659 research outputs found

    The impact and potential of blockchain on securities transaction lifecycle

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    This paper reports the outcome of a series of interviews and focus group meetings with professionals working in post-trade processing and the provision of mutual distributed ledger services. The objective was to elicit and document views on three research hypotheses about the potential impact of mutual distributed ledger technology (‘blockchain’) on post-trade processing global securities markets. These hypotheses are (a) on the appropriate access to mutual distributed ledger; (b) on whether change would be piecemeal or ‘big bang’; and (c) on the extent to which applying mutual distributed ledger in securities settlement would require major changes in business processes. Our research finds that while the use of blockchain to validate operational data in mutual distributed ledgers can yield substantial reductions in both cost and risk, the concept of data sharing itself is far from new. Current interest in mutual distributed ledgers has established significant momentum, but there is a danger of building unrealistic expectations of the extent to which the technology on its own will address the underlying need for co-ordination of business processes both within and between firms. Achieving all the potential benefits from mutual distributed ledgers will require board level buy-in to a substantial commitment of time and resource, and active regulatory support for process reform, with relatively little short term payoff

    How do Machine Learning, Robotic Process Automation, and Blockchains Affect the Human Factor in Business Process Management?

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    This paper summarizes a panel discussion at the 15th International Conference on Business Process Management. The panel discussed to what extent the emergence of recent technologies including machine learning, robotic process automation, and blockchain will reduce the human factor in business process management. The panel discussion took place on 14 September, 2017, at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya in Barcelona, Spain. Jan Mendling served as a chair; Gero Decker, Richard Hull, Hajo Reijers, and Ingo Weber participated as panelists. The discussions emphasized the impact of emerging technologies at the task level and the coordination level. The major challenges that the panel identified relate to employment, technology acceptance, ethics, customer experience, job design, social integration, and regulation

    Tourism and internet of things: a bibliometric analysis of scientific production from the scopus database

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    Tourism is a very emerging sector in any society, very important in econom-ic terms and in job creation, today any traveler increasingly uses technologi-cal means to fully enjoy their trip. The IoT is and increasingly will be a major contributor to smart tourism. To identify the most developed terms in the field of Tourism and Internet of Things, a quantitative analysis was developed in May 2022. This analysis was focused on four hundred and four (404) publications from the Scopus database, published between 2011 and May 4 2022. Before 2011 there were no publications in this area. A bibliometric analysis was performed using the VOSviewer software and a technique of matching terms and co-authorship by authors and countries. Were found 4 clusters for the co-occurrence of terms, 18 clusters for the co-authorship of authors and 6 clusters for the co-authorship of countries. There was a lack of uniformity in the presentation of terms with the same meaning: internet of things, internet of things (iot), iot and internet of thing (iot). This lack of uniformity is probably due to the fact that it is a recent ar-ea of investigation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The evolution of business analytics : based on case study research

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    While business analytics is becoming more significant and widely used by companies from increasing industries, for many the concept remains a complex illusion. The field of business analytics is considerably generic and fragmented, leaving managers confused and ultimately inhibited to make valuable decisions. This paper presents an evolutionary depiction of business analytics, using real-world case studies to illustrate a distinct overview that describes where the phenomenon was derived from, where it currently stands, and where it is heading towards. This paper provides eight case studies, representing three different eras: yesterday (1950s to 1990s), today (2000s to 2020s), and tomorrow (2030s to 2050s). Through cross-case analysis we have identified concluding patterns that lay as foundation for the discussion on future development within business analytics. We argue based on our findings that automatization of business processes will most likely continue to increase. AI is expanding in numerous areas, each specializing in a complex task, previously reserved by professionals. However, patterns show that new occupations linked to artificial intelligence will most probably be created. For the training of intelligent systems, data will most likely be requested more than ever. The increasing data will likely cause complications in current data infrastructures, causing the need for stronger networks and systems. The systems will need to process, store, and manage the great amount of various data types in real-time, while maintaining high security. Furthermore, data privacy concerns have become more significant in recent years, although, the case study research indicates that it has not limited corporations access to data. On the contrary, corporations, people, and devices will most likely become even more connected than ever before.nhhma

    Building a complementary agenda for business process management and digital innovation.

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    The world is blazing with change and digital innovation is fuelling the fire. Process management can help channel the heat into useful work. Unfortunately, research on digital innovation and process management has been conducted by separate communities operating under orthogonal assumptions. We argue that a synthesis of assumptions is required to bring these streams of research together. We offer suggestions for how these assumptions can be updated to facilitate a convergent conversation between the two research streams. We also suggest ways that methodologies from each stream could benefit the other. Together with the three exemplar empirical studies included in the special issue on business process management and digital innovation, we develop a broader foundation for reinventing research on business process management in a world ablaze with digital innovation

    Modelling Business Processes on a Blockchain Eco-System (BPMN)

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    Plokiahela tehnoloogiat on järjest enam vaadeldud kui paljutõotavat tehnoloogiat äriprotsesside muutmiseks. Selle potentsiaal on äratanud paljude ettevõtete tähelepanu uurimaks, kuidas plokiahel saab ettevõtetele kasuks olla. Sellist kasu saab siiski saavutada ainult äriprotsesse uuendades, mitte lihtsalt olemasolevat tehnoloogiat asendades. Protsessimudelid mängivad olulist rolli äriprotsesside uuendamisel, kuna nad analüüsivad neid protsesse ja vajadusel kujundavad ümber. Selles lõputöös uuritakse, kuidas plokiahelale orienteeritud protsesse saab modelleerida BPMN tegevuskeskse modelleerimise paradigma abil. Selle saavutamiseks viiakse läbi uurimistöö mittetulundusühingute auditeerimisprotsesside ümberkujundamise kohta. Äriprotsesse modelleeritakse praeguses vormis ja kujundatakse BPMN abil ümber. Lõputöös uuritakse BPMN sobivust, võttes arvesse harjumuspäraselt esinevaid plokiahela spetsiifilisi mustreid. Lõputöö näitab, et plokiahelale orienteeritud protsesse saab BPMN-iga piisavalt modelleerida. Siiski, BPMN-il puuduvad teatud elemendid, mis võiksid täpsemini kajastada korduma kippuvaid mustreid.Blockchain technology is more and more positioned as a promising technology for changing business processes. This potential has attracted companies to investigate how blockchain can be enable significant benefit gains for companies. However, such gains can only be realized by innovating business processes and not by merely replacing existing technology. Process models play an important role when engaged in innovating business processes because of process analysis and process redesign. This thesis investigates how blockchain-oriented processes can be modelled with the activity-centric modeling paradigm of BPMN. To achieve this, a case study on redesigning the auditing process of a non-profit organization is conducted. The business process is modelled as-is and redesigned by using BPMN. The thesis examines the suitability of BPMN by considering commonly occurring blockchain specific patterns. The thesis shows that blockchain-oriented processes can sufficiently be modeled with BPMN. However, BPMN lack certain elements that could represent commonly occurring patterns more accurately

    The Metaverse evolution: Toward Future Digital Twin Campuses

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    The term 'Metaverse' has been used to refer to the next generation Internet (NextG). New, developing, and recently innovation technologies have enabled the incorporation of digital twins into education's metaverse. This is a shared virtual area that combines all virtual worlds over the Internet. This will enable users represented by digital avatars to interact and cooperate as if they were in the physical world. While the metaverse may seem futuristic, it is accelerating because of emerging technologies such as AI and Extended Reality. This paper explores the technologies utilised to build the metaverse and practical applications on improving the educational experience and offer value by optimising how students are taught. Thus, we shall study in detail eight enabling technologies that are important for the Metaverse ecosystem: Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality. Autonomy of Avatar, Computer Agent, and Digital Twin. Data Storage, Data sharing and Data interoperability. This article will discuss prospective metaverse technology and its difficulties. Finally, we have looked at societal acceptance, privacy, and security challenge