungenutzter Informationen wird der Lernprozess effizienter. Weiterhin wird durch die Gestaltung der im rationalen Agenten angewendeten Architektur die Anzahl der zur Lösung der Aufgabe benötigten Entscheidungsschritte signifikant reduziert, was in einer Effizienzsteigerung des Lernprozesses resultiert. Der mit passender Architektur und mit effizienten Lernmethoden ausgestattete rationale Agent kann direkt in der Realität seinen Weg erlernen und nach jedem Durchlauf verbessern

    Evolving Artificial Neural Networks using Cartesian Genetic Programming

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    NeuroEvolution is the application of Evolutionary Algorithms to the training of Artificial Neural Networks. NeuroEvolution is thought to possess many benefits over traditional training methods including: the ability to train recurrent network structures, the capability to adapt network topology, being able to create heterogeneous networks of arbitrary transfer functions, and allowing application to reinforcement as well as supervised learning tasks. This thesis presents a series of rigorous empirical investigations into many of these perceived advantages of NeuroEvolution. In this work it is demonstrated that the ability to simultaneously adapt network topology along with connection weights represents a significant advantage of many NeuroEvolutionary methods. It is also demonstrated that the ability to create heterogeneous networks comprising a range of transfer functions represents a further significant advantage. This thesis also investigates many potential benefits and drawbacks of NeuroEvolution which have been largely overlooked in the literature. This includes the presence and role of genetic redundancy in NeuroEvolution's search and whether program bloat is a limitation. The investigations presented focus on the use of a recently developed NeuroEvolution method based on Cartesian Genetic Programming. This thesis extends Cartesian Genetic Programming such that it can represent recurrent program structures allowing for the creation of recurrent Artificial Neural Networks. Using this newly developed extension, Recurrent Cartesian Genetic Programming, and its application to Artificial Neural Networks, are demonstrated to be extremely competitive in the domain of series forecasting