37 research outputs found

    Fixed-Parameter Approximability of Boolean MinCSPs

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    The minimum unsatisfiability version of a constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) asks for an assignment where the number of unsatisfied constraints is minimum possible, or equivalently, asks for a minimum-size set of constraints whose deletion makes the instance satisfiable. For a finite set Gamma of constraints, we denote by CSP(Gamma) the restriction of the problem where each constraint is from Gamma. The polynomial-time solvability and the polynomial-time approximability of CSP(Gamma) were fully characterized by [Khanna et al. SICOMP 2000]. Here we study the fixed-parameter (FP-) approximability of the problem: given an instance and an integer k, one has to find a solution of size at most g(k) in time f(k)n^{O(1)} if a solution of size at most k exists. We especially focus on the case of constant-factor FP-approximability. Our main result classifies each finite constraint language Gamma into one of three classes: (1) CSP(Gamma) has a constant-factor FP-approximation; (2) CSP(Gamma) has a (constant-factor) FP-approximation if and only if Nearest Codeword has a (constant-factor) FP-approximation; (3) CSP(Gamma) has no FP-approximation, unless FPT=W[P]. We show that problems in the second class do not have constant-factor FP-approximations if both the Exponential-Time Hypothesis (ETH) and the Linear PCP Conjecture (LPC) hold. We also show that such an approximation would imply the existence of an FP-approximation for the k-Densest Subgraph problem with ratio 1-epsilon for any epsilon>0

    A Characterization of Approximation Resistance for Even kk-Partite CSPs

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    A constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) is said to be \emph{approximation resistant} if it is hard to approximate better than the trivial algorithm which picks a uniformly random assignment. Assuming the Unique Games Conjecture, we give a characterization of approximation resistance for kk-partite CSPs defined by an even predicate

    The power of linear programming for general-valued CSPs

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    Let DD, called the domain, be a fixed finite set and let Γ\Gamma, called the valued constraint language, be a fixed set of functions of the form f:Dm→Q∪{∞}f:D^m\to\mathbb{Q}\cup\{\infty\}, where different functions might have different arity mm. We study the valued constraint satisfaction problem parametrised by Γ\Gamma, denoted by VCSP(Γ)(\Gamma). These are minimisation problems given by nn variables and the objective function given by a sum of functions from Γ\Gamma, each depending on a subset of the nn variables. Finite-valued constraint languages contain functions that take on only rational values and not infinite values. Our main result is a precise algebraic characterisation of valued constraint languages whose instances can be solved exactly by the basic linear programming relaxation (BLP). For a valued constraint language Γ\Gamma, BLP is a decision procedure for Γ\Gamma if and only if Γ\Gamma admits a symmetric fractional polymorphism of every arity. For a finite-valued constraint language Γ\Gamma, BLP is a decision procedure if and only if Γ\Gamma admits a symmetric fractional polymorphism of some arity, or equivalently, if Γ\Gamma admits a symmetric fractional polymorphism of arity 2. Using these results, we obtain tractability of several novel classes of problems, including problems over valued constraint languages that are: (1) submodular on arbitrary lattices; (2) kk-submodular on arbitrary finite domains; (3) weakly (and hence strongly) tree-submodular on arbitrary trees.Comment: A full version of a FOCS'12 paper by the last two authors (arXiv:1204.1079) and an ICALP'13 paper by the first author (arXiv:1207.7213) to appear in SIAM Journal on Computing (SICOMP

    Parameterized Complexity Classification for Interval Constraints

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    Constraint satisfaction problems form a nicely behaved class of problems that lends itself to complexity classification results. From the point of view of parameterized complexity, a natural task is to classify the parameterized complexity of MinCSP problems parameterized by the number of unsatisfied constraints. In other words, we ask whether we can delete at most kk constraints, where kk is the parameter, to get a satisfiable instance. In this work, we take a step towards classifying the parameterized complexity for an important infinite-domain CSP: Allen's interval algebra (IA). This CSP has closed intervals with rational endpoints as domain values and employs a set AA of 13 basic comparison relations such as ``precedes'' or ``during'' for relating intervals. IA is a highly influential and well-studied formalism within AI and qualitative reasoning that has numerous applications in, for instance, planning, natural language processing and molecular biology. We provide an FPT vs. W[1]-hard dichotomy for MinCSP(Γ)(\Gamma) for all Γ⊆A\Gamma \subseteq A. IA is sometimes extended with unions of the relations in AA or first-order definable relations over AA, but extending our results to these cases would require first solving the parameterized complexity of Directed Symmetric Multicut, which is a notorious open problem. Already in this limited setting, we uncover connections to new variants of graph cut and separation problems. This includes hardness proofs for simultaneous cuts or feedback arc set problems in directed graphs, as well as new tractable cases with algorithms based on the recently introduced flow augmentation technique. Given the intractability of MinCSP(A)(A) in general, we then consider (parameterized) approximation algorithms and present a factor-22 fpt-approximation algorithm

    On streaming approximation algorithms for constraint satisfaction problems

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    In this thesis, we explore streaming algorithms for approximating constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs). The setup is roughly the following: A computer has limited memory space, sees a long "stream" of local constraints on a set of variables, and tries to estimate how many of the constraints may be simultaneously satisfied. The past ten years have seen a number of works in this area, and this thesis includes both expository material and novel contributions. Throughout, we emphasize connections to the broader theories of CSPs, approximability, and streaming models, and highlight interesting open problems. The first part of our thesis is expository: We present aspects of previous works that completely characterize the approximability of specific CSPs like Max-Cut and Max-Dicut with n\sqrt{n}-space streaming algorithm (on nn-variable instances), while characterizing the approximability of all CSPs in n\sqrt n space in the special case of "composable" (i.e., sketching) algorithms, and of a particular subclass of CSPs with linear-space streaming algorithms. In the second part of the thesis, we present two of our own joint works. We begin with a work with Madhu Sudan and Santhoshini Velusamy in which we prove linear-space streaming approximation-resistance for all ordering CSPs (OCSPs), which are "CSP-like" problems maximizing over sets of permutations. Next, we present joint work with Joanna Boyland, Michael Hwang, Tarun Prasad, and Santhoshini Velusamy in which we investigate the n\sqrt n-space streaming approximability of symmetric Boolean CSPs with negations. We give explicit n\sqrt n-space sketching approximability ratios for several families of CSPs, including Max-kkAND; develop simpler optimal sketching approximation algorithms for threshold predicates; and show that previous lower bounds fail to characterize the n\sqrt n-space streaming approximability of Max-33AND.Comment: Harvard College senior thesis; 119 pages plus references; abstract shortened for arXiv; formatted with Dissertate template (feel free to copy!); exposits papers arXiv:2105.01782 (APPROX 2021) and arXiv:2112.06319 (APPROX 2022

    The power of Sherali-Adams relaxations for general-valued CSPs

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    We give a precise algebraic characterisation of the power of Sherali-Adams relaxations for solvability of valued constraint satisfaction problems to optimality. The condition is that of bounded width which has already been shown to capture the power of local consistency methods for decision CSPs and the power of semidefinite programming for robust approximation of CSPs. Our characterisation has several algorithmic and complexity consequences. On the algorithmic side, we show that several novel and many known valued constraint languages are tractable via the third level of the Sherali-Adams relaxation. For the known languages, this is a significantly simpler algorithm than the previously obtained ones. On the complexity side, we obtain a dichotomy theorem for valued constraint languages that can express an injective unary function. This implies a simple proof of the dichotomy theorem for conservative valued constraint languages established by Kolmogorov and Zivny [JACM'13], and also a dichotomy theorem for the exact solvability of Minimum-Solution problems. These are generalisations of Minimum-Ones problems to arbitrary finite domains. Our result improves on several previous classifications by Khanna et al. [SICOMP'00], Jonsson et al. [SICOMP'08], and Uppman [ICALP'13].Comment: Full version of an ICALP'15 paper (arXiv:1502.05301

    Optimal Inapproximability Results for MAX-CUT and Other 2-Variable CSPs?

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    In this paper we show a reduction from the Unique Games problem to the problem of approximating MAX-CUT to within a factor of αGW + ∈, for all ∈ \u3e 0; here αGW ≈ .878567 denotes the approximation ratio achieved by the Goemans-Williamson algorithm [26]. This implies that if the Unique Games Conjecture of Khot [37] holds then the Goemans-Williamson approximation algorithm is optimal. Our result indicates that the geometric nature of the Goemans-Williamson algorithm might be intrinsic to the MAX-CUT problem. Our reduction relies on a theorem we call Majority Is Stablest. This was introduced as a conjecture in the original version of this paper, and was subsequently confirmed in [45]. A stronger version of this conjecture called Plurality Is Stablest is still open, although [45] contains a proof of an asymptotic version of it. Our techniques extend to several other two-variable constraint satisfaction problems. In particular, subject to the Unique Games Conjecture, we show tight or nearly tight hardness results for MAX-2SAT, MAX-q-CUT, and MAX-2LIN(q). For MAX-2SAT we show approximation hardness up to a factor of roughly .943. This nearly matches the .940 approximation algorithm of Lewin, Livnat, and Zwick [41]. Furthermore, we show that our .943... factor is actually tight for a slightly restricted version of MAX-2SAT. For MAX-q-CUT we show a hardness factor which asymptotically (for large q) matches the approximation factor achieved by Frieze and Jerrum [25], namely 1 − 1/q + 2(ln q)/q2 . For MAX-2LIN(q) we show hardness of distinguishing between instances which are (1−∈)-satisfiable and those which are not even, roughly, (q−∈/2)-satisfiable. These parameters almost match those achieved by the recent algorithm of Charikar, Makarychev, and Makarychev [10]. The hardness result holds even for instances in which all equations are of the form xi − xj = c. At a more qualitative level, this result also implies that 1 − ∈ vs. ∈ hardness for MAX-2LIN(q) is equivalent to the Unique Games Conjecture

    Optimal Polynomial-Time Compression for Boolean Max CSP

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    In the Boolean maximum constraint satisfaction problem - Max CSP(?) - one is given a collection of weighted applications of constraints from a finite constraint language ?, over a common set of variables, and the goal is to assign Boolean values to the variables so that the total weight of satisfied constraints is maximized. There exists a concise dichotomy theorem providing a criterion on ? for the problem to be polynomial-time solvable and stating that otherwise it becomes NP-hard. We study the NP-hard cases through the lens of kernelization and provide a complete characterization of Max CSP(?) with respect to the optimal compression size. Namely, we prove that Max CSP(?) parameterized by the number of variables n is either polynomial-time solvable, or there exists an integer d ? 2 depending on ?, such that: 1) An instance of Max CSP(?) can be compressed into an equivalent instance with ?(n^d log n) bits in polynomial time, 2) Max CSP(?) does not admit such a compression to ?(n^{d-?}) bits unless NP ? co-NP / poly. Our reductions are based on interpreting constraints as multilinear polynomials combined with the framework of constraint implementations. As another application of our reductions, we reveal tight connections between optimal running times for solving Max CSP(?). More precisely, we show that obtaining a running time of the form ?(2^{(1-?)n}) for particular classes of Max CSPs is as hard as breaching this barrier for Max d-SAT for some d