78 research outputs found


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    Natural scenes and ecological signals are inherently complex and understanding of their perception and processing is incomplete. For example, a speech signal contains not only information at various frequencies, but is also not static; the signal is concurrently modulated temporally. In addition, an auditory signal may be paired with additional sensory information, as in the case of audiovisual speech. In order to make sense of the signal, a human observer must process the information provided by low-level sensory systems and integrate it across sensory modalities and with cognitive information (e.g., object identification information, phonetic information). The observer must then create functional relationships between the signals encountered to form a coherent percept. The neuronal and cognitive mechanisms underlying this integration can be quantified in several ways: by taking physiological measurements, assessing behavioral output for a given task and modeling signal relationships. While ecological tokens are complex in a way that exceeds our current understanding, progress can be made by utilizing synthetic signals that encompass specific essential features of ecological signals. The experiments presented here cover five aspects of complex signal processing using approximations of ecological signals : (i) auditory integration of complex tones comprised of different frequencies and component power levels; (ii) audiovisual integration approximating that of human speech; (iii) behavioral measurement of signal discrimination; (iv) signal classification via simple computational analyses and (v) neuronal processing of synthesized auditory signals approximating speech tokens. To investigate neuronal processing, magnetoencephalography (MEG) is employed to assess cortical processing non-invasively. Behavioral measures are employed to evaluate observer acuity in signal discrimination and to test the limits of perceptual resolution. Computational methods are used to examine the relationships in perceptual space and physiological processing between synthetic auditory signals, using features of the signals themselves as well as biologically-motivated models of auditory representation. Together, the various methodologies and experimental paradigms advance the understanding of ecological signal analytics concerning the complex interactions in ecological signal structure

    Effects of categorical learning on the auditory perceptual space

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    Models and analysis of vocal emissions for biomedical applications

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    This book of Proceedings collects the papers presented at the 3rd International Workshop on Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications, MAVEBA 2003, held 10-12 December 2003, Firenze, Italy. The workshop is organised every two years, and aims to stimulate contacts between specialists active in research and industrial developments, in the area of voice analysis for biomedical applications. The scope of the Workshop includes all aspects of voice modelling and analysis, ranging from fundamental research to all kinds of biomedical applications and related established and advanced technologies

    A novel EEG based linguistic BCI

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    While a human being can think coherently, physical limitations no matter how severe, should never become disabling. Thinking and cognition are performed and expressed through language, which is the most natural form of human communication. The use of covert speech tasks for BCIs has been successfully achieved for invasive and non-invasive systems. In this work, by incorporating the most recent discoveries on the spatial, temporal, and spectral signatures of word production, a novel system is designed, which is custom-build for linguistic tasks. Other than paying attention and waiting for the onset cue, this BCI requires absolutely no cognitive effort from the user and operates using automatic linguistic functions of the brain in the first 312ms post onset, which is also completely out of the control of the user and immune from inconsistencies. With four classes, this online BCI achieves classification accuracy of 82.5%. Each word produces a signature as unique as its phonetic structure, and the number of covert speech tasks used in this work is limited by computational power. We demonstrated that this BCI can successfully use wireless dry electrode EEG systems, which are becoming as capable as traditional laboratory grade systems. This frees the potential user from the confounds of the lab, facilitating real-world application. Considering that the number of words used in daily life does not exceed 2000, the number of words used by this type of novel BCI may indeed reach this number in the future, with no need to change the current system design or experimental protocol. As a promising step towards noninvasive synthetic telepathy, this system has the potential to not only help those in desperate need, but to completely change the way we communicate with our computers in the future as covert speech is much easier than any form of manual communication and control

    A novel onset detection technique for brain?computer interfaces using sound-production related cognitive tasks in simulated-online system

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    Objective. Self-paced EEG-based BCIs (SP-BCIs) have traditionally been avoided due to two sources of uncertainty: (1) precisely when an intentional command is sent by the brain, i.e., the command onset detection problem, and (2) how different the intentional command is when compared to non-specific (or idle) states. Performance evaluation is also a problem and there are no suitable standard metrics available. In this paper we attempted to tackle these issues. Approach. Self-paced covert sound-production cognitive tasks (i.e., high pitch and siren-like sounds) were used to distinguish between intentional commands (IC) and idle states. The IC states were chosen for their ease of execution and negligible overlap with common cognitive states. Band power and a digital wavelet transform were used for feature extraction, and the Davies?Bouldin index was used for feature selection. Classification was performed using linear discriminant analysis. Main results. Performance was evaluated under offline and simulated-online conditions. For the latter, a performance score called true-false-positive (TFP) rate, ranging from 0 (poor) to 100 (perfect), was created to take into account both classification performance and onset timing errors. Averaging the results from the best performing IC task for all seven participants, an 77.7% true-positive (TP) rate was achieved in offline testing. For simulated-online analysis the best IC average TFP score was 76.67% (87.61% TP rate, 4.05% false-positive rate). Significance. Results were promising when compared to previous IC onset detection studies using motor imagery, in which best TP rates were reported as 72.0% and 79.7%, and which, crucially, did not take timing errors into account. Moreover, based on our literature review, there is no previous covert sound-production onset detection system for spBCIs. Results showed that the proposed onset detection technique and TFP performance metric have good potential for use in SP-BCIs

    Semantic radical consistency and character transparency effects in Chinese: an ERP study

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    BACKGROUND: This event-related potential (ERP) study aims to investigate the representation and temporal dynamics of Chinese orthography-to-semantics mappings by simultaneously manipulating character transparency and semantic radical consistency. Character components, referred to as radicals, make up the building blocks used dur...postprin

    A multidimensional characterization of the neurocognitive architecture underlying age-related temporal speech processing.

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    Healthy aging is often associated with speech comprehension difficulties in everyday life situations despite a pure-tone hearing threshold in the normative range. Drawing on this background, we used a multidimensional approach to assess the functional and structural neural correlates underlying age-related temporal speech processing while controlling for pure-tone hearing acuity. Accordingly, we combined structural magnetic resonance imaging and electroencephalography, and collected behavioral data while younger and older adults completed a phonetic categorization and discrimination task with consonant-vowel syllables varying along a voice-onset time continuum. The behavioral results confirmed age-related temporal speech processing singularities which were reflected in a shift of the boundary of the psychometric categorization function, with older adults perceiving more syllable characterized by a short voice-onset time as /ta/ compared to younger adults. Furthermore, despite the absence of any between-group differences in phonetic discrimination abilities, older adults demonstrated longer N100/P200 latencies as well as increased P200 amplitudes while processing the consonant-vowel syllables varying in voice-onset time. Finally, older adults also exhibited a divergent anatomical gray matter infrastructure in bilateral auditory-related and frontal brain regions, as manifested in reduced cortical thickness and surface area. Notably, in the younger adults but not in the older adult cohort, cortical surface area in these two gross anatomical clusters correlated with the categorization of consonant-vowel syllables characterized by a short voice-onset time, suggesting the existence of a critical gray matter threshold that is crucial for consistent mapping of phonetic categories varying along the temporal dimension. Taken together, our results highlight the multifaceted dimensions of age-related temporal speech processing characteristics, and pave the way toward a better understanding of the relationships between hearing, speech and the brain in older age

    Multi-sensory working memory - in vision, audition and touch

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    Our nervous systems can perform a vast variety of cognitive tasks, many involving several different senses. Although sensory systems provide a basis for the creation of mental representations, we rely on memory to form mental representations of information that is no longer present in our external world. Focussing on the initial stage of this process, working memory (WM), where information is retained actively over a short time course, experiments included in this thesis were directed toward understanding the nature of sensory representations across the senses (vision, audition and touch). Instead of quantifying how many items one can hold in each sensory modality (all-or-none representations), new response methods were devised to capture the qualitative nature of sensory representations. Measuring quality rather than quantity of information held in WM, has led to the re-evaluation of the nature of its underlying capacity limits. Rather than assuming that WM capacity is limited to a fixed number of items, it may be more suitable to describe WM as a resource which can be shared and flexibly distributed across sensory information. Thus it has been proposed that at low loads we can hold information at a high resolution. However, as soon as memory load is increased, there is a deterioration of the quality at which each individual item can be represented in WM. The resource model of WM has been applied to describe processes of visual WM, but has not been investigated for other sensory modalities. In the first part of my thesis I demonstrate behaviourally that the resource model can be extended to account for processes in auditory WM, associated with the storage of sound frequency (pitch, chapter 2) and speech sounds (phonemes, chapter 3). I then show that it can also be extended to account for storage of tactile vibrational frequencies (chapter 4). Overall, the results suggest that memory representations become noisier with an increase in information load, consistent with the concept that representations are coded as distributed patterns. A pattern may code for individual object features or entire objects. As studies in chapter 2 - 4 only looked at a single type of feature each in separation, I next examined WM information storage for auditory objects, composed of multiple features (chapter 5). Object formation involves binding of features, which become reorganized to create more complex unified representations of previously distributed information. The results revealed a clear feature extraction cost when recall was tested on individual features rather than on integrated objects. One interpretation of these findings is that, at some level in the auditory system, sounds may be stored as integrated objects. In a final study, using fMRI with MVPA (mulitvoxel pattern analysis), memory traces represented as distributed patterns of brain activity were decoded from different regions of the auditory system (chapter 6). The major goal was to resolve the debate on the role of early sensory cortices in cognition: are they primarily involved in the perception of low-level stimulus features or also in maintenance of the same features in memory? I demonstrate that perception and memory share common neural substrates, where early auditory cortex serves as a substrate to accommodate both processes. Overall, in this thesis memory representations were characterized across the senses in three different ways: (1) measuring them in terms of their quality or resolution, (2) testing whether the preferred format is on the feature or integrated object level; and (3) as patterns of brain activity. Findings converge along the concept that noisy representations actively held in WM are coded as distributed patterns in the brain
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