1,576 research outputs found

    Non-fungible tokens (NFTS) and their security challenges

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    The Non-Fungible Token (NFT) market has been exploding in the past years. The notion of NFT originated with Ethereum's token standard, which aimed to differentiate each token using distinguishing signals. Tokens of this type can be associated with virtual or digital properties to serve as unique identifiers. Using NFTs Non-Fungible Token (NFT) is a new technology gaining traction in the Blockchain industry. In this article, we examine state-of the art NFT systems that have the potential to reshape the market for digital virtual assets. We will assess the security of existing NFT systems and expand on the opportunities and prospective uses for the NFT idea. Finally, we discuss existing research challenges that must be overcome before mass-market penetration may occur. We hope that this paper provides an up-to-date analysis and summary of existing and proposed solutions and projects, making it easier for newcomers to stay current.Fonksuz Belirteç (NFT) pazarı son yıllarda patlama yapıyor. NFT'nin nosyonu Ethereum'un belirteç standardıyla ortaya çıkmıştır ve bu durum, her belirteci ayırt edici sinyaller kullanarak ayırt etmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu tipteki belirteçler, benzersiz tanımlayıcılar olarak hizmet vermek için sanal veya dijital özelliklerle ilişkilendirilebilir. NFTS Non-Fungible Token (NFT) kullanmak, Blockchain endüstrisinde yeni bir teknoloji kazanıyor. Bu makalede, dijital sanal varlıklar için pazarı yeniden şekillendirme potansiyeline sahip son teknoloji ürünü NFT sistemlerini inceliyoruz. Mevcut NFT sistemlerinin güvenliğini değerlendirecek ve NFT fikri için fırsatları ve olası kullanımları genişleteceğiz. Son olarak, kitle pazara giriş gerçekleşmeden önce aşılması gereken mevcut araştırma zorluklarını ele alıyoruz. Bu incelemede, mevcut ve önerilen çözüm ve projelerin güncel bir analizi ve özeti sağlanarak, yeni gelenlerin güncel kalmasını kolaylaştırılmasını umuyoruz.No sponso

    Identity and Privacy Governance

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    Identity and Privacy Governance

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    Identity and Privacy Governance

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    Identity and Privacy Governance

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    Identity and Privacy Governance

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    Identity and Privacy Governance

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    Speak Out: Verifying and Unmasking Cryptocurrency User Identity

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    Terror attacks pose a serious threat to public safety and national security. New technologies assist these attacks, magnify them, and render them deadlier. The more funding terrorist organizations manage to raise, the greater their capacity to recruit members, organize, and commit terror attacks. Since the September 11, 2001 terror attacks, law enforcement agencies have increased their efforts to develop more anti-terrorism and anti-money laundering regulations, which are designed to block the flow of financing of terrorism and cut off its oxygen. However, at present, most regulatory measures focus on traditional currencies. As these restrictions become more successful, the likelihood that cryptocurrencies will be used as an alternative to fund illicit behaviors grows. Furthermore, the COVID-19 virus and subsequent social distancing guidelines have increased the use of cryptocurrencies for money laundering, material support to terror, and other financial crimes. Cryptocurrencies are a game-changer, significantly affecting market functions like never before and making it easier to finance terrorism and other types of criminal activity. These decentralized and (usually) anonymous currencies facilitate a high volume of transactions, allowing terrorists to engage in extensive fundraising, management, transfer, and spending for illegal activities. As cryptocurrencies gain popularity, the issue of regulating them becomes more urgent. This Article proposes to reform cryptocurrency regulation. It advocates for mandatory obligations directed at cryptocurrency issuers, wallet providers, and exchanges to verify the identity of users on the blockchain. Thus, courts could grant warrants obligating cryptocurrency-issuing companies to unmask the identity of cryptocurrency users when there is probable cause that their activities support terrorism or other money laundering schemes. Such reforms would stifle terrorism and other types of criminal activity financed through cryptocurrencies, curbing harmful activities and promoting national security. In recognition of the legal challenges this solution poses, this Article also addresses substantial objections that might be raised regarding the proposed reforms, such as innovation concerns, First Amendment arguments, and Fourth Amendment protections. It concludes by addressing measures to efficiently promote application of the proposed reforms

    Comparison of Blockchain technology in various segments of supply chain management

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    Blockchain technology promises to disrupt existing business processes by replacing existing centralized systems. Blockchain technology has gotten plenty of attention in the past few years. The interest in the new technology has reached logistics and supply chain management. When blockchain technology is implemented successfully it can bring benefits such as cost savings, better visibility, and better efficiency. Businesses could greatly benefit from these matters and get competitive advantage if they succeed to implement blockchain technology successfully before their competitors. There are various blockchain platforms available and new platforms are created continuously. These platforms can differ greatly from each other in terms of performance, scalability, and privacy. When considering implementing blockchain technology to supply chains it is key to choose a platform which has the best match to the particular use case. There is earlier research done about different blockchain platforms in different applications, but it is hard to get a bigger picture difference of blockchain platforms in supply chain applications from single studies. This research combines earlier research of the topic using qualitative meta-synthesis. The aim of the study is to find out the differences between Hyperledger Fabric, Ethereum, Corda, Multichain, and Bitcoin platforms. Study found big differences in the suitability to supply chain applications between the platforms. It is key to understand comprehensively the needs for the platform before any decisions between platforms are made, because choosing between these platforms is a tradeoff. The result of the study was that Hyperledger Fabric shoved the best results in most use cases. The biggest challenge in this thesis was to find relevant information because the technology is relatively new.Blockchain teknologialla on mahdollisuus häiritä olevia liiketoimintaprosesseja korvaamalla nykyiset keskitetyt järjestelmät. Lohkoketju teknologia on saanut yhä enemmissä määrin huomiota viime vuosina. Kiinnostus uutta teknologiaa kohtaan on saavuttanut logistiikan ja toimitusketjun hallinnan. Jos lohkoketju teknologia pystytään implementoimaan onnistuneesti, se voi tuoda etuja, kuten kustannussäästöjä ja parempaa tehokkuutta. Tämä voisi suuresti hyödyttää yrityksiä, jos ne onnistuvat ottamaan lohkoketju teknologian käyttöön onnistuneesti ennen kilpailijoitaan. Jo nykyisin saatavilla on erilaisia lohkoketju alustoja ja uusia alustoja luodaan jatkuvasti. Nämä alustat voivat erota suuresti toisistaan muun muassa suorituskyvyn, skaalautuvuuden ja yksityisyyden suhteen. Kun harkitaan lohkoketju teknologian käyttöönottoa toimitusketjuissa, on tärkeää valita alusta, joka sopii parhaiten omaan käyttötarkoitukseen. Eri sovelluksissa eri lohkoketju alustoista on tehty aiemminkin tutkimuksia, mutta yksittäisistä tutkimuksista on vaikea saada suurempaa kuvaa lohkoketju alustojen eroista toimitusketju sovelluksissa. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on tutkia metasynteesi tutkimusmenetelmää hyödyntäen Hyperledger Fabric-, Ethereum-, Corda-, Multichain- ja Bitcoin- alustojen eroavaisuuksia. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin suuria eroja alustojen välillä soveltuvuudessa toimitusketju sovelluksiin. On tärkeää ymmärtää kokonaisvaltaisesti omat tarpeet alustalle ennen päätöksiä alustojen välillä, sillä valinta on kompromissi alustojen eroavaisuuksista johtuen. Tutkimuksen tuloksena havaittiin, että Hyperledger Fabric saavutti parhaat tulokset useimmissa käyttötapauksissa. Suurin haaste tässä opinnäytetyössä oli olennaisen tiedon löytäminen, koska tekniikka on suhteellisen uutta

    Guardians of the Metaverse: Expert Assessment of Emerging Privacy Challenges and Mitigation Strategies

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    The metaverse describes persistent and interconnected 3D multi-user environments that are characterized by the fusion of physical and virtual worlds. Fueled by the rebranding of Meta, the metaverse is experiencing a resurgence and has attracted the attention of practitioners and scholars, resulting in a new wave of publications. While cutting-edge technologies offer unprecedented immersive experiences, users face new privacy situations as metaverse technologies require extensive data collection. Additionally, the spatial nature of the metaverse allows for the observation of digital footprints. This changing context of data disclosure necessitates a re-evaluation of privacy. Building on the Multidimensional Development Theory as an overarching framework, I conducted 35 expert interviews, resulting in 16 emerging privacy challenges and corresponding privacy protection measures. With these findings, this paper contributes to research on today’s metaverse by empirically investigating privacy as a crucial aspect and providing practical recommendations for organizations to mitigate negative user reactions