13 research outputs found

    Executing Hydrodynamic Simulation on Desktop Grid with ObjectWeb ProActive

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    In this paper, we show how with the grid middleware ObjectWeb ProActive, we have improved and adapted the deployment of a numerical Hydrodynamic Simulation application, the TELEMAC parallel System, for desktop grid

    A viewer tool for multi-active object

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    International audienceActive object is a concurrency design pattern, which is based on allocating a singlethread and control for each independent activity. However today in the era ofmulticore machines using one thread is a great disadvantage. Using a single threadmay also cause deadlocks during the execution. That is why solution calledmultiactive object was presented and implemented in a java library called ProActive.The core idea of this solution is to make these activities multithreaded. In this work Iwill present a tool, which demonstrates the behavior of the multiactive objects basedon the logs made by the library. The main purpose of the tool is to help users to debugtheir applications. Several use cases will be presented revealing main features of thetool and the way user should use them

    Peer-to-Peer and Fault-tolerance: Towards Deployment-based Technical Services

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    International audienceFor effective components, non-functional aspects must be added to the application functional code. Likewise enterprise middleware and component platforms, in the context of Grids, services must be deployed at execution in the component containers in order to implement those aspects without application code modifications. This paper proposes an architecture for defining, configuring, and deploying such Technical Services in a Grid platform

    The many faces of publish/subscribe

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    Well adapted to the loosely coupled nature of distributed interaction in large-scale applications, the publish/subscribe communication paradigm has recently received increasing attention. With systems based on the publish/subscribe interaction scheme, subscribers register their interest in an event, or a pattern of events, and are subsequently asynchronously notified of events generated by publishers. Many variants of the paradigm have recently been proposed, each variant being specifically adapted to some given application or network model. This paper factors out the common denominator underlying these variants: full decoupling of the communicating entities in time, space, and synchronization. We use these three decoupling dimensions to better identify commonalities and divergences with traditional interaction paradigms. The many variations on the theme of publish/subscribe are classified and synthesized. In particular, their respective benefits and shortcomings are discussed both in terms of interfaces and implementations

    Dynamic Proxies for Classes: Towards Type-Safe and Decoupled Remote Object Interaction

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    A dynamic proxy object is a typed proxy, created at runtime, conforming to a type specified by the application. Such an object can be used wherever an expression of the type it was created for is expected, yet reifies all invocations performed on it. This simple but powerful concept has been introduced into Java at version 1.3 (and has later also appeared in the .NET platform). A dynamic proxy is created for a set of interfaces as an instance of a class, generated automatically on the fly without support from the Java compiler or virtual machine, implementing those interfaces. Unfortunately, dynamic proxies are only available ``for interfaces''. The case of creating dynamic proxies for a set of types including a class type, due to the increased complexity, has not been considered, meaning that it is currently not possible to create a dynamic proxy mimicking an instance of a class. We present a pragmatic approach to supporting dynamic proxies ``for classes'', building on the existing solution to dynamic proxies for interfaces. We discuss the costs of such an extension, in terms of safety, security, and performance, and illustrate its usefulness through a novel abstraction for decoupled remote interaction, unifying (implicit future) remote method invocations and (type-based) publish/subscribe

    Capabilities for External Uniqueness

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    Unique object references have many important applications in object-oriented programming. For instance, with sufficient encapsulation properties they enable safe and efficient transfer of message objects between concurrent processes. However, it is a long-standing challenge to integrate unique references into practical object-oriented programming languages. This paper introduces a new approach to external uniqueness. The idea is to use capabilities for enforcing both aliasing constraints that guarantee external uniqueness, and linear consumption of unique references. We formalize our approach as a type system, and prove a type preservation theorem. Type safety rests on an alias invariant that builds on a novel formalization of external uniqueness. We show how a capability-based type system can be used to integrate external uniqueness into widely available object- oriented programming languages. Practical experience suggests that our system allows adding uniqueness information to common collection classes in a simple and concise way

    Capabilities for Uniqueness and Borrowing

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    An important application of unique object references is safe and efficient message passing in concurrent object-oriented programming. However, to prevent the ill effects of aliasing, practical systems often severely restrict the shape of messages passed by reference. Moreover, the problematic interplay between destructive reads--often used to implement unique references--and temporary aliasing through "borrowed" references is exacerbated in a concurrent setting, increasing the potential for unpredictable run-time errors. This paper introduces a new approach to uniqueness. The idea is to use capabilities for enforcing both at-most-once consumption of unique references, and a flexible notion of uniqueness. The main novelty of our approach is a model of uniqueness and borrowing based on simple, unstructured capabilities. The advantages are: first, it provides simple foundations for uniqueness and borrowing. Second, it can be formalized using a relatively simple type system, for which we provide a complete soundness proof. Third, it avoids common problems involving borrowing and destructive reads, since unique references subsume borrowed references. We have implemented our type system as an extension to Scala. Practical experience suggests that our system allows type checking real-world actor-based concurrent programs with only a small number of additional type annotations


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    This work addresses the problem of the production of hypermedia documentation for applications that require high reliability, particularly technical documentation in safety critical industries. One requirement of this application area is for the availability of a task-based organisation, which can guide and monitor such activities as maintenance and repair. In safety critical applications there must be some guarantee that such sequences are correctly presented. Conventional structuring and design methods for hypermedia systems do not allow such guarantees to be made. A formal design method that is based on a process algebra is proposed as a solution to this problem. Design methods of this kind need to be accessible to information designers. This is achieved by use of a technique already familiar to them: the storyboard. By development of a storyboard notation that is syntactically equivalent to a process algebra a bridge is made between information design and computer science, allowing formal analysis and refinement of the specification drafted by information designers. Process algebras produce imperative structures that do not map easily into the declarative formats used for some hypermedia systems, but can be translated into concurrent programs. This translation process, into a language developed by the author, called ClassiC, is illustrated and the properties that make ClassiC a suitable implementation target discussed. Other possible implementation targets are evaluated, and a comparative illustration given of translation into another likely target, Java