153,945 research outputs found

    Mixed Reality in Craft education

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    Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selventää yhdistetyn todellisuuden hyödyntämistä käsityön opetuksessa. Yhdistetyllä todellisuudella viitataan erilaisiin todellisuuksiin, joihin sekä virtuaalinen maailma että reaalimaailma kuuluvat. Yhdistettyyn todellisuuteen liitetään usein käsitteet virtuaalitodellisuus, lisätty todellisuus sekä lisätty virtuaalisuus. Aiemmat tutkimukset ovat osoittaneet, että yhdistetyn todellisuuden avulla voidaan toteuttaa opetustilanteita, joiden toteuttaminen ei olisi mahdollista reaalimaailman oppimisympäristöissä. Virtuaalisen oppimisympäristön uskotaan lisäävän oppilaan motivaatiota ja luovan moniaistillisen kokemuksen. Haasteina yhdistetyn todellisuuden teknologioiden hyödyntämisessä nähdään niiden muuttavan perinteisten opetuksellisten menetelmien luonnetta sekä tuovan uusia digitaalisia teknologioita osaksi opetusta. Tutkimus mukaili tapaustutkimuksen piirteitä tulevaisuusorientoituneesti. Tutkimuksen teoriaosuudessa perehdyttiin yhdistetyn todellisuuden käsitteeseen, virtuaalisen oppimisympäristön affordansseihin sekä käsityön opetuksen tutkimukseen. Tutkimuksessa suunniteltiin ja toteutettiin testitilanne, johon osallistui neljä käsityönopettajaa. Opettajat tutustuivat kankaan rakenteesta kertovaan opetustuokioon testiympäristössä HTC Vive -laitteiston avulla. Testauksen jälkeen opettajat täyttivät kyselylomakkeen, joka pohjautui teoriasta nousseisiin väitteisiin liittyen virtuaalisen oppimisympäristön affordansseihin. Kyselylomakkeessa tiedusteltiin myös opettajien suhtautumista teknologioihin sekä käsityksiä testatun teknologian mahdollisuuksista käsityön opetuksessa. Kyselylomakkeen jälkeen opettajat osallistuivat puolistrukturoituun haastatteluun, jossa haettiin ideoita teknologian hyödyntämisestä käsityöprosessin opetuksessa. Tutkimuksen tuloksissa todettiin, että yhdistetyn todellisuuden teknologiat tuovat uusia mahdollisuuksia käsityöprosessiin opetukseen. Teknologialla nähtiin olevan mahdollisuuksia harjoittaa oppilaan ideointi- ja suunnittelutaitoja sekä auttavan oppilasta tuotteen valmistusvaiheen suunnittelussa sekä oman työn dokumentoinnissa. Opettajat korostivat oppilaan roolia sisällöntuottajina sekä oppisisällön tärkeyttä uuden digitaalisen teknologian ympärillä. Tuloksissa ilmeni myös, että yhdistetyn todellisuuden teknologioiden uskottiin tekevän epäkäytännöllisistä opetustilanteista mahdollisia, herättävän oppilaan eri aisteja sekä kasvattavan motivaatiota haluttua oppimistehtävää kohtaan.The aim of this study is to clarify how mixed reality technologies can be adapted to teaching and learning of craft. Mixed reality is mixture of different realities, both virtual and real realities. Terms such as virtual reality, augmented reality and augmented virtuality are usually associated to mixed reality. Earlier studies have shown that mixed reality technologies will help learning situations which are impossible or impractical to conduct in the real world. Virtual learning environment has the potential to increase learner’s motivation and create multi-sensory experience. Using mixed reality technologies in teaching can be challenging, because it will change the traditional teaching methods and bring new technologies into the classroom. This study adapted the features of future oriented case study. The theoretical framework of the study consists of mixed reality, virtual learning environment and its affordances as well as theories of teaching and learning of craft. In this study, the mixed reality test in which four Craft teachers participated was designed and implemented. During the test, teachers were introduced to weaving assignment in a virtual reality learning environment with HTC Vive virtual reality system. After the test, teachers filled out a questionnaire where they evaluated the weaving assignment through virtual learning environment affordances. In the questionnaire teachers were also asked about their own attitude towards mixed reality technologies and its possibilities in craft education. At the end of the test teachers par-ticipated in a semistructured interview, which aimed at finding more ideas how to use mixed reality technologies while teaching pupils towards holistic craft process. The results of the study stated that mixed reality technologies have potential benefits for craft education. Mixed reality technologies were seen to have potential to help pupils to learn design skills as well as spatial knowledge while designing 3D-models for further production. Mixed reality technologies can also help pupils in the production and documentation stages. Teachers emphasised the pupil's role as a content creator and the importance of the learning content around the new technology. Furthermore, teachers believed that mixed reality can make impossible learning situations possible and create multi-sensory experience. Mixed reality can also increase pupil’s motivation and bring pupils into the learning topics which might not be otherwise interesting

    Visualising mixed reality simulation for multiple users

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    Cowling, MA ORCiD: 0000-0003-1444-1563Blended reality seeks to encourage co-presence in the classroom, blending student experience across virtual and physical worlds. In a similar way, Mixed Reality, a continuum between virtual and real environments, is now allowing learners to work in both the physical and the digital world simultaneously, especially when combined with an immersive headset experience. This experience provides innovative new experiences for learning, but faces the challenge that most of these experiences are single user, leaving others outside the new environment. The question therefore becomes, how can a mixed reality simulation be experienced by multiple users, and how can we present that simulation effectively to users to create a true blended reality environment? This paper proposes a study that uses existing screen production research into the user and spectator to produce a mixed reality simulation suitable for multiple users. A research method using Design Based Research is also presented to assess the usability of the approach

    Reflections on the use of Project Wonderland as a mixed-reality environment for teaching and learning

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    This paper reflects on the lessons learnt from MiRTLE?a collaborative research project to create a ?mixed reality teaching and learning environment? that enables teachers and students participating in real-time mixed and online classes to interact with avatar representations of each other. The key hypothesis of the project is that avatar representations of teachers and students can help create a sense of shared presence, engendering a greater sense of community and improving student engagement in online lessons. This paper explores the technology that underpins such environments by presenting work on the use of a massively multi-user game server, based on Sun?s Project Darkstar and Project Wonderland tools, to create a shared teaching environment, illustrating the process by describing the creation of a virtual classroom. It is planned that the MiRTLE platform will be used in several trial applications ? which are described in the paper. These example applications are then used to explore some of the research issues arising from the use of virtual environments within an education environment. The research discussion initially focuses on the plans to assess this within the MiRTLE project. This includes some of the issues of designing virtual environments for teaching and learning, and how supporting pedagogical and social theories can inform this process

    MiRTLE (Mixed-Reality Teaching and Learning Environment): from prototype to production and implementation

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    This position paper focuses on our efforts to implement and evaluate a Mixed Reality Teaching and Learning Environment (MiRTLE) in higher education institutions and other organisations, our current technical research to streamline and improve the utility of the system, and potential pedagogical developments for MiRTLE in the future

    The LAB@FUTURE Project - Moving Towards the Future of E-Learning

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    This paper presents Lab@Future, an advanced e-learning platform that uses novel Information and Communication Technologies to support and expand laboratory teaching practices. For this purpose, Lab@Future uses real and computer-generated objects that are interfaced using mechatronic systems, augmented reality, mobile technologies and 3D multi user environments. The main aim is to develop and demonstrate technological support for practical experiments in the following focused subjects namely: Fluid Dynamics - Science subject in Germany, Geometry - Mathematics subject in Austria, History and Environmental Awareness – Arts and Humanities subjects in Greece and Slovenia. In order to pedagogically enhance the design and functional aspects of this e-learning technology, we are investigating the dialogical operationalisation of learning theories so as to leverage our understanding of teaching and learning practices in the targeted context of deployment

    Toward future 'mixed reality' learning spaces for STEAM education

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    Digital technology is becoming more integrated and part of modern society. As this begins to happen, technologies including augmented reality, virtual reality, 3d printing and user supplied mobile devices (collectively referred to as mixed reality) are often being touted as likely to become more a part of the classroom and learning environment. In the discipline areas of STEAM education, experts are expected to be at the forefront of technology and how it might fit into their classroom. This is especially important because increasingly, educators are finding themselves surrounded by new learners that expect to be engaged with participatory, interactive, sensory-rich, experimental activities with greater opportunities for student input and creativity. This paper will explore learner and academic perspectives on mixed reality case studies in 3d spatial design (multimedia and architecture), paramedic science and information technology, through the use of existing data as well as additional one-on-one interviews around the use of mixed reality in the classroom. Results show that mixed reality can provide engagement, critical thinking and problem solving benefits for students in line with this new generation of learners, but also demonstrates that more work needs to be done to refine mixed reality solutions for the classroom

    Virtual reality in theatre education and design practice - new developments and applications

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    The global use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) has already established new approaches to theatre education and research, shifting traditional methods of knowledge delivery towards a more visually enhanced experience, which is especially important for teaching scenography. In this paper, I examine the role of multimedia within the field of theatre studies, with particular focus on the theory and practice of theatre design and education. I discuss various IT applications that have transformed the way we experience, learn and co-create our cultural heritage. I explore a suite of rapidly developing communication and computer-visualization techniques that enable reciprocal exchange between students, theatre performances and artefacts. Eventually, I analyse novel technology-mediated teaching techniques that attempt to provide a new media platform for visually enhanced information transfer. My findings indicate that the recent developments in the personalization of knowledge delivery, and also in student-centred study and e-learning, necessitate the transformation of the learners from passive consumers of digital products to active and creative participants in the learning experience

    Teaching Cultural Heritage using Mobile Augmented Reality

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    open2noThe relationship between augmented reality, mobile learning, gamification and non-formal education methods provide a great potential. The AR-CIMUVE Augmented Reality for the Walled Cities of the Veneto is an original project in collaboration with Italia Nostra and other associations which deal with transmitting our cultural heritage and which teach primary and middle school children the cultural and historical importance of the Veneto’s and the surrounding territories’ walled cities. In this learning experience students will explore how our environment has developed across the ages using the mobile devices with the technical back-up of the AR App. This will allow them to see maps, examine data, 3D models and will enable them to judge and improve their skills. From a pedagogical and educational point of view the emphasis is on a constructivist social-cultural approach which helps students to become active citizens more aware of their historical identity.openPetrucco, Corrado; Agostini, DanielePetrucco, Corrado; Agostini, Daniel