16 research outputs found

    Open innovation and social media use towards informatics reporting: a systematic literature review

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    In the realm of technology development, open innovation paradigm and social media have both acquired massive attention in extensive researches since past several years. Social media, as the key medium has abundant to offer to support open innovation, thus successful innovation is the key to business rapid growth. This research provides a systematic literature review to identify, classify and summarize the factors of open innovation and social media use towards informatics reporting. Informatics reporting through this dynamic channel have been realized by many organizations nowadays, nonetheless greater number still confine with the traditional reports and are not ready to have linkage with social media platforms. Social media has been absolutely recognized as a powerful communication resource to engage stakeholders in virtual community. Hence, the result from the review suggests that there were six factors impacted open innovation and social media use towards informatics reporting, with transparency being the dominant factor. Eventually, these findings may ease the process of developing a model for open innovation paradigm implementing online platforms in organizations informatics reporting. All in all, this research shall assist organizations to plan and strategize the implementation of open innovation in social media platform for the advantage of their succeeding triumph

    Maturity Models Architecture: A large systematic mapping

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    Maturity models are widespread in research and in particular, IT practitioner communities. However, theoretically sound, methodologically rigorous and empirically validated maturity models are quite rare.  This systematic mapping paper focuses on the challenges faced during the development of maturity models. More specifically, it explores the literature on maturity models and standard guidelines to develop maturity models, the challenges identified and solutions proposed.  Our systematic mapping  revealed over six hundred articles on maturity models. Extant literature reveals that researchers have primarily focused on developing new maturity models pertaining to domain-specific problems and/or new enterprise technologies. We find rampant re-use of the design structure of widely adopted models such as Nolan’s Stage of Growth Model, Crosby’s Grid, and Capability Maturity Model (CMM). We also identify three dominant views of maturity models and provide guidelines for various approaches to constructing maturity models with a standard vocabulary. We finally propose using process theories and configurational approaches to address the main theoretical criticisms with regard to maturity models and conclude with some recommendations for maturity model developers


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    The development and deployment of Artificial intelligence (AI) in organizations is of growing interest to the Information systems (IS) discipline. This can be approached from a sociotechnical perspective contributing to managing the unintended outcomes of AI while extending AI use boundaries. This paper presents the findings from a systematic literature review on organizational maturity and readiness for AI development and development. A key result is that extant research has lost sight of AI systems\u27 humanistic and ethical aspects, and principles related to responsible AI are not sufficiently defined. This is a hurdle because principles for responsible AI are fundamental for AI development and deployment ensuring long-term benefits. Drawing from the literature review findings, we provide a conceptual maturity model with two main dimensions (responsible and instrumental), twelve conditions and thirty factors. The maturity and readiness factors for responsible AI are deduced from synthesizing 35 articles in related literature. Specifically, the paper identified six capabilities for responsible AI: AI model, Cooperative AI, ethical awareness, laws & regulations, data governance and continuous improvement; six instrumental capabilities were also identified: strategic alignment, technology, culture, data management, financial and human resource management

    A Methodological Demonstration of Set-Theoretical Approach to Social Media Maturity Models Using Necessary Condition Analysis

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    Despite being widely accepted and applied across research domains, maturity models have been criticized for lacking academic rigor, especially methodologically rigorous and empirically grounded or tested maturity models are quite rare. Attempting to close this gap, we adopt a set-theoretic approach by applying the Necessary Condition Analysis (NCA) technique to derive maturity stages and stage boundaries conditions. The ontology is to view stages (boundaries) in maturity models as a collection of necessary condition. Using social media maturity data, we demonstrate the strength of our approach and evaluate some of arguments presented by previous conceptual focused social media maturity models

    A Set Theoretical Approach to Maturity Models: Guidelines and Demonstration

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    Maturity Model research in IS has been criticized for the lack of theoretical grounding, methodological rigor, empirical validations, and ignorance of multiple and non-linear paths to maturity. To address these criticisms, this paper proposes a novel set-theoretical approach to maturity models characterized by equifinality, multiple conjunctural causation, and case diversity. We prescribe methodological guidelines consisting of a six-step procedure to systematically apply set theoretic methods to conceptualize, develop, and empirically derive maturity models and provide a demonstration of it application on a social media maturity data-set. Specifically, we employ Necessary Condition Analysis (NCA) to identify maturity stage boundaries as necessary conditions and Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) to arrive at multiple configurations that can be equally effective in progressing to higher maturity

    Maturity models : Taking stock and moving forward

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    Maturity models (MMs) are based on the premise that improved maturity in organisational capabilities leads to improvements in the desired outcome measures. This promising potential explains the growing popularity of MMs and the large number of publications on the subject in various academic and professional journals. The present study is based on an analysis of 339 MM papers published in 193 journals between 1973 and 2017. After giving a brief overview of the theoretical underpinnings of MMs, the authors focus on answering the question of ‘where to publish to achieve maximum impact’ from the perspective of potential authors. The impact of a publication, measured by the number of citations collected over its lifetime, is influenced by the quality of the journal (measured by the journal’s article influence score by Clarivate Analytics, Scimago Journal Ranking by Scimago, and Scimago Q category) and the length of public availability of the publication. Results from a variety of partitioning models (decision tree, bootstrap forest, and boosted tree) show that publishing in high-quality, recognised journals tends to result in more citations. In other words, in a network of journals, not all citations are equal as citations in selective, highly ranked journals are more equal than others. It is also important to emphasise that Scimago’s Q classification has no bearing on a paper’s post-publication success; Q classification is a noisy and poor measure of a journal’s quality that is not used globally

    Maturity models – Taking stock and moving forward

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    Maturity models (MMs) are based on the premise that improved maturity in organisational capabilities leads to improvements in the desired outcome measures. This promising potential explains the growing popularity of MMs and the large number of publications on the subject in various academic and professional journals. The present study is based on an analysis of 339 MM papers published in 193 journals between 1973 and 2017. After giving a brief overview of the theoretical underpinnings of MMs, the authors focus on answering the question of ‘where to publish to achieve maximum impact’ from the perspective of potential authors. The impact of a publication, measured by the number of citations collected over its lifetime, is influenced by the quality of the journal (measured by the journal’s article influence score by Clarivate Analytics, Scimago Journal Ranking by Scimago, and Scimago Q category) and the length of public availability of the publication. Results from a variety of partitioning models (decision tree, bootstrap forest, and boosted tree) show that publishing in high-quality, recognised journals tends to result in more citations. In other words, in a network of journals, not all citations are equal as citations in selective, highly ranked journals are more equal than others. It is also important to emphasise that Scimago’s Q classification has no bearing on a paper’s post-publication success; Q classification is a noisy and poor measure of a journal’s quality that is not used globally

    Developing a Method for Measuring Working Out Loud

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    Enterprise social network software platforms (ESNs) are increasingly being deployed in firms across almost every industry as a means of fostering employee collaboration. Although benefits in increased productivity, innovation, and employee engagement are highly touted, there is a high failure rate of these deployments. This often occurs because (1) there is a misapplied focus on technology adoption rather than adoption of the employee behaviors that are ultimately required to obtain those benefits, and (2) it is unclear what those behaviors are and how to measure them. “Working Out Loud” is one possible framework for understanding and measuring the behaviors necessary to fulfill the promise that ESN vendors advertise. It is loosely described as doing work in a way that makes it visible to others, and is often associated with the use of social business tools. As these tools proliferate within organizations, the Working Out Loud concept is becoming increasingly popular as an organizational and individual goal and mantra among social software vendors, their customers, and leading pundits and consultants in this space. Many benefits have been associated with Working Out Loud; however the concept is still somewhat amorphous. No attempts have been made to quantify it and little research has been done on whether the benefits attributed to it really exist. The common industry definition of Working Out Loud identifies two separate behaviors: narrating one’s work in the form of blog posts, status updates, etc. (typically individual behavior), and performing work in a transparent and observable way through the use of an enterprise social platform (typically group or team behavior). This research hypothesizes that these two behaviors do exist and are related but distinct, and thus scales can be developed to measure each. A survey was given to employees of Lexmark International, Inc. (the author’s employer). Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses performed on the data confirmed the hypothesis and resulted in scales for individual and group Working Out Loud that are designed to be minimallyintrusive so as to enable both researchers and practitioners to track an organization’s Working Out Loud behavior on an ongoing basis

    Set-Theoretic Approach to Maturity Models

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    Despite being widely accepted and applied, maturity models in Information Systems (IS) have been criticized for the lack of theoretical grounding, methodological rigor, empirical validations, and ignorance of multiple and non-linear paths to maturity. This PhD thesis focuses on addressing these criticisms by incorporating recent developments in configuration theory, in particular application of set-theoretic approaches. The aim is to show the potential of employing a set-theoretic approach for maturity model research and empirically demonstrating equifinal paths to maturity. Specifically, this thesis employs Necessary Condition Analysis (NCA) to identify maturity stage boundaries as necessary conditions and Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) to arrive at multiple configurations that can be equally effective in progressing to higher maturity. Furthermore, this thesis prescribes methodological guidelines consisting of detailed procedures to systematically apply set theoretic approaches for maturity model research and provides demonstrations of it application on three datasets. The thesis is a collection of six research papers that are written in a sequential manner. The first paper reviews literature on maturity models in IS, identifies research gaps and proposes use of configurational theory to address these challenges. The second paper conceptualizes stage boundaries as necessary conditions and demonstrates the application of Necessary Condition Analysis (NCA) on a social media maturity dataset. Building on the second paper, the third paper conceptualises maturity stage characteristics in terms of configurations using Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA). Overall, the third demonstrates empirically the existence of multiple paths to maturity and provides IS researchers with a six-step procedure and detailed guidelines to systematically apply set theroretic approaches to maturity models (STAMM). The fourth paper then uses the social media maturity dataset, computes maturity scores using different quantitative methods prescribed in maturity models literature and proposes recommendations for maturity model designers. The fifth and sixth papers are demonstrations of applicability of STAMM on different datasets. The fifth replicates and extends a prior research study on ITIL maturity and compares the findings with the results using STAMM. Finally, the sixth paper argues for a multi-method approach by combining STAMM and PLS-SEM in understanding the conditions associated with IT service management (ITSM) maturity. This PhD thesis contributes to the academic discussion on how maturity occurs through configurations. The key contribution is STAMM, a set-theoretic procedure model and method, which employs FsQCA and NCA to empirically demonstrate multiple paths to maturity (or equifinality). It also contributes to set-theoretic approaches, in particular QCA and NCA. Finally, this thesis contributes to multimethod approach by harmoniously integrating PLS-SEM, QCA and NCA, thus adding to the limited body of multi-method literature

    Les médias sociaux d’entreprise pour favoriser la maturité numérique

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    Abstract: Developing their digital maturity is one of the most important goals of contemporary organizations. However, succeeding in this endeavor requires constant changes in the fabric of organizations and within their value-creation processes. Previous studies provided evidence of the benefits of enterprise social media to support value-creation shifts. Hence, exploring the use of enterprise social media to support digital maturity development seems coherent, although underexplored in the extant literature, especially in the context of small organizations. This doctoral research addresses this gap, by studying the use of enterprise social media, an affordable and intuitive technology, to support the development of digital maturity in the context of a small organization. To accomplish this task, we embraced an action research methodology for context understanding and problem-solving. Several data collection techniques were applied, and a template analysis approach supported data analyses, guiding the development of the action research cycles. Our research proposes a theoretical framework in which enterprise social media is likely to trigger different value-creation shifts within the partner organization, supporting the development of a flexible structure to face the challenges of the turbulent digital business environment. The proposed framework is drawn on emergent insights from the action research interventions applied in the context of a small organization. Results suggest that the different forms of value-creation related to the use of enterprise social media platforms supported the partner organization to develop its digital maturity, contributing to the Sociotechnical Systems perspective and the Contingency Theory. Moreover, while describing that technology implementation alone will not advance an organization’s digital maturity, this paper provides managers with insights into how to use enterprise social media as part of their digital maturity strategies, to assess their organizations’ enterprise social media maturity level, and to understand the potential of enterprise social media to create value in the digital business environment.Développer leur maturité numérique est l'un des objectifs les plus importants des entreprises contemporaines. La réussite de cet objectif nécessite des changements constants dans le tissu des organisations et dans leurs processus de création de valeur. Des études antérieures ont démontré les avantages des médias sociaux d'entreprise pour soutenir le changement dans la création de valeur des organisations. Par conséquent, étudier l'utilisation des médias sociaux d'entreprise pour soutenir le développement de la maturité numérique semble cohérent, bien que sous-exploré dans la littérature existante. Pour élargir les connaissances à ce sujet, la présente recherche doctorale vise à comprendre l'utilisation des médias sociaux d'entreprise, une technologie abordable et intuitive pour soutenir le développement de la maturité numérique, dans le cadre d'une petite organisation. La recherche a été menée en s'appuyant sur une méthodologie de recherche-action, afin de bien comprendre le contexte et de soutenir l’organisation partenaire dans ces objectives. Plusieurs techniques de collecte de données ont été employées, et une approche de template analysis a soutenu les analyses de données, guidant le développement des cycles de recherche-action. Notre recherche propose un modèle théorique qui explore l'influence des médias sociaux d'entreprise sur la création de valeur au sein d'une petite organisation. Le cadre théorique proposé a été appliqué dans le contexte de l'organisation partenaire, ce qui nous a permis de constater que les différentes formes de création de valeur liées à l'utilisation des plateformes de médias sociaux d'entreprise ont aidé l'organisation partenaire à développer sa maturité numérique, en ajoutant des contributions aux théories sociotechniques et des contingences. Des contributions managériales de cette recherche incluent des consignes détaillées sur la façon d'utiliser les médias sociaux d'entreprise dans le cadre de leurs stratégies numériques, d'évaluer le niveau de maturité des médias sociaux d'entreprise de leur organisation et de comprendre le potentiel des médias sociaux d'entreprise pour créer de la valeur dans l'environnement numérique d'affaires